
O nations of Arabia, your day has come, so realize

أمم العروبة جاء يومك فاعلمي

1. O nations of Arabia, your day has come, so realize,
And rise to your place, and advance,

١. أُمَمَ العُروبةِ جاءَ يومُكِ فاعْلَمِي
وإلى مكانكِ فانهَضِي وتقدَّمي

2. Events call out to you urgently,
Dispelling slumber from drowsy peoples,

٢. لَكِ في فَمِ الأحداثِ دعوةُ صارخٍ
ينفِي القرارَ عن الشُّعوب النُوَّمِ

3. So leave your beds, and cast off your worries,
And take the path to the greatest station,

٣. فَدَعِي المضاجِعَ وانْفُضِي عنكِ الكَرَى
وخُذِي السّبيلَ إلى المَقامِ الأعظمِ

4. Gather your strength, and unite as one,
In an Arab unity that protects the banner and finds protection,

٤. ضُمِّي القُوَى وتَجمَّعِي في وَحدةٍ
عربيّةٍ تحمي اللِّواءَ وتحتمي

5. Do not prefer a life of humiliation, and avoid
The morals of the weak and the ways of those resigned,

٥. لا تُؤثِري العيشَ الذّليلَ وجَانِبِي
خُلُقَ الضَّعيفِ وشِيمةَ المُسْتَسْلِمِ

6. This is the path for every proud people,
Raising its banner high for Arab solidarity,

٦. هذا السَّبيلُ لِكُلِّ شعبٍ ماجدٍ
عالي اللِّواءِ إلى العُروبةِ ينتمي

7. And if you seek true friends, the best of them,
Are those who support you when events attack,

٧. وإذا الْتَمَسْتِ الأصدقاءَ فخيرُهم
مَن شدَّ أَزْركِ والحوادثُ ترتمي

8. Who tend to the pact if others renounce it
And go on beneficently as if no sin was made

٨. يَرْعَى الذِّمامَ إذا تَنكَّرَ غيرُه
ومَضَى بعافيةٍ كَأنْ لم يأثَمِ

9. Who judge fairly, not overstepping the bounds
And if an unjust tyrant rebels, no injustice is made,

٩. يُعطي السَّويَّةَ لا يُجاوِزُ حُكْمَها
وإذا تمرَّدَ ظالمٌ لم يَظْلمِ

10. The East has its sanctity, so whoever toys with it
Meets disgrace, and he who protects it gains,

١٠. لِلشّرقِ حُرْمَتُه فمن يَعْبَثْ بها
يَلْقَ الهَوانَ ومن يَصُنْها يَغْنَمِ

11. And if Arabia does not guard its glories,
Then who will guard it, and to whom does the critic complain?

١١. وإذا العروبةُ لم تَصُنْ أمجادَها
فَبِمَنْ تُصانُ وفِيمَ شكوى اللُّوَّمِ

12. This is an age whose people understand
Only the speech of fire or the tongue of blood,

١٢. هذا زمانٌ ليس يفهمُ أهلُه
إلا حديثَ النّارِ أو لُغةَ الدَّمِ

13. The languages of both worlds have multiplied, yet this
Is clearest in tongue and mouth for explanation,

١٣. كَثُرتْ لغاتُ العالمين وهذه
أوفىَ بياناً في اللّسانِ وفي الفمِ

14. Worldly power, so whoever wins it
Wins the world of the victor who dominates,

١٤. القُوَّةُ الدُّنيا فَمَنْ يَظْفَرْ بها
يظفرْ بِدُنيا الغالبِ المُتَحكِّمِ

15. And justice is mostly only discussed
In songs of the guilty and claims of the criminal.

١٥. والعدلُ أكثر ما يكون حَديثُه
أُنْشُودَةَ الجانِي ودَعْوَى المجرِمِ

16. O nations of Arabia where are you, for the flood
Of harm has burst its banks in tumultuous waves!

١٦. أُمَمَ العُروبةِ أين أنْتِ فقد طَغَى
سَيْلُ الأَذَى في موجهِ المُتَضرِّمِ

17. This is the deluge: if you cower before it
It will overwhelm you, but if you confront it, you will be saved

١٧. هذا هو الطُّوفانُ إن تَتَهَيَّبي
يُطْبِقْ عليكِ وإن تَهُبِّي تُعْصَمي

18. So rise up, hesitation will not avail, and remember
The revivals of your forefathers in ancient times,

١٨. هُبِّي فما يُغنِي التردُّدُ واذكري
نَهَضاتِ قومِكِ في الزّمانِ الأقدمِ

19. Excellent is their path to life,
So follow their traces and take their road,

١٩. نِعْمَ السّبيلُ إلى الحياةِ سبيلُهم
فَتَتَبَّعِي آثارَهُمْ وتَرَسَّمي

20. They supported realms with languages and built
A glory without their swords that was not supported

٢٠. دَعَمُوا الممالكَ بالأَسِنّةِ وابْتَنُوا
مجداً بغير سُيوفِهم لم يُدْعَمِ

21. Thrones crumble at the mention of them as though
Struck by lightning bolts hurled from the clouds,

٢١. تَهوِي العروشُ لِذكرِهم وكأنّما
تَرمِي بِشَتَّى من صواعِقَ رُجَّمِ

22. They defeated the forces and attained their goals
Among conquerors with a power that was not defeated,

٢٢. هزموا القُوَى ومضوا إلى غاياتِهم
في الفاتحينَ بقوَّةٍ لم تُهْزَمِ

23. O nations of Arabia there is no survival for one who retreats
Seeking survival, no life for one who shrinks back!

٢٣. أُمَمَ العُروبةِ لا نجاةَ لِمُدْبِرٍ
يبغِي النّجاةَ ولا حَياةَ لِمُحْجمِ

24. What is in breaking apart into discordant factions but that
Which has sapped your weakened, divided power?

٢٤. ما في الصَّوادعِ وهي شَتَّى كالذي
صَدَعَ القُوَى من أمرِكِ المُتَقَسَّمِ

25. Be as one, for splitting up has never ceased
To be a sign of destined, sealed doom,

٢٥. كُوني جميعاً فالتفرُّقُ لم يَزَلْ
مُذْ كانَ من نُذُرِ القضاءِ المُبْرَمِ

26. For building, when cohesive, stands firm
Does not shake from weakness or collapse.

٢٦. إنّ البناءَ إذا تَماسَكَ فَاسْتَوَى
لم يضطرِبْ ضَعفاً ولم يَتَهَدَّمِ

27. And for threatened weakness, weakness is strength
Advancing to repel the strength of the attacker.

٢٧. والضَّعفُ للضَّعفِ المُهَدَّدِ قُوَّةٌ
تَمضِي فتدفعُ قُوّةَ المُتَهجِّمِ

28. The East watches where its people go
And fears the swooping eagles' violence,

٢٨. الشرّقُ ينظرُ أين يذهبُ أهْلُه
ويخافُ عاديةَ النُّسورِ الحُوَّمِ

29. And pleads with its heedless sons
Fearing for them the remorse of the regretful.

٢٩. ويُهيبُ باللّاهينَ من أبنائِه
يَخْشَى عليهم حَسْرَةَ المُتَنَدِّمِ

30. O nations of Arabia, strive as your fathers strove to compose
What of your scattered necklace remained unstrung

٣٠. أُمَمَ العُروبةِ جَدَّ جِدُّكِ فانْظِمي
من عِقدِكِ المنثورِ ما لم يُنْظَمِ

31. You can rule under your banner which once
The world fluttered under, so rule and submit!

٣١. لَكِ أنْ تَسُودِي تحت رايتِكِ التي
خفقتْ لها الدُّنيا فَسُودِي واسْلَمي