1. He is in dire straits until he denies his crown
And until he deems the Throne to spy on him
١. هُوَ الخَطبُ حَتّى يُنكِرَ التاجَ صاحِبُهْ
وَحَتّى يَظُنَّ العَرشَ حَتفاً يُراقِبُهْ
2. If the Throne of the Conquerors lasted, thanks to its Lord
Other thrones were shaken from all sides
٢. لَئِن مادَ عَرشُ الفاتِحينَ بِرَبِّهِ
لَقَد زُلزِلَت مِن كُلِّ عَرشٍ جَوانِبُه
3. And he spent the night with diadems when his crown slipped
A warner that terrifies tyrants with its wailing
٣. وَباتَ عَلى التيجانِ إِذ ريعَ تاجُه
نَذيرٌ يَروعُ المُستَبِدّينَ ناعِبُه
4. The shade of the kingdom was removed from him and
Its seasons turned away from his door and processions
٤. تَكَشَّفَ ظِلُّ المُلكِ عَنهُ وَأَقلَعَت
مَواسِمُهُ عَن بابِهِ وَمَواكِبُه
5. The horizon of the Caliphate was disabled from its light
And he went to bed with its darkness enveloping him
٥. وَعُطِّلَ مِن نورِ الخِلافَةِ أُفقُهُ
فَأَمسى وَما تَنجابُ عَنهُ غَياهِبُه
6. The frustrated hopes resided with him, grief keeping him company
And his chambers and disasters making him lonesome
٦. ثَوى عاثِرَ الآمالِ يونِسُهُ الأَسى
وَتُوحِشُهُ أَوطارُهُ وَمَآرِبُه
7. As if the majesty of the kingdom did not appear around him
Imposing, and its tents were not pitched over him
٧. كَأَنَّ جَلالَ المُلكِ لَم يَبدُ حَولَهُ
مَهيباً وَلَم تضرب عَلَيهِ مَضارِبُه
8. As if the armies and regiments were not marched
To death, stopping anyone who would fight him
٨. كَأَنَّ السَرايا وَالفَيالِقَ لَم تَسِر
إِلى المَوتِ تَثني دونَهُ مَن يُحارِبُه
9. As if the hunted heads did not bow submissively
At his door, hopefully eyed by his chamberlain the day before
٩. كَأَنَّ رُؤوسَ الصِيدِ لم تكُ خشَّعاً
لدى بابه المرجوِّ بالأمس حاجبُه
10. As if the rebels of generosity and glory did not swear allegiance to him
And his gifts did not rain down on them
١٠. كأنَّ بغاةَ الجودِ وَالمَجدِ لَم تَفِد
عَلَيهِ وَلَم تَهطِل عَلَيهِم مَواهِبُه
11. As if the architects of poetry did not crowd his door
With lofty praises embellished by his virtues
١١. كَأَنَّ بُناةَ الشِعرِ لَم تَغشَ بابَهُ
بِمُستَعلِياتٍ تَزدَهيها مَناقِبُه
12. As if the forebears did not adorn the pulpits with his name
Making lawful the religion of God what does not suit it
١٢. كَأَنَّ الأُلى زانوا المَنابِرَ بِاِسمِهِ
أَحَلّوا بِدينَ اللَهِ ما لا يُناسِبُه
13. They folded his mention and entrusted God with his covenant
And every person is hostage to what he earns
١٣. طَوَوا ذِكرَهُ وَاِستَودَعوا اللَهَ عَهدَهُ
وَكُلُّ اِمرِئٍ رَهنٌ بِما هُوَ كاسِبُه
14. I see people resenting someone time makes sit
Even if his flaws were few
١٤. أَرى الناسَ مَن يَقعُد بِهِ الدَهرُ يَنقُموا
عَلَيهِ وَإِن كانَت قَليلاً مَعايِبُه
15. Was he not yesterday God’s shadow amongst us
That we take refuge in, dire are its prospects
١٥. أَلَم يَكُ ظِلَّ اللَهِ بِالأَمسِ بَينَنا
نَلوذُ بِهِ وَالخَطبُ ضَنكٌ مَذاهِبُه
16. Shall we enfeeble the Subduer and hurt the exhausted?
It is enough evil for the lion that his claws are damaged
١٦. أَنُطريهِ قَهّاراً وَنُؤذيهِ مُرهَقاً
كَفى اللَيثَ شَرّاً أَن تُفَلَّ مَخالِبُه
17. Did he not spend among the thirty
A night resisting fate with repeated misfortunes assaulting him
١٧. أَما في الثَلاثينَ اللَواتي تَصَرَّمَت
ذِمامٌ لِمَنكوبٍ تَوالَت نَوائِبُه
18. Did he not stay up one day because of overwhelming sorrows
To protect from worsening consequences
١٨. أَلَم يَقضِ مِنها لَيلَةً نازعَ الكَرى
مَخافَةَ عادٍ يُفزِعُ المُلكَ واثِبُه
19. Oh merciful one! Is there no intercessor? Has it not sufficed
That all people of this life are his adversary
١٩. أَلَم يَستَطِر يَوماً لِخَطبٍ مُساوِرٍ
مُحافَظَةً مِن أَن تَسوءَ عَواقِبُه
20. Did he want evil for the kingdom or did he see
Joy in the wailing of mourners
٢٠. أَلا راحِمٌ هَل مِن شَفيعٍ أَما كَفى
أَكُلُّ بَني الدُنيا عَدُوٌّ يُغاضِبُه
21. Are all his sins misdeeds? Are all his flaws
Misdeeds? Oh you equitable, as we judge him
٢١. أَكانَ يُريدُ السوءَ بِالمُلكِ أَم يَرى
مَسَرَّتَهُ في أَن تَرِنَّ نَوادِبُه
22. Are not all the crowned ones established in justice
That countless are their examples
٢٢. أَكُلُّ مَآتيهِ ذُنوبٌ أَكُلُّهُ
عُيوبٌ أَلا مِن مُنصِفٍ إِذ نُحاسِبُه
23. Are not the forebears who harmed him more deserving harm
And the ones who brought this evil more deserving of evil
٢٣. أَكُلُّ ذَوي التيجانِ بِالعَدلِ قائِمٌ
أَما فيهِمو ما لا تُعَدُّ مَثالِبُه
24. They surrounded him with intrigues and fabricated
Such words as blind to righteousness and lying in them
٢٤. أَلَيسَ الأُلى غَشّوهُ أَجدَرَ بِالأَذى
وَأَولى الوَرى بِالشَرِّ مَن هُوَ جالِبُه
25. And they scared him of death as if
He will face it in the water he is drinking
٢٥. هُمُ اِكتَنَفوهُ بِالدَسائِسِ وَاِفتَروا
مِنَ القَولِ ما يَعمى عَنِ الرُشدِ كاذِبُه
26. He thinks the folds of the crown hide a rebel
Who will wrestle it from him above and rival him
٢٦. وَهُم خَوَّفوهُ المَوتَ حَتّى كَأَنَّما
يُلاقيهِ في الماءِ الَّذي هُوَ شارِبُه
27. And that the throne lies in wait for his downfall
That it schemes against his person and waylays him
٢٧. يَظُنُّ ثَنايا التاجِ تُضمِرُ ثائِراً
يُناوِشُهُ مِن فَوقِهِ وَيُشاغِبُه
28. They cared for the corrupt governors so the people are
Merchandise in their hands, and chaos in his leadership positions
٢٨. وَأَنَّ سَريرَ المُلكِ راصِدُ حَتفِهِ
يُخاتِلُهُ عَن نَفسِهِ وَيُوارِبُه
29. They draw near those with intimacy and distance the closely related
And the companion of right is oppressed, it's owner
٢٩. عُنوا بِوُلاةِ السوءِ فَالشَعبُ سِلعَةٌ
بِأَيديهمو وَالمُلكُ فَوضى مَناصِبُه
30. Many a martyr that the whale laughs around
As his brethren and relatives mourn him
٣٠. يُقَرَّبُ ذو الزُلفى وَيُقصى أَخو الحِجى
وَيُظلَمُ ذو الحَقِّ المُؤَكَّدِ صاحِبُه
31. The evils - if the Imam realizes their hidden reality
He would remain tearless and pouring them
٣١. وَرُبَّ شَهيدٍ يَضحَكُ الحوتُ حَولَهُ
وَيندِبُهُ أَخدانُهُ وَأَقارِبُه
32. With what sin does his Lord deprive him of the kingdom
And its preventer plunders it from him
٣٢. مَساوِئُ لَو يَدري الإِمامُ خَفِيَّها
لَظَلَّ وَما يَرقا مِنَ الدَمعِ ساكِبُه
33. May God shepherd a people who helped the frustrated
And protected the inviolability of Uthman, so the seeker turned away
٣٣. بِأَيِّ مِجَنٍّ يَمنَعُ المُلكَ رَبُّهُ
وَمانِعُهُ عادٍ عَلَيهِ فَسالِبُه
34. And they gave life to Imam Al Murtada and honored him
And the kingdom's horizon continues to be adorned by its planets
٣٤. رَعى اللَهُ قَوماً أَنهَضوا عاثِرَ المُنى
وَصانوا حِمى عُثمانَ فَاِرتَدَّ طالِبُه
٣٥. وَحَيّا الإِمامَ المُرتَضى وَأَعَزَّهُ
وَلا زالَ أُفقُ المُلكِ تَزهى كَواكِبُه