
I say to the people when oppression befalls them

أقول للقوم إذ طاح اللجاج بهم

1. I say to the people when oppression befalls them,
“Do not seek a judge; our covenant is the judge.”

١. أقول للقوم إذ طاح اللَّجاجُ بهم
لا تطلبوا حكماً ميثاقُنا الحَكَم

2. Are you angry when a judge of truth does not approve your falsehood,
One whom the nations would approve his judgment?

٢. أَتغضبون إذا لم يَرْضَ باطلَكم
قاضٍ من الحقِّ تَرضَى حكمه الأُمَمُ

3. Neither jest nor earnestness are laws in our covenant;
In it there is no equality between being and nonexistence.

٣. ما الجِدُّ والهزلُ في ميثاقنا شَرَعٌ
ولا الوجودُ سواءٌ فيه والعدمُ

4. O Sa‘d, it did not alarm me what danger you have attained,
Rather it alarmed me that an idol would be worshipped.

٤. يا سعدُ ما راعني ما نِلْتَ من خطرٍ
وإنّما راعني أن يُعبَدَ الصَّنمُ

5. Is Islam its stronghold while the Pagan symbols
From its banners are a protected sanctuary for ignorance?

٥. أفي الكِنانةِ والإسلامُ حائِطُها
للجاهليَّة من أعلامها حَرَمُ

6. Why would you be afraid if you do not fear consequences,
When neither you are an obstruction, nor is the Judge vengeful?

٦. ماذا تخافُ إذا لم تخشَ عاقبةً
لا أنتَ جانٍ ولا الدّيانُ مُنتقمُ

7. Be however you wish and do not worry about objectors.
The people have surrendered and the command is organized.

٧. كُنْ كيف شِئتَ ولا تَعبأْ بِمعترضٍ
الشَّعبُ مُستسلِمٌ والأمر مُنتظِمُ