1. They hid themselves, met the Prophet in Yathrib
After they disliked going forth, so they hesitated
١. خَفُّوا يُلاقونَ النبيَّ بيثربٍ
من بعدِ ما كَرِهوا الخُروجَ فأحْجَموا
2. So he turned away, refusing to meet them
Thus hated and blamed
٢. فَنَأى وأعرضَ لا يُريدُ لِقاءَهم
وتَكشَّفوا فَمُبَغَّضٌ ومُذَمَّمُ
3. Their ties were cut, as though they were
A flock scattered or a building demolished
٣. وَتقطَّعتْ أسبابُهم فكأنّهم
سَرْحٌ يُبدَّدُ أو بِناءٌ يُهدَمُ
4. Black-faced, their eyes appear dark
So they remain, stabbed by glances, accused
٤. سُودُ الوجوهِ تَرى العُيونُ قَتامها
فَتظلُّ تُطْعَنُ باِللِّحاظِ وَتُرْجَمُ
5. They glance around when walking, and their manner
If they could, they would wrap themselves out of shame
٥. يَتلفَّتونَ إذا مَشَوْا وإخالُهم
لو يَقدِرونَ مِنَ الحياءِ تَلثَّموا
6. The elders wander in sorrow
As if the youth were not theirs
٦. يَتقلَّبُ الآباءُ في حَسَرَاتِهم
وكأنّما الأبناءُ ليسوا مِنْهُمُ
7. Estrangement, refusal, and long severance of ties
So living becomes bitter poison or sticky grits
٧. هَجْرٌ وإعراضٌ وَطُولُ قَطيعةٍ
فالعيشُ سُمٌّ نَاقِعٌ أو عَلْقَمُ
8. They sinned, so this is the punishment, and thus
The evildoer, the criminal is shunned and avoided
٨. هُمْ أجْرَمُوا فَهُوَ الجزاءُ وَهكذا
يُجْفَى ويُجْتَنَبُ المُسِيءُ المجرِمُ
9. Woe to those three! Of what they encountered
Is the worst fate among men, and the greatest
٩. وَيْحَ الثلاثةِ إنّهم مما لَقُوا
لأَشدُّ خَطباً في الرجالِ وأعظمُ
10. They wish if only the earth would shake and fold up
Then they would fold up, as though they never sinned
١٠. وَدُّوا لَو اَنَّ الأرضَ زالتْ فَانْطَوَتْ
ثُمَّ انْطَوَوْا فكأنّهم لم يأثَموا
11. Its sides have narrowed, so none lingers
Behind for themselves, nor moves ahead
١١. ضاقتْ جَوانِبُها فلا مُتأخَّرٌ
فيها لأنفُسِهم ولا مُتقَدَّمُ
12. Each has in the two worlds his recompense
And from the community, a ruler who does not wrong
١٢. كلٌّ له في العالَمين جَزاؤُه
ومِنَ الجماعةِ حَاكِمٌ لا يَظْلِمُ
13. If they judged with reason, an upright verdict
It disciplines the selves and makes them upright
١٣. يَقْضُونَ إنْ عَقَلوا قَضاءً صالحاً
هُوَ للنّفوسِ مُهذِّبٌ ومُقَوِّمُ
14. But if they are ignorant, there is no cure for their affliction
Nor should the likes of them judge
١٤. فإذا هُمو جَهِلُوا فليس لدائِهم
طِبٌّ وليس لمثلِهم أن يَحْكُموا
15. Glory be to your Lord, full of Majesty, He
Did not decree consultation for those who do not understand
١٥. سُبحانَ ربِّكَ ذي الجلالةِ إنّه
لم يُوجبِ الشُّورى لِمَنْ لا يَفْهَمُ
16. Opinion is the opinion of those with knowledge and guidance
While among men there are beasts who do not know
١٦. الرَّأيُ رأيُ ذَوِي المعارِفِ والنُّهَى
ومِنَ الرجالِ بَهائِمٌ لا تَعْلَمُ