
Your horse reached the first of the caravans

بلغت مطيك أول الركبان

1. Your horse reached the first of the caravans
And threw your luggage to the farthest of homelands

١. بَلغتْ مَطيُّكَ أَوّلَ الرُّكبانِ
ورَمتْ بَرحْلِكَ أبعدُ الأوطانِ

2. The determination guided you with forty relentless ones
Ugly faces, despicable colors

٢. حَدَتِ النَّوى بك أربعينَ عَوابساً
شُوهَ الوُجوهُ ذميمةَ الألوانِ

3. Sorrow turned away with its luggage and blood flowed
The water of affairs, so it turned towards the saddlebags

٣. مالَ الأسَى بِرحالِها وجرَى دماً
ماءُ الشُّؤونِ فمالَ بالأرسانِ

4. Its regiments pass through a desolate fearful darkness
In which the flirtations of ravens flow

٤. تمضِي جَوافلُها بأغبرَ مُوحَشٍ
تَنسابُ فيه نواعبُ الغِربانِ

5. The valley of determination, they charted it for those in sorrow
A passage for worries and a theater for sorrows

٥. وادي النَّوى اختطّتْ به لذويِ الأَسَى
مَسْرَى الهُمومِ ومَسرحَ الأحزانِ

6. It moves the riders every day in its direction
To the separation that departed and to the beloved brothers

٦. يُزجِي الرّكائبَ كلَّ يومٍ شَطْرَهُ
غادى الفراقِ ورائحُ الإخوانِ

7. They quickly disappeared like the fallen fortresses
Which fate with its tremors struck

٧. زالوا سِراعاً كالحُصونِ هَوَى بها
قَدَرٌ من الزَّلزالِ ذي الرَّجَفانِ

8. Misfortunes befell and fell in its depths
A people with the banners of defeat complained

٨. عَدَتِ الخطوبُ فَطاحَ في غَمَرَاتِها
شَعبٌ بأفياءِ الكِنانةِ عانِ

9. The fighting warrior continues to be intoxicated
By the fighting enmity, prominent hostility

٩. ضاحِي المَقاتلِ ما يَزالُ يَنوشُه
ضاحي العَداوةِ بارزُ الشَّنآنِ

10. Those proud of the protectors have not ceased to be alarmed
Arrogant over those with crowns

١٠. ما انفَّك يُجزَعُ بالحُماةِ أعزّةً
مُستكبرينَ على ذَوِي التِّيجانِ

11. Rebelling against time making them
A stigma of humiliation and a mark of submission

١١. مُتمرِّدينَ على الزَّمانِ يَسومُهم
سِمةَ الهَوانِ وخُطَّةَ الإِذعانِ

12. The refusal arose with them to a noble horizon
From which the hits of events recoil

١٢. نهضَ الأُباةُ بهم إلى مُستشرفٍ
تَنجابُ عنه قوارعُ الحِدْثانِ

13. High, if jinn in their power
Had designs on it, they would have fallen from the minds

١٣. عَالٍ لَوَ اَنَّ الجِنَّ في سُلطانهِا
هَمَّتْ به لَهَوتْ على الأذقانِ

14. The frightening danger, its resident underestimates
And sees it as a humiliating residence and place

١٤. يَستصغرُ الخَطرَ المَهِيبَ نَزيلُه
ويراه أَهْيَبَ مَنزلٍ ومكانِ

15. The ladder of men to immortality and a ladder
From which the incapable coward falls

١٥. مَرقَى الرّجالِ إلى الخُلودِ وسُلَّمٌ
يَنحطُّ عنه العاجزُ المُتواني

16. And if you are granted an enduring soul
Then congratulations, you are not bound to perish in this world

١٦. وإذا رُزِقْتَ النَّفسَ دائبةَ القُوى
فَاهْنَأْ فلستَ على الزَّمانِ بفانِ

17. The most valuable thing in you is nothing but the spirit of the challenger
Restless in demands, raging in sorrows

١٧. أَعليُّ ما بكَ غيرُ رَوْحةِ نازعٍ
قَلِقِ المطالبِ ثائرِ الأشجانِ

18. The miserable house was too narrow so he headed off
To the house of bliss and the abode of contentment

١٨. ضاقت به الدّارُ الشَّقيَّةُ فَانْتَحى
دارَ النَّعيمِ ومنزلَ الرِّضوانِ

19. The martyr prevailed and left granting his right
To the humiliation of his living and decline

١٩. عَزَّ الشّهيدُ وراح تاركُ حقِّهِ
في ذِلَّةٍ من عَيْشهِ وهَوانِ