
Ukasha, none left behind at the battle

عكاشة ما في الغمر من متخلف

1. Ukasha, none left behind at the battle
Except the battle stripped of its settlers

١. عُكاشَةُ ما في الغَمْرِ من مُتْخلَّفٍ
خلا الغَمْرُ من عُمَّارِهِ فَهْوَ مُقْفِرُ

2. Their swords warned them so they departed
It was abandoned desolate, uninhabited

٢. تناذرَ أهلُوهُ سُيوفكَ فَانْجَلوا
وغُودِرَ وَحْشاً خالياً ليس يُعمَرُ

3. Take the sheep and branded camels
For they are delayed to an appointed time

٣. خُذِ الشّاءَ والإبلَ السِّمانَ فإنّهم
إلى أجلٍ ما دُونَهُ مُتأخَّرُ

4. Either the protection of Islam or the edge of a sharp sword
Upon their backs blood flows forth

٤. فإمّا حِمَى الإسلامِ أو حدُّ قاضبٍ
على مَتْنِهِ مِنهم دَمٌ يَتَفَجَّرُ

5. Ukasha, return with the army without discouragement
It is enough humiliation for the people that they flee and retreat

٥. عُكَاشَةُ عُدْ بالجندِ غيرَ مُخيَّبٍ
كفى القومَ خِزْياً أن يَفِرُّوا ويُدبِرُوا

6. For everything a person loves in himself
And whatever thing that happens your Lord is Greater

٦. لِكُلِّ امرئٍ من نفسِهِ ما تَودُّهُ
وما يكُ من شيءٍ فربُّكَ أكبَرُ

7. To Him belongs the religion, worldly life and what comes after it
So there is nothing except what He wills and determines

٧. له الدّينُ والدّنيا وما بعدَ هذِهِ
فلا شَيءَ إلا ما يَشاءُ ويَقْدِرُ