
We are weary, though the angry foe be not weary

مللنا وما مل العدو المغاضب

1. We are weary, though the angry foe be not weary,
And though the time of trouble be not weary.

١. مَلَلنا وَما مَلَّ العَدُوُّ المُغاضِبُ
وَلِنّا وَما لانَ الزَمانُ المُشاغِبُ

2. It hurries us on to misery when we desire it not,
And from our hopes it lags when we observe it.

٢. يُعاجِلُنا ما لا نُريدُ مِنَ الأَذى
وَيُبطِئُ مِن آمالِنا ما نُراقِبُ

3. We bear hearts around which the days storm
And at which events stab and catastrophes rage.

٣. حَمَلنا قُلوباً يَعصِفُ الدَهرُ حَولَها
وَتَهفو بِها أَحداثُهُ وَالنَوائِبُ

4. We desire the way to safety, yet the whole earth
Is filled with fear in the east and the west.

٤. نُريدُ سَبيلَ الأَمنِ وَالأَرضُ كُلُّها
مَشارِقُها مَذعورَةٌ وَالمَغارِبُ

5. The peoples of the two worlds are in ferment,
While a people in the midst of calmness wishes for submission.

٥. تَثورُ شُعوبُ العالَمينَ وَيَنطَوي
عَلى الذُلِّ شَعبٌ في السَكينَةِ راغِبُ

6. We have been thrown among a people whose hearts' sickness
Inflicts upon us what a warrior's swords cannot inflict.

٦. رُمينا بِأَقوامٍ مِراضٍ قُلوبُهُم
يَسومُونَنا ما لا يُسامُ المُحارِبُ

7. Neither blood nor honor is forbidden,
Neither violence prohibited nor kindness obligatory.

٧. فَلا الدَمُ مَمنوعٌ وَلا العِرضُ سالِمٌ
وَلا العَسفُ مَحظورٌ وَلا الرِفقُ واجِبُ

8. He who does not desire havoc is led toward it
And goes reluctantly, though with a yearning soul.

٨. يُقادُ إِلى الهَيجاءِ مَن لا يُريدُها
فَيَمشي إِلَيها وَهوَ طَيّانُ ساغِبُ

9. He has obeyed the foe, not because he betrayed his people,
Rather because party strife restricted him.

٩. أَطاعَ العِدى لا أَنَّهُ خانَ قَومَهُ
وَلَكِنَّما ضاقَت عليه المذاهبُ

10. They robbed him of wealth and family and took possession
Of the love and bounty that were his livelihood.

١٠. هُمو سَلَبوهُ المالَ وَالآلَ وَاِحتَوَوا
مِنَ الحَبِّ وَالأَنعامِ ما هُوَ كاسِبُ

11. So he knows not whether there is room for him in the land
Or whether the horizons have closed in upon him.

١١. فَأَصبَحَ لا يَدري أَفي الأَرضِ مَذهَبٌ
أَمِ اِنطَبَقَت أَطرافُها وَالمَناكِبُ

12. He volunteered to face death, not out of courage,
But because he flees in fear from the fear of death.

١٢. تَطَوَّعَ يَلقى المَوتَ لا مِن شَجاعَةٍ
وَلِكِنَّهُ مِن خيفَةِ المَوتِ هارِبُ

13. Hunger's violence drives him on though he be doubly armed;
Spears push him from the rear, and likewise sharp swords.

١٣. رَماهُ مِنَ الجوعِ المُبَرِّحِ مِقنَبٌ
تَدينُ لَهُ الهَيجا وَتَعنو المَقانِبُ

14. When he turns his back the tongues attack him,
And when he comes to them, the weapons come in war apparel.

١٤. إِذا كَرَّ لاقَتهُ الأَسِنَّةُ خُضَّعاً
وَجاءَتهُ في زِيِّ العِصِيِّ القَواضِبُ

15. I pity a people made prey and a nation
Encircled by an army of oppression made victorious.

١٥. أَسِفتُ لِشَعبٍ مُستَباحٍ وَأُمَّةٍ
أَحاطَ بِها جَيشٌ مِنَ الظُلمِ غالِبُ

16. They make attack after attack upon it
And spy out its vulnerable points for the final assault.

١٦. تُمارِسُ مِنهُ غارَةً بَعدَ غارَةٍ
وَتَرقُبُ فيهِ ما تَجيءُ العَواقِبُ

17. By day it advances and attacks, while death's pangs
Drive it onward and calamities' chains pull it.

١٧. تَروحُ وَتَغدو وَالنُفوسُ نَوازِعٌ
تُدافِعُها آمالها وَتُجاذِبُ

18. It has wrapped itself in black nights like months
Whose daughters are horrors ever lying in wait.

١٨. طَوَت حِجَجاً سوداً كَأَنَّ شُهورَها
بَناتُ الدُجى أَهوالُها وَالغَياهِبُ

19. It moves slowly though disasters run fleetly
At its sides, while sorrows press hard behind.

١٩. تَسيرُ بِطاءً وَالمَكارِهُ رُكَّضٌ
بِأَرجائِها وَالمُزعِجاتُ دوائِبُ

20. We appeal to hearts that quiver so that the nights' misfortunes
And endless worries may shake them.

٢٠. نَشُدُّ القُلوبَ الخافِقاتِ تَهُزُّها
خُطوبُ اللَيالي وَالهُمومُ النَواصِبُ

21. The guards' treason has destroyed us, and their cry:
"Congratulations to a people whose envoys have erred!"

٢١. وَأَهلَكنا غَدرُ الوُلاةِ وَقَولُهُم
هَنيئاً لِشَعبٍ اَخطَأَتهُ المَعاطِبُ

22. They have shown us lands that have escaped the fate which has befallen you
And ended happily with their wants fulfilled.

٢٢. أَرونا بِلاداً فاتَها ما أَصابَكُم
وَتَمَّت لَها حاجاتُها وَالمَطالِبُ

23. Nations were annihilated despite their supreme struggle,
While a people at play has been destroyed.

٢٣. أُبيدَت شُعوبٌ جَدَّ في الحَربِ جِدُّها
وَغودِرَ شَعبٌ في الكِنانَةِ لاعِبُ

24. You have put on the garb of peace, though to every nation
Belong some blood-smeared tatters.

٢٤. لَبِستُم رِداءَ السِلمِ إِذ كُلُّ أُمَّةٍ
لَها مِن دِماءِ الهالِكينَ جَلابِبُ

25. So do not impugn it, O Sons of Egypt, as a blessing
Nor let a despoiler bring destruction to Egypt.

٢٥. فَلا تَكفُروها يا بَني مِصرَ نِعمَةً
وَلا يَجلِبَنَّ الشَرَّ في مِصرَ جالِبُ

26. By my life! Souls have been corrupted by the corruption of position,
And no souls have been more corrupted than those of governors.

٢٦. لَعَمري لَقَد غالَ النُفوسَ فَسادُها
وَلا كَنُفوسٍ أَفسَدَتها المَناصِبُ

27. A man's qualities are sound until, when he attains
A position, defects creep over him.

٢٧. تَطيبُ سَجايا المَرءِ حَتّى إِذا سَما
بِهِ مَنصِبٌ دَبَّت إِلَيهِ المَعائِبُ

28. We made agreements with the people, but they did not keep their word,
Nor did their pledges and promises prove sincere.

٢٨. أَخَذنا عَلى القَومِ العُهودَ فَما وَفوا
وَلا صَدَقَت أَخلاقُهُم وَالضَرائِبُ

29. We and they are as though, in our hatred, we charge at each other
While outwardly we feign friendliness and amity!

٢٩. كَأَنّا وَإِيّاهُم عَلى مُستَكِنَّةٍ
مِنَ الحِقدِ نُخفيها مَعاً وَنُوارِبُ

30. We fear some of the critics and so avoid
Taking precautions against them, so confusion stalls the mind.

٣٠. يَخافونَ بَعضَ اللائِمينَ وَنَتَّقي
بَوادِرَهُم فَالشَرُّ حَيرانُ هائِبُ

31. We both refrain from things that deprive the soul of its tolerance
Whether we are content or angry.

٣١. كِلانا عَلى ما يَسلِبُ النَفسَ حِلمَها
مِنَ الأَمرِ لا راضٍ وَلا هُو غاضِبُ

32. Countries that have been wronged by their own people
Are more deserving to be rid of foreigners!

٣٢. وَإِنَّ بِلاداً سامَها الضَيمَ أَهلُها
لَأَجدَرُ أَن يَقضي عَلَيها الأَجانِبُ

33. From these countries they snatch each day some prey
Which their swords shred and their claws tear.

٣٣. يُصيبونَ مِنها كُلَّ يَومٍ فَريسَةً
تُمَزِّقُها أَنيابُهُم وَالمَخالِبُ

34. They are lions toward the weak, creeping foxes
When the strong young lion springs up.

٣٤. أُسودٌ عَلى المُستَضعَفينَ ثَعالِبٌ
تَروغُ إِذا هَبَّ القَوِيُّ المُواثِبُ

35. We are tired of the life of humiliation, and humiliation
Accompanies him who rides upon it to death.

٣٥. سَئِمنا حَياةَ الذُلِّ وَالذُلُّ مَركَبٌ
يُسايِرُ فيهِ المَوتَ مَن هُوَ راكِبُ

36. We demand, but the oppressors refuse
And we complain, but the guard of justice bars us from equity.

٣٦. نُريدُ فَيَأبى الظالِمونَ وَنَشتَكي
فَيَحجِبُنا مِنهُم عَنِ العَدلِ حاجِبُ

37. We have tasted harm from the peoples such as if harm like unto it
Were tasted, the sides of high mountains would flow with blood.

٣٧. دَهانا مِنَ الأَقوامِ ما لَو دَها الصَفا
لَفاضَت دَماً عَن جانِبَيهِ المَذانِبُ

38. Had my withstanding been in high mountains,
Their peaks would not have stood firm.

٣٨. وَلَو أَنَّ بِالشُمِّ الشَوامِخِ ما بِنا
لَما ثَبُتَت مِنها الذُرى وَالجَوانِبُ

39. Can the nights deal graciously with a people
So ill-treated by their nights rapidly fleeing?

٣٩. أَما تُحسِنُ الأَيّامُ صُنعاً بِأُمَّةٍ
أَساءَت بِها الصُنعَ اللَيالي الذَواهِبُ

40. We were patient, and that was the utmost limit of all patience.
So where are our hopes and where is deliverance?

٤٠. صَبَرنا وَهَذا مُنتَهى الصَبرِ كُلِّهِ
فَأَينَ أَمانينا وَأَينَ المَآرِبُ

41. No glory belongs to homelands if only
Battalions that drive them like battalions visit them.

٤١. فَلا مَجدَ لِلأَوطانِ حَتّى يَزورَها
كَتائِبُ تُزجيها لِقَومي كَتائِبُ