1. Every crowned ruler protects the country
And follows moderation in its politics
١. أَكُلُّ مُتَوَّجٍ يَحمي البِلادا
وَيَسلُكُ في سِياسَتِها السَدادا
2. Calamities sleep being reassured about it
And his sight refuses anything but to make it prosper
٢. يَنامُ الحادِثُ المُعتَسُّ عَنها
وَيَأَبى طَرفُهُ إِلّا سُهادا
3. So his subjects do not suffer from worries
Nor complain of turmoil or corruption
٣. فَما تَشقى رَعَيَّتُهُ بِخَطبٍ
وَلا تَشكو اِضطراباً أَو فَسادا
4. Crowns bow down to his crown repeatedly
And ask him for care and increase
٤. تَدينُ لِتاجِهِ التِّيجانُ طُرّاً
وتسأله الرعايةَ والذيادا
5. And souls redeem him on the belief
That his life gives life to the servants
٥. وتفديه النفوسُ على اعتقادٍ
بِأَنَّ حَياتَهُ تُحيي العِبادا
6. The most beloved of kings to the subjects
Is a king who does not neglect to visit them
٦. أَحَبُّ المالِكينَ إِلى الرَعايا
مَليكٌ لَيسَ يَألوها اِفتِقادا
7. He penetrated to the position of senses from them
So the hearing in it and the heart became his
٧. تَغَلغَلَ في مَكانِ الحِسِّ مِنها
فَكانَ السَمع فيها وَالفُؤادا
8. The most harmful of people is someone with a crown who assumed rule
But did not benefit the country nor brought any advantage
٨. أَضَرُّ الناسِ ذو تاجٍ تَوَلّى
فَما نَفَعَ البِلادَ وَلا أَفادا
9. And he was the worst guardian for the subjects
And the most sinister owner in time who dominated
٩. وَكانَ عَلى الرَعِيَّةِ شَرَّ راعٍ
وَأَشأَمَ مالِكٍ في الدَهرِ سادا
10. Thrones spend the night suffering from him
Experiencing horrors from him that are severe
١٠. تَبيتُ لَهُ الأَرائِكُ في عَناءٍ
تُمارِسُ مِنهُ أَهوالاً شِدادا
11. And his rule wears in the evening the clothes of a bereaved woman
Whom the loss of her only one made her dress in black
١١. وَيُمسي مُلكُهُ في زِيِّ ثَكلى
كَساها فقدُ واحدِها الحِدادا
12. It is as if the rule in his eyes is a dream
He enjoys with it so he does not refrain from sleeping
١٢. كَأَنَّ المُلكُ في عَينَيهِ حُلمٌ
يَلُذُّ بِهِ فَما يَألو رُقادا
13. The shouter of events calls upon him
A young man who increases in dignity when called
١٣. يُنادي صارِخُ الحَدَثانِ مِنهُ
فَتىً يَزدادُ وَقراً إِذ يُنادى
14. And the subjects call him while he is inattentive
So the rocks crack before his hearing
١٤. وَتَدعوهُ الرَعِيَّةُ وَهوَ لاهٍ
فَتَصدَعُ دونَ مَسمَعِهِ الجَمادا
15. He cannot be hoped for a day to bring benefit
By which he makes the subjects and the country mighty
١٥. فَلا هُوَ يُرتَجى يَوماً لِنَفعٍ
يَعَزُّ بِهِ الرَعِيَّةَ وَالبِلادا
16. Nor is he an owner who can relieve harm
When the plotter of events schemes
١٦. وَلا هُوَ مالِكٌ كَشَفاً لِضُرٍّ
إِذا ما كائِدُ الحَدَثانِ كادا
17. A life that enlarges the living with shame
And a mention that fills the whole world with darkness
١٧. حَياةٌ توسِعُ الأَحياءَ عاراً
وَذِكرٌ يَملَأُ الدُنيا سَوادا
18. Can a king become mighty without resolve?
By which he straightens the pillars of the rule
١٨. وَهَل عَزَّ المَليكُ بِغَيرِ عَزمٍ
يُقيمُ بِهِ مِنَ المُلكِ العِمادا
19. And wisdom before which calamities withdraw
And time surrenders the leads
١٩. وَحَزمٍ تَنثَني عَنهُ العَوادي
وَيُلقي عِندَهُ الدَهرُ القِيادا
20. Dear mighty Nile, hopes are confused
Asking you for guidance and integrity
٢٠. عَزيزَ النيلِ وَالآمالُ حيرى
تُسائِلُكَ الهِدايَةَ وَالرَشادا
21. Light the road of righteousness for them and reconcile
Its lonely travelers so they are about to be hostile
٢١. أَضِئ قَصدَ السَبيلِ لَها وَأَلِّف
أَوابدَها فَتوشِكُ أَن تُعادى
22. And lead it with the leadership of al-Ma’mun which is safe for it
He competes with it for the best it competes for
٢٢. وَقُدها قَودَ مَأمونٍ عَلَيها
يُصاديها بِأَحسَنِ ما تُصادى
23. Woe to you, O mighty Nile, woe
Do you accept that your rule be demolished
٢٣. فَإيهٍ يا عَزيزَ النيلِ إيهٍ
أَم تَرضى لِمُلكِكَ أَن يُشادا
24. And for the enchained people to see it
After he took off the handcuffs and shackles
٢٤. وَلِلشَعبِ المُصَفَّدِ أَن تَراهُ
وَقَد نَزَعَ الأَداهِمَ وَالصِفادا
25. Do you not see the country and how
Destiny destroyed it or it almost was destroyed
٢٥. أَلَستَ تَرى البِلادَ وَكَيفَ أَودى
بِها المَقدورُ أَو كادَت وَكادا
26. It suffers from worries it fights
Whose stubbornness increases over its calmness
٢٦. عَناها ما تُكافِحُ مِن خُطوبٍ
تَزيدُ عَلى هَوادَتِها عِنادا
27. Do you not see its sons in conflict
They never hoped during their lives for unity
٢٧. أَلَستَ تَرى بَنيها في شِقاقٍ
فَما يَرجونَ ما عاشوا اِتِّحادا
28. Do you leave the evil blowing within them?
And the fire of worries blazing with flames
٢٨. أَتَترُكُهُم يَهُبُّ الشَرُّ فيهِم
وَنارُ الخَطبِ تَتَّقِدُ اِتِّقادا
29. Do you hand them over to pitfalls that bend
The heart of time that trembles with tremors
٢٩. أَتُسلِمُهُم إِلى صَمّاءَ تَثني
فُؤادَ الدَهرِ يَرتَعِدُ اِرتِعادا
30. Do you hurl them into the false pleasures
Of an amusement that mockingly diminishes them
٣٠. أَتَقذِفُهُم إِلى لَهَواتِ ضارٍ
مَلِيٍّ أَن يَغولَهُمُ اِزدِرادا
31. The subjects asked through your hand
Good life and noble legacy
٣١. لَقَد طَلَبَت عَلى يَدِكَ الرَّعايا
طَريفَ الخَيرِ وَالشَرَفَ التِلادا
32. Take them to integrity in a life
That can support them or prepare means
٣٢. فَخُذها في قَويمٍ مِن حَياةٍ
تَكونُ لَها قِواماً أَو عَتادا
33. And a fortress for which the nights’ calamities
Throw from its harm or keep away
٣٣. وَحِصناً تَرتَمي نُوَبُ اللَيالي
هَوالِكَ عَن ذُراهُ أَو تفادى
34. Build its pillars and strengthen its powers
And strive in its politics in struggle
٣٤. أَقِم مِنآدَها وَاِشدُد قُواها
وَجاهِد في سِياسَتِها جِهادا
35. And if one of its ignorant aspired for corruption
Or deviance from your path and remoteness
٣٥. وإما رامَ جاهلُها فساداً
وزَيغاً عن سبيلك وابتعادا
36. Then bring him back to you for indeed the most sublime
Of your manners if for you to be an opponent for us
٣٦. فأرجِعه إليك فإنَّ أسمى
خِلالِكَ أن تكون لنا معادا
37. And train us to the manners of goodness indeed I
Saw goodness and evil by habit
٣٧. وعَوِّدنا خلالَ الخير إنّي
رأيتُ الخيرَ والشرّ اعتيادا
38. The blackened one did not desire a manner
That exists with the blackened admired
٣٨. وما شُغِفَ المَسودُ بِمِثلِ خُلقٍ
يَكونُ لَدى المُسَوَّدُ مُستَجادا
39. Morals move to nations
Some countries of it currently approach or continue
٣٩. وَلِلأَخلاقِ بِالأُمَمِ اِنتِقالٌ
تَدانى الحينُ مِنها أَم تَمادى
40. So this one in its ignorances fell
And that in its flags proceeded
٤٠. فَهَذي في مَجاهِلِها تَرَدّى
وَهَذي في مَعالِمِها تَهادى
41. Wishes and ends accompany them
They do not flow in isolated people
٤١. تُسايِرُها الأَماني وَالمَنايا
فَما تَنساقُ في قَومٍ فرادى