
Arise and bid farewell to idols and statues

قم ودع الأوثان والأصناما

1. Arise and bid farewell to idols and statues
Do you not see clear proof of your Lord established?

١. قُم وَدَّعِ الأوثانَ والأصناما
أفما تَرى بُرهانَ رَبِّكَ قاما

2. O Khaled set forth to that which is protection
For the insightful and abandon delusions

٢. يا خالدُ اعمدْ للتي هي عِصمةٌ
لِذَوِي البصائرِ وانبذِ الأوهاما

3. God is Lord of all worlds and His religion
Is the religion of peace for whoever wants peace

٣. اللَّهُ ربُّ العالمينَ ودينُهُ
دِينُ السّلامِ لمن أراد سلاما

4. Read the book of your brother Malik, it diverts
From what he wants and you will not see refusal

٤. اقرأ كِتابَ أخيكَ مالك مصرفٌ
عمّا يُريدُ ولن ترى الإحجاما

5. Come, may God shepherd you, you will not see
Like the path of your Lord any desire or goal

٥. أقْبِلْ رَعاكَ اللهُ إنّك لن ترى
كسبيلِ رَبِّكَ مَطلباً ومَراما

6. The Prophet asked in what state is Khaled
Does he still turn away from Islam?

٦. سَألَ النبيُّ بأيِّ حالٍ خالدٌ
أفما يَزالُ يُجانِبُ الإسلاما

7. I saw that Khaled had enough intellect
To guide and lead as an imam

٧. إنّي رأيتُ لخالدٍ من عقلِهِ
فيما يُمارسُ مُرشداً وإماما

8. None like him doubts the religion of guidance
And sees the shining light as darkness

٨. ما مِثلهُ يرتابُ في دينِ الهُدى
فَيرى الضّياءَ المستفيضَ ظلاما

9. We know him to be reasonable and decisive
And we see him as valiant among honorable men

٩. إنّا لنَعرفُهُ رشيداً حازماً
ونراه شَهماً في الرجالِ هُماما

10. If he made harm and injury for the polytheists
He would not deserve blame

١٠. لو أنّه جَعلَ المضرَّة والأذى
للمشرِكينَ لما استحقَّ مَلاما

11. And for me, O Waleed, he would be preferred
To receive righteousness and honor from me

١١. ولكان عِنديَ يا وليدُ مُقَدَّماً
يَلْقَى لَدَيَّ البرَّ والإكراما

12. Come brother and mend your affair, do not be
Among those who when the path is clear, are blind

١٢. أقبِلْ أخي وتَلافَ أمرَكَ لا تكن
مِمَّنْ إذا وَضَحَ السّبيلُ تَعامَى

13. How many sublime places, if you had not been absent
From them you would then be the most sublime station

١٣. كم مَوطنٍ جَلَلٍ لو اَنّك لم تَغِبْ
عنه لكنتَ إذاً أجلَّ مَقاما

14. It suffices you what you have wasted, not one prudent
Is one who continues to waste the days

١٤. يَكفيكَ ما ضيَّعت ليس بحازمٍ
من لا يزالُ يُضيِّعُ الأياما

15. The zealous one set out to regain himself
Seeking for himself protection with the Prophet

١٥. نشط الهمامُ وراحَ يُدرِكُ نفسَه
يبغِي لها عِندَ النبيِّ ذِماما

16. He pitched his tent in the fertile valley
And found in it pasture and water springs

١٦. ألقَى إلى الوادي الخصيبِ بِرَحْلِهِ
فأصابَ فيه مَرْتعاً ومَساما

17. Does he stay in the barren valley and see
Only a mirage that lies and confounds?

١٧. أيُقيمُ بالوادي الجديبِ فلا يرى
إلا سَراباً كاذباً وجَهاما

18. He met with Ikrimah and the son of Umayya
Evil that muddies its running waters

١٨. لاقى بعكرمةٍ وبابنِ أُميَّةٍ
شَرّاً يَعُبُّ عُبَابَهُ وعُراما

19. He said come, we want salvation but they refused
And disputed with harsh hurtful words

١٩. قالَ ائْتِيَا نَبغِي النجاةَ فأعرضا
وتَنازعا قولاً يشبُّ ضِراما

20. And Uthman responded to the call of an advisor
Who refuses desire and avoids sins

٢٠. وأجابها عثمانُ دعوةَ ناصحٍ
يأبى الهوى ويُجانِبُ الآثاما

21. They went forth on the path so they met
Amr and said what business do we have and to where

٢١. مَضَيا على سَنَنِ الطريقِ فصادفا
عَمْراً فقالا ما لنا وإلى ما

22. O Amr the religion of God is not like fancies
That made the lawful from matters forbidden

٢٢. يا عَمْرو دِينَ اللَّهِ لسنا كالأُلَى
جعلوا الحلالَ من الأمورِ حَراما

23. He said I am guided and will not be like one seen
To spend his lifetime in darkness for himself

٢٣. قال اهتديتُ ولن أكونَ كمن يُرى
طُولَ الحياةِ لنفسهِ ظَلّاما

24. And they walked on until the news reached the Messenger
Until he appeared happy and smiling

٢٤. وَمَشَوْا فما بَلَغَ الرسولَ حَدِيثُهُم
حتّى بدا متهلّلاً بَسّاما

25. Mecca rejoiced when it threw its brave ones
Like arrows that harbor love and reverence

٢٥. سرَّته مَكَّةُ إذ رَمَتْ أفلاذَها
كَبِداً تُكِنُّ الحُبَّ والإعظاما

26. It sent to him from the mountains three
Who accompanied the withering and piercing

٢٦. بعثَتْ إليهِ من الجبالِ ثلاثةً
رَضوَى يُصاحِبُ يَذْبُلاً وشِماما

27. Al-Waleed worried saying do not tarry
The news has certainly reached the Prophet

٢٧. خَفَّ الوليدُ يقولُ لا تتمهّلوا
إنّ الحديثَ إلى النبيِّ تَرامى

28. Hasten the riding animal for he awaits
And I see your wings fluttering eagerly

٢٨. حُثُّوا المَطِيَّ فإنّه مُتَرقِّبٌ
وأرى جوانحكم تَرِفُّ أُواما

29. They came honorable, believing in their Lord
And His Messenger, bright of face and marked

٢٩. وَفَدوا كِراماً يؤمنون بربّهم
ورسولِهِ بيضَ الوجوهِ وِساما

30. They shook off disgrace from their brows so they woke
Priding themselves, raising their resolve

٣٠. نَفَضُوا الهوانَ عن الجباهِ فأصبحوا
شُمَّ المعاطسِ يرفعونَ الهاما

31. Do they worship with the deviants, rocks?
Or do they worship the One Knowing, Exalted?

٣١. أفيعبدونَ مع الغُواةِ حِجارةً
أم يَعبدونَ الواحدَ العلاَّما

32. The mask was removed from certainty, you will not see
Like ignorance, a covering, or delusion, a mask

٣٢. كُشِفَ اللِثامُ عن اليقينِ ولن تَرى
كالجهلِ سِتراً والغرورِ لِثاما

33. If people complied with the doctor, none would complain
Who carries diseases and pains

٣٣. لو طَاوعَ النَّاسُ الطبيبَ لما اشتكى
مَن يَحملُ الأدواءَ والآلاما

34. Know the right of your Lord, for with wisdom
He created minds and originated dreams

٣٤. اعرفْ لربّكَ حقَّهُ فَلِحكمةٍ
خَلَقَ العُقولَ وأنشأَ الأحلاما

35. Have you seen a religion as just as Islam?
It governed affairs and organized laws

٣٥. أرأيتَ كالإسلامِ دِيناً قَيّماً
سَاسَ الأُمورَ ودبَّرَ الأحكاما

36. God made His affair wise and established it
For the worlds as a way and system

٣٦. اللهُ أحكمَ أمرَهُ وأقامَهُ
للعالمينَ شريعةً ونِظاما

37. The Prophet called to it so his voice terrified
Nations throughout the horizons of countries asleep

٣٧. نادَى النبيُّ به فأفزعَ صوتُه
أُمماً بآفاقِ البلادِ نِياما

38. And he called to it while his sword was in his right hand
To live a bitter and intense life

٣٨. ودَعَا إليه وسَيْفُه بِيَمينِهِ
يمضِي حياةً مَرَّةً وحِماما

39. The vanities of life pass and you will not see
For anything besides truths permanence in time

٣٩. تَمضِي أباطيلُ الحياةِ ولن ترى
لِسوَى الحقائقِ في الزّمانِ دَواما

40. The souls of the polytheists were stricken and alarmed by
Worry, for when worries manifest, they remain

٤٠. صُعقتْ نُفوسُ المشركينَ وهالهم
هَمٌّ إذا انجلتِ الهمومُ أقاما

41. They said we have lost three leaders
None like them in might or boldness

٤١. قالوا فقدناهم ثلاثةَ قادةٍ
ما مِثلُهمُ بأساً ولا إقداما

42. How great the afflictions and what a calamity
That has conquered us, undoing and decreeing

٤٢. ما أعظمَ البلوى ويا لكِ نَكبةً
ملَكتْ علينا النقضَ والإبراما

43. The affliction came to us so it was multiplied
And the punishment came together so it was ruinous

٤٣. نزل البلاءُ بنا فكانَ مُضاعفاً
وجَرَى العذابُ معاً فكانَ غَراما

44. I swear the house shines its atmosphere
And I swear Mecca raises the flags

٤٤. إني إخالُ البَيْتَ يُشرقُ جَوُّهُ
وإخالُ مَكّةَ ترفَعُ الأعلاما

45. O son of Waleed, you have all the support
So meet the adversaries and repel the groups

٤٥. يا ابن الوليدِ لك الأعِنَّةُ كلّها
فَالْقَ المقانِبَ وادفعِ الأقواما

46. You will see scenes that shake the world for them
And you will see fortresses lean and pillars

٤٦. سترى المشاهِدَ تَرجُفُ الدنيا لها
وترى الحصونَ تَميدُ والآطاما

47. Give good tidings to the protectors of polytheism through you of a battle
That reduces strengths and shakes firm steps

٤٧. بَشِّرْ حُماةَ الشِّركِ منك بوقعةٍ
تُوهِي القُوَى وتُزلزِلُ الأقداما