1. A speaker interrupted the voice and became confused
A phone we saw it ringing
١. هَا هُنا الأعلامُ كانت تُنْصَبُ
هَا هُنا بالأمسِ كان الملعبُ
2. The mind cheered and the truth stood up
In its high glory as an imam giving a speech
٢. قَطعَ الصَّوتَ خَطِيبٌ وَارْعَوَى
هاتِفٌ كُنّا نَراهُ يَنعبُ
3. Every glory that does not come from it disappears
Every authority other than it goes away
٣. هَتَفَ العقلُ وقامَ الحَقُّ في
جَاههِ العَالي إماماً يَخطبُ
4. And the most misguided opinion is that of a provocateur
Sometimes raving and sometimes lying
٤. كُلُّ جاهٍ ليس مِنهُ يَنْقَضِي
كُلُّ سُلطانٍ سِواهُ يذهبُ
5. He rides the opinion foolishly stubborn
Leading the person astray, what is he riding?
٥. وأَضَلُّ النّاسِ رَأياً مُرجِفٌ
تارةً يَهذِي وَحِيناً يكذِبُ
6. The people asked for a good leader
For the public and benefit was sought
٦. يركب الرّأيَ غويّاً جَامحاً
ضِلَّةً لِلمرءِ ماذا يركبُ
7. Or was it just a parade with no purpose?
If it was said, what was the purpose?
٧. سَألَ القومُ أَخيرٌ يُبْتَغَى
للجماهيرِ ونَفْعٌ يُطلَبُ
8. The rulers persist in their needs
And the peasants, every day they persist
٨. أَمْ هُو الموكبُ ما مِنْ مأربٍ
غَيرُه إن قيلَ ماذا المأربُ
9. They mentioned the constitution in their anger
Yet it angers them all the time
٩. يَدأبُ الحُكّامُ في حاجاتِهم
والعَوادِي كُلَّ يومٍ تَدْأبُ
10. May God have mercy on the men who knew
The law of truth and what it entails
١٠. ذَكروا الدُّستورَ في غَضْبَتِهمْ
وَهْوَ مِنهم كُلَّ حينٍ يَغْضَبُ
11. Woe to Egypt, do you see in it anything but
A nation that is hurt and a people that stumbles?
١١. رَحِمَ اللهُ رِجالاً عَرَفوا
شِرعةَ الحقِّ وماذا تُوجِبُ
12. An uproar comes and goes.
Did you see how the parade disappeared?
١٢. وَيْحَ مِصرٍ هَلْ تَرى فيها سِوَى
أُمةٍ تُؤذَى وشَعبٍ يُنْكَبُ
١٣. ضَجَّةٌ تَمضِي وأخرَى تَذهبُ
أَرأَيتُمْ كيفَ ذَابَ الموكبُ