
The tribe of Juthaymah, there is no wonder in this matter

بني جذيمة ما في الأمر من عجب

1. The tribe of Juthaymah, there is no wonder in this matter
Destiny has taken its course according to the cause

١. بَنِي جُذَيْمَةَ ما في الأمرِ من عَجَبِ
جَرى القضاءُ على ما كان من سَبِبِ

2. Khalid gave you shade, nothing rouses him
Except jihad which he sees as the greatest kinship

٢. أظَلَّكُمْ خالدٌ لا شيءَ يَبعثُه
إلا الجهادُ يراه أعظمَ القُرَبِ

3. When he called you to Islam at his call
You said we have quenched our thirst, he did no wrong nor loved

٣. لمَّا دعاكم إلى الإسلامِ حينَ دَعا
قُلتم صَبأْنَا فلم يَأثَمْ ولم يَحُبِ

4. If a man has lineage from his paternal uncles
Then with his own people, religion is the closest lineage

٤. إن كانَ للمرءِ من أعمامِهِ نَسَبٌ
فالدِّينُ عِندَ ذويهِ أقربُ النَّسَبِ

5. The tribe of Sulaym, even if you fear them, there is no harm in them
Nor in Ibn ‘Awf, besides delusions and suspicion

٥. بَنُو سُلَيمٍ وإن خِفْتُم فليس بهم
وبابنِ عوفٍ سِوَى الأوهامِ والرِّيبِ

6. Oh what a darkening cloud whose side did not blacken
Until it rolled swiftly away from gushing blood

٦. فيا لها غَمرةً ما اسودَّ جانبُها
حتى تَجلّتْ سِراعاً عن دَمٍ سَرِبِ

7. The Prophet arrived there with it so self blames
And the heart for what has befallen the people is weary

٧. سِيءَ النبيُّ بها فالنفسُ آسِفةٌ
والقلبُ ممّا أصابَ القومَ في تَعَبِ

8. The Muslims are blood for God or a pact
The like of which there is no other flowing blood or pact

٨. المُسلِمونَ دَمٌ للهِ أو عَصَبٌ
ما مِثلُه من دمٍ جارٍ ولا عَصَبِ

9. In events whether few or many they are
Ferocious company with opinion not divided

٩. هُمْ في الحوادِثِ إن قَلُّوا وإن كَثروا
بَأسٌ جَميعٌ ورأيٌ غيرُ مُنْشَعِبِ

10. Each bloodshed unlawful to bloodshed so if a faction
Rebels against a faction, Allah in is the seeker of retaliation

١٠. كلٌّ حرامٌ على كلٍّ فإنْ فِئَةٌ
بَغَتْ على فِئةٍ فاللّهُ في الطَّلَبِ

11. Khalid aroused it, storms raging
In it there was no sanctity for the religion of Allah

١١. أَثارها خالِدٌ شَعْواءَ عاصِفَةً
ما كان فيها لدينِ اللَّهِ من أَرَبِ

12. He opened fire on it and suspicions take him
From every direction but he did not find guidance nor hit his mark

١٢. رَمَى بها وغَواشِي الظنِّ تأخذُه
من كلِّ صَوْبٍ فلم يَرْشُدْ ولم يُصِبِ

13. I declare my innocence before my Lord of his crime
And You know best about what he distracted me from him

١٣. إليكَ أبراُ ربِّي من جنايتِهِ
وأنتَ فيما عناني منه أعلمُ بي

14. Arise O Ali to face the people apologetically
And heal their souls of rage

١٤. قُمْ يا عليُّ فوافِ القومَ مُعتذراً
وَانْشُرْ عليهم جناحَ العاطِفِ الحَدِبِ

15. Spread over them the wing of the compassionate curved one
Take from the money what will pay the blood monies and what

١٥. وَخُذْ من المالِ ما يَقْضِي الدِّياتِ وما
يُرضِي النُّفوسَ ويشفيها من الغَضَبِ

16. Will satisfy the souls and heal them from anger
It is our duty, the blood of the slain, and we are under

١٦. حَقٌّ علينا دَمُ القتلى ونحن على
عَهْدٍ وثيقٍ وحَبْلٍ غير مُنْقَضِبِ

17. A firm pact and unsevered bond
The people are our brothers in God, united by us

١٧. القومُ أُخوتُنا في اللهِ يَجمعُنا
دِينُ الإخاءِ على الأيامِ والحقَبِ

18. The religion of brotherhood across eras and times
The Imam restored the souls of the people so they reconciled

١٨. رَدَّ الإمامُ نُفوسَ القومِ فَائْتَلَفتْ
وَاسْتَحْكَمَ الوُدُّ وَانْحلَّت عُرَى الشَّغَبِ

19. Affection strengthened and the ties of discord dissolved
With pre Islamic ignorance, the side which it stirred up

١٩. بالجاهليةِ ممّا هِيضَ جانبُها
ما ليس يَنفذُ من همٍّ ومن وَصَبِ

20. There is no escape from anxiety and agony
Ask it, as it returns disappointed and blamed

٢٠. سَلْها وقد رجعتْ حَسْرَى مُذمَّمةً
هل زادها اللَّهُ إلا سُوءَ مُنْقَلَبِ