
Discuss the conversation and go around the people

أدر الحديث وطف على الأقوام

1. Discuss the conversation and go around the people
With a cheer that delights the heart and overcomes gloom

١. أَدرِ الحديثَ وَطُفْ على الأقوامِ
مِن شَيِّقٍ طَرِبِ الفُؤادِ وَظَامِ

2. Filled with passion and love on all sides
Renew for Andalusia and the goodness of its time

٢. هَذِي جوانِحُنا وتِلكَ قُلوبُنا
مَلأَى الجوانبِ مِن هَوىً وغَرامِ

3. A covenant twisted by the passing days
And mention the talk of the conquerors and what they shepherded

٣. جَدِّدْ لأنْدَلُسٍ وطيبِ زمانِها
عَهْداً طَوَتْهُ سوالفُ الأيّامِ

4. To its people of sanctity and protection
A people tried by affliction and guided

٤. واذْكُرْ حَديثَ الفاتحينَ وما رَعَوْا
لِقَطينِها من حُرمةٍ وذِمامِ

5. By the injustice of kings and the harshness of rulers
They were sold to sinful people who did not shepherd

٥. قَومٌ أمضَّهُمُ البَلاءُ وهَدَّهُمْ
ظُلمُ المُلوكِ وقَسوةُ الحُكَّامِ

6. The rights of slaves and the sanctity of servants
In the image of man except that they

٦. بِيعوا لِقومٍ فاسقينَ فما رَعَوْا
حَقَّ العبيدِ وحُرمةَ الخُدّامِ

7. Descended there to the ranks of cattle
It is a nation that suffers so that others may live comfortably

٧. في صُورةِ الإنسانِ إلا أنَّهم
نَزَلُوا هُناكَ منازلَ الأنعامِ

8. And live in a world of sins
The soldiers of Allah broke its shackles

٨. هيَ أُمّةٌ تَشْقَى لِيَنْعَمَ غَيرُها
ويَعيش في دُنيا مِن الآثامِ

9. And the mercy of Islam came to its rescue
A religion that erased all injustice for oppression

٩. صَدَعتْ جُنودُ اللهِ مِن أغلالِها
وتَدَارَكتْها رَحمةُ الإسلامِ

10. And brought the best laws and system
The shepherds made peace so it bid farewell

١٠. دينٌ مَحا لِلظُّلمِ كُلَّ شَريعَةٍ
وأتَى بِخيرِ شَريعةٍ ونظامِ

11. To the pasture of worries and the watering place of sorrows
And it received in exchange a righteous era

١١. صَلُحَ الرُّعاةُ فَودَّعتْ في ظِلِّهم
مَرْعَى الهُمومِ ومَورِدَ الآلامِ

12. Without any transgression or coercion
An era made possible by the hand of a conqueror

١٢. واسْتَقْبَلتْ لِلعَدلِ عَصْراً صالحاً
ما فيه من عَسفٍ ولا إرغامِ

13. With swift swords and blessed flags
He protected its sanctities and rights

١٣. عصرٌ أُتِيحَ لها على يدِ فاتحٍ
سَمْحِ السُّيوفِ مُبارَكِ الأعلامِ

14. And protected its fighters - how excellent a protector
Guidance became clear to the lost, so say to them

١٤. حَفِظَ المحارمَ والحُقوقَ لأهلِها
وَحَمى مقاتِلَها فَنِعمَ الحامي

15. There is no excuse for the blind or the oblivious
Achieve victory in battle of Tariq's regiments

١٥. وَضَحَ الهُدَى للحائِرينَ فَقُلْ لَهم
لا عُذْرَ لِلأَعْمَى ولا المُتعامي

16. Which was glad tidings of peace for Andalusia
He spread guidance and light in its regions

١٦. ظَفِرُوا بِحربٍ مِن كَتائبِ طارقٍ
كانت لأنْدَلُسٍ بَشيرَ سَلامِ

17. So the path became clear and all darkness disappeared
A hero who went on to throw determination at them

١٧. نَشَرَ الهدَى والنُّورَ في أرجائِها
فبدا السّبيلُ وزَالَ كلُّ ظَلامِ

18. Whose peaks overflowed and whose might towered
He seized the ship with a wave of his might

١٨. بَطَلٌ مَضَى يَرمِي العُبابَ بِهِمَّةٍ
جَاشَتْ زَواخِرُها وبَأسٍ طَامِ

19. Red, never to increase except in brooding
And he called upon the soldiers, saying "O people, look

١٩. أَخَذَ السَّفِينَ بِموجةٍ من بَطشِه
حمراءَ ما تزدادُ غَيْرَ ضِرامِ

20. The sea is behind me and the enemy before me
I have no opinion but war to discover the extent

٢٠. ودعا الجنودَ فقالَ يا قومِ انْظُروا
البحرُ خَلفِي والعدوُّ أمامي

21. Until I attain my goal and purpose
O wise narrator of stories, witness

٢١. لا رَأْيَ إلا الحربُ تستقصِي المَدَى
حتّى أفوزَ بِمطلبِي ومَرامي

22. From a believer in the testament of pens
You were fair to the religion of light so

٢٢. يا صاحب القَصص الحكيمِ شَهادةً
مِن مُؤمنٍ بِشَهادةِ الأقلامِ

23. The dreams of people in darkness asleep awoke
And you went on to remind the blind who followed blindness

٢٣. أَنصَفْتَ دينَ النّورِ فانْتبَهَتْ له
أحلامُ قومٍ في الظّلامِ نيامِ

24. That which contains traditions and rulings
And you described the consequence of delusion and what

٢٤. وذَهَبْتَ تذكرُ للأُلىَ اتَّبعوا العَمَى
ما فيهِ مِن سُنَنِ ومن أحكامِ

25. The foolishness of minds and lightness of dreams reaped
And you built for morals a lofty palace

٢٥. وَوَصَفْتَ عاقبةَ الغُرورِ وما جَنَى
سَفَهُ العقولِ وخِفّةُ الأحلامِ

26. Against which the pickaxes of destroyers recoil
Write and say and raise the mention of your people

٢٦. وبَنَيْتَ للأخلاقِ صَرْحاً عالياً
ترتدُّ عنه مَعاوِلُ الهُدّامِ

27. This is the wondrous and sublime storytelling

٢٧. اكْتُبْ وَقُلْ وارْفَعْ لِقومكَ ذِكرَهُمْ
هذا هو القَصصُ البديعُ السّامي