
A name whose utterance is sublime and whose meaning is beautiful

اسم سما لفظه وازدان معناه

1. A name whose utterance is sublime and whose meaning is beautiful
May your Lord adorn you with goodness and adorn him

١. اسمٌ سَمَا لَفظُهُ وازدَانَ مَعناهُ
حَلّاكِ رَبُّكِ بالحُسْنَى وحَلّاهُ

2. You are auspicious, this is what He has chosen for you
For you, that which Allah has chosen from His creation

٢. مَيمونةٌ أنتِ هذا ما تَخيَّرهُ
لَكِ الذي اختاره مِن خَلقِهِ اللَّهُ

3. He fulfilled the glory of Hamzah and Al-‘Abbas
O sister of their two wives, and people are their likes

٣. أوفى بَحمزَةَ والعبّاسِ مَجدُهُما
يا أختَ زَوْجَيْهِما والنَّاسُ أَشْباهُ

4. For you are most honorable in the sight of Allah
O wife of Ahmad when He gave him to you

٤. لأنتِ أكرمُ عند اللَّهِ مَنزلةً
يا زَوجَ أحمدَ إذ أعطاكِ إيّاهُ

5. You do not know, are you carrying the camels of Allah's favors
Or are you carrying his sublime litters?

٥. لم تَعلمي أمَطايا اللَّهِ حاملةٌ
منكِ الجلالَ المحلَّى أم مطاياهُ

6. Go to Medina in his protection
O good is your abode if you near his abode

٦. إلى المدينةِ سِيري في كِلاءتِهِ
يا طِيبَ مثواكِ إن شارفتِ مَثواهُ

7. Please your husband, he is indeed a nobility
There is no nobility like it, lofty nor status

٧. قرِّي بِبعلِكِ عَيْناً إنّه شَرَفٌ
ما مِثلُهُ شَرَفٌ عالٍ ولا جاهُ

8. I was delighted in you and in Al-Mukhtar, believing
Your outstanding merits that cannot be counted bring honor

٨. أطريْتُ فيكِ وفي المختارِ مُؤمنةً
عَزَّتْ بأبلجَ ما تُحْصَى مَزَاياهُ

9. An honor that strengthens the side of Islam for it
From the side of Allah, her Master and his Master

٩. عِزٌّ يُوطِّدُ للإسلامِ جَانِبَها
مِنْ جانبِ اللَّهِ مَوْلاها ومَوْلاهُ

10. He did not stop taking in-laws and making them
For his religion, the destroyer and builder of this world

١٠. ما انفَكَّ يتَّخِذُ الأصهارَ يجعلهم
لِدينِهِ الهادمُ البانِي ودُنْياهُ

11. A policy that the skillful doctor did not aim with
Except he hit, by the will of Allah, his target

١١. سياسةٌ ما رَمَى الطَّبُّ اللَّبيبُ بها
إلا أصابَ بإذنِ اللَّهِ مَرماهُ

12. And a strength for the Messenger of Allah spreading
Among the tribes, he shepherds it and it shepherds him

١٢. وقُوّةٌ لرسولِ الله شائعةٌ
بين القبائلِ يرعاها وتَرعاهُ

13. And a tradition for the children of Islam that he legislates
And all goodness is a law from his qualities

١٣. وسنَّةٌ لبني الإسلامِ يَشرعُها
والخيرُ أجمعُ شرعٌ من سجاياهُ

14. They are a household under the shades of Allah, united
Proceeding on the truth, hoping for it and fearing it

١٤. همْ أسرةٌ في ظلالِ اللَّهِ واحدةٌ
تَمضي على الحقِّ تَرجوه وتخشاهُ

15. It does not know righteousness but in His laws
And it does not see good but in His commandments

١٥. لا تَعرِفُ الرُّشدَ إلا في شَرائِعِهِ
ولا تَرَى الخيرَ إلا في وَصَاياهُ

16. The religion of glory, they prefer honor
The affairs of people were not insignificant because of it

١٦. دِينُ الألَى يُؤثرونَ العزَّ مَنزلةً
ما كانَ أَهْوَنَ دُنيا النَّاسِ لولاهُ

17. For every nation there is a structure holding it
Nothing can hold it if he who took care of it sleeps

١٧. لكلِّ شعبٍ بِناءٌ ليس يُمسِكُهُ
شيءٌ إذا نام عنه مَن تَولّاهُ

18. Were it not for the bonds and relations, its cracks would not unite
And its fragments would not join together

١٨. لولا الأواصِرُ والأرحامُ ما التأمتْ
مِنه الصُّدوعُ ولا انضمَّتْ شَظَاياهُ