1. Alas for him who tells this tale, what will he witness?
Alas for him, from an occurrence not to be praised!
١. وَيْحَ ذِي القَصَّةِ ماذا يَشْهَدُ
وَيْحَهُ من وَقْعَةٍ لا تُحمدُ
2. O clans of Tha'labah, what is with you
That lions are thus castrated while docile?
٢. يا بني ثَعْلَبَةٍ ما خَطبُكم
أكذا تُقْرَى اللّيوثُ الهُجَّدُ
3. It is cowardice and the morals of cattle
Who think war an easy matter easily enflamed
٣. إنّه الجبنُ وأخلاقُ الأُلى
يَحسبونَ الخَتْلَ حَرباً تُوقَدُ
4. They lost ferocity so they crept stealthily
And slaughtered souls that cannot be ransomed
٤. فقدُوا البأسَ فدبُّوا خِفيةً
وَانْتَضَوها أنفُساً لا تُفْقَدُ
5. O you wounded for truth, did you die or did
The matter end and the tryst is kept?
٥. يا جريحَ الحقِّ هل مِتَّ وهَلْ
قُضِيَ الأمرُ وحُمَّ الموعِدُ
6. The people rejoiced and said, 'We are enriched!'
To seriousness they were led and a vision made ripe
٦. فَرِحَ القومُ فقالوا مَغنماً
ساقَهُ الجَدُّ ورأيٌ مُحصَدُ
7. They stripped the knight of his garments
Would that I knew, which sword did they unsheathe?
٧. جَرَّدوا الفارسَ من أثوابه
ليتَ شِعري أيَّ سَيْفٍ جَرَّدوا
8. A youth of his clan knew the sword
He clamoured to recover what he witnessed
٨. عَرفَ السَّيْفَ فتىً من قومِهِ
ضَجَّ يسترجعُ ممّا يَشْهَدُ
9. O corpse, move though fear not
The redeemer has come and relief is at hand
٩. أيّها المَيْتُ تَحرَّكْ لا تَخَفْ
حَضر الفادِي وجَاءَ المُنجدُ
10. Blessed is the carrier, how excellent
From a known hand that cannot be denied
١٠. بُورِكَ الحاملُ ما أحسنَها
من يدٍ مَعروفُها لا يُجْحَدُ
11. O Messenger of Allah, glad tidings, they are
Favours poured and good comes to ripen
١١. يا رسولَ اللّهِ بُشْرَى إنّها
نِعمةٌ تُزجَى وخيرٌ يُوفَدُ
12. As well as mail borne by Tha'labah's clan
And dependents with spearheads like hail
١٢. وبَريدٌ من بَني ثعلبةٍ
وَعَوالٍ بالغوالي يُبْرَدُ
13. They made the sword rule over them
So for it is their skulls for reaping
١٣. جَعلوا للسيفِ فيهم حُكمَهُ
فله من هَامِهِم ما يَحْصُدُ
14. Would that they were men and refused
When their tryst drew near, that they withdraw
١٤. لَيْتَهُمْ كانوا رِجالاً فأبَوْا
إذ دَنا موعدُهم أن يَبْعدوا
15. The rabble left and none looked
Except at favours poured and sheep to be herded
١٥. ذهب الحشدُ فلم يَنْظُرْ سِوَى
نَعَمٍ تُزجَى وشَاءٍ تُحشَدُ
16. He led them not made for his care
His care those scattered souls
١٦. سَاقَها ما جُعِلَتْ من هَمِّهِ
هَمُّهُ تِلكَ النُّفُوسُ الشُّرَّدُ
17. Who stir up evil, so if evil gusts
The evil shifts and starts to dwindle
١٧. اللّواتي تَبعثُ الشرَّ فإن
عَصَفَ الشَرُّ تولَّتْ تركُدُ
18. Evil what their whims introduce to them
From a bitter cistern, no good flows from it
١٨. بِئسما تُورِدُها أهواؤُها
مِن حياضٍ مُرّةٍ ما تُورَدُ
19. The temptation of idolatry, and no temptation
Like it in the wilds is to be found
١٩. فِتنةُ الشِّركِ وما من فتنةٍ
مثلُها بين البرايا توجَدُ
20. None but Allah has sovereignty
A god to be feared or worshipped
٢٠. ليس غير اللهِ في سُلطانِهِ
من إلهٍ يُتَّقَى أو يُعْبَدُ
21. Owner of the kingdom, exalted, for Him
No partner in His loftiness can be found
٢١. مَالِكُ الملكِ تَعالى ما لَهُ
في عُلاهُ مِن شريكٍ يُعْهَدُ