1. O Bani Amir, refrain from evil, fully refrain
The transgressor will find no helper against transgression
١. بَنِي عامرٍ رُدُّوا عَنِ الشرِّ عامرا
ولن يَجدَ الباغي على البغي ناصرا
2. He who desires ruin for himself has fallen in love
With that which exhausts the gambler in his undertaking
٢. أصابَ هوىً من نفسِ أربدَ فابتغَى
من الأمرِ ما يُعيي الكميَّ المُقامرا
3. He came with a plan that was inevitably doomed
And the evil-doers were disappointed, however much they schemed
٣. وجاء بمكرٍ لا محالة خائبٍ
وأخيبُ أهل السُّوءِ من كان ماكرا
4. I ask you, was the leader of the delegation really one of them
Bani Amir, other than a sinner and a reprobate?
٤. أناشِدُكم هل صاحبَ الوفدُ منهما
بني عامرٍ إلا أثيماً وفاجرا
5. They intended to catch the lion unawares
In foolishness, while ignorance blinds the sights
٥. هما أزمعا أن يأخذا اللّيثَ خادِراً
على غِرَّةٍ والجهلُ يُعمِي البصائرا
6. The stupid fool drew near him, and this
Is the hand of evil extending towards him a blunt sword
٦. دنا الأحمقُ المخبولُ منه وهذه
يَدُ السُّوءِ منه تحملِ السَّيفَ باترا
7. Ibn Al-Tufayl gestures to him: Go ahead and attack!
What can a sword do if it had the power?
٧. يشيرُ إليهِ ابنُ الطفيلِ أنِ اقْتَحِمْ
وماذا يَردُّ السيفَ لو كان قادرا
8. God refused except to honor His Messenger
And render him who wishes him evil humiliated
٨. أبَى اللَّهُ إلا أن يُعِزَّ رسولَهُ
ويرجعُ من يبغِي به السُّوءِ صاغرا
9. He obeyed his passions ignorantly, and so he remained
Deceiving him so that he might see blood spilled
٩. أطاعَ هَواهُ جاهلاً وخلا بِهِ
يُخادِعُه كيما يرى الدمَ مائرا
10. Do you ask him, O Ibn Al-Tufayl, for the caliphate
And hope to be called an equal partner?
١٠. أتسألُه يا ابنَ الطفيلِ خِلافةً
وَتطمعُ أن تُدْعَى الشَّريكَ المُشاطِرا
11. Woe to you! What is this you are saying?
Were you a man whose soul had found peace?
١١. لكَ الويلُ ما هذا الذي أنتَ قائلٌ
أكنتَ امرءاً من نفسِهِ رَاحَ ساخِرا
12. Tyrant, be upright, and testify that your Lord is One
And take your full share of good with gratitude
١٢. جُبارُ اسْتَقِمْ واشهدْ فَربُّكَ واحدٌ
وخُذْ حظّكَ الأوفى من الخيرِ شاكرا
13. And give glad tidings to your comrades that they
Have been granted abundant guidance and bounty from God
١٣. وبَشِّرْ رعاكَ اللَّهُ صحبَكَ أنّهم
أصابوه غُنماً من هُدى اللهِ وافرا
14. And leave Amir to be struck down by disease miserable
And Arbad to meet his death disgraced and failed
١٤. وَدَعْ عامراً يهوِي به الداءُ خاسِئاً
وأربَدَ يَلْقَى الحتفَ خَزيانَ خاسِرا
15. He who casts down the mighty cast him down
So his strength was reduced, for he was an unbeliever
١٥. رماه الذي يرمي القُوى فَيهدُّها
فهدَّ قُواهُ إنّه كان كافرا
16. With a thunderbolt, from what God has hurled
When He hurled at Thamud, and Aad, and ages past
١٦. بصاعقةٍ ممّا رَمَى اللهُ إذ رمى
ثموداً وعاداً والقرون الغوابرا
17. He hurled it at him, fiery, such that if unleashed
Upon a mountain it would be swallowed into the earth
١٧. رَماهُ بها ناريَّة لو تنزّلتْ
على جبلٍ لانْدَكَّ في الأرضِ غائرا
18. Amir refused, out of Jahili arrogance
To meet his doom from she who came visiting
١٨. أبى عامرٌ من شيمةٍ جاهليةٍ
لِقاءَ الرَّدى عند التي جَاءَ زائرا
19. He says, "They have obeyed me," and "Death in my dwelling
Is too narrow for the likes of me. Then I am no Amir"
١٩. يقول أطاعوناً وموتاً بمنزلٍ
يَضيقُ بأمثالي إذن لستُ عامرا
20. My steed, my steed! I have none but its back
On which to meet my obstinate death
٢٠. جَوادِي جَوادِي ليس لي غيرَ مَتنهِ
أُلاقِي عليهِ عادِيَ الموتِ كابرا
21. And they brought him, dragged by Azrael, and he mounted
His saddle and charged off fiery and defiant
٢١. وجاءوا به يُزجيه عزريلُ فاسْتوى
على سرجِهِ وانْسَابَ حرّان ثائرا
22. He parades around, bearing his lance, seeing
Naught but his destined fate, a looming disaster
٢٢. يَجولُ عليه يَحملُ الرُّمحَ ما يرى
سوى حتفه المقدور قرناً مغاورا
23. And no sooner did he plunge down, never to rise
Except to disgrace, for one who would be remembered
٢٣. فما هو إلا أن هوى غير معقب
سِوَى الخزيِ من ذكرٍ لمن كان ذاكرا
24. The matter is over – Ukaz did not hear his cry
And the tribes did not witness those vainglorious boasts
٢٤. مضى الأمرُ لم يَسمعْ عُكاظٌ نِداءَهُ
ولم تشهدِ الأقوامُ تِلكَ المفاخرا
25. When a man does not believe in and fear his Lord
He will see nothing in this life as harmful
٢٥. إذا المرءُ لم يُؤمِنْ ولم يَخْشَ ربّهُ
فليس يَرى شيئاً على الدَّهرِ ضائرا
26. An inescapable curse from Muhammad befell him
Striking him with an illness that leaves medicine lost
٢٦. ألحّتْ عليه دعوةٌ من مُحمّدٍ
رَمتهُ بداءٍ يتركُ الطِّبَ حائرا
27. The Messenger of guidance and good - he who respects his rights
Will see nothing in this life as harmful
٢٧. رسولُ الهُدَى والخيرِ من يَرْعَ حقَّهُ
فليس يَرى شيئاً على الدّهرِ ضائرا
28. Indeed, in what Arbad said there was one who warned
Against evil, if the evil-doer had heeded the warner
٢٨. لقد كان فيما قَال أربدُ زاجرٌ
عن الشَّرِّ لو يخشَى امرؤُ السّوءِ زاجرا
29. He saw a sign that killed his soul's resolve
And confused his mind, had he been a seeker
٢٩. رأى آيةً تَغتالُ هِمَّةَ نفسِهِ
وتُذهِلُ منه اللُّبَّ لو كان ناظرا
30. The powerlessness of a Lord whose every prey is conquered
Who prevails and endures, compelling and supreme
٣٠. كِلاءةُ ربٍّ كلُّ أصيدَ غالبٍ
يبيدُ ويبقى غالبَ البأسِ قاهرا