1. It's the protection, today its caller called
Repel the fists, and block its predators
١. هِيَ الحِمايَةُ هَبَّ اليَومَ داعيها
رُدّوا الأَكُفَّ وَصُدّوا عَن مَخازيها
2. Don't make the Nile prey in its claws
Or else woe to the Nile if its beasts rage
٢. لا تَجعَلوا النيلَ صَيداً في مَخالِبِها
فَالوَيلُ لِلنيلِ إِن هاجَت ضَواريها
3. The covers of terror were exposed and rolled back
The caves of every wide shield protecting it
٣. تَكَشَّفَت غَمَراتُ الرَوعِ وَاِنحَسَرَت
غاراتُ كُلِّ رَحيبِ الدرعِ ضافيها
4. The war continued until its leader retreated
And the looting invader was subdued
٤. ما زالَتِ الحَربُ حَتّى اِرتَدَّ قائِدُها
وَاِنصاعَ في السَلبِ المُبتَزِّ غازيها
5. The horses neigh and the heroes flee
Chaos where the caller strays from the called
٥. الخَيلُ تَجمَحُ وَالأَبطالُ مُدبِرَةٌ
فَوضى يَحيدُ عَنِ الداعينَ ناجيها
6. Distracted by fear, at its end calling
For Saad, and calling against Saad and his supporters
٦. وَلهى مِنَ الذُعرِ يَدعو في أَواخِرَها
سَعدٌ وَتَدعو عَلى سَعدٍ أَواليها
7. It wasn't the fate of the auspicious leader
If the path of righteousness was clear to its strayers
٧. ما كانَ بِالقائِدِ المَيمونِ طالِعُهُ
لَو اِستَبانَ سَبيلَ الرُشدِ غاويها
8. If its commander called it to tyranny
Its warner had prohibited it from the tyrant
٨. لَئِن دَعاها إِلى الطُغيانِ آمِرُها
لَقَد نَهاها عَنِ الطاغوتِ ناهيها
9. How unjust are the people who harmed the country
It's the lifeblood and its provisions are its dues
٩. ما أَظلَمَ القَومَ يَجزونَ البِلادَ أَذىً
وَهيَ الحَياةُ وَما تُسدي جَوازيها
10. Oh Saad, betraying the self is ruinous
So take hold of yourself, beware the grip of its Maker
١٠. يا سَعدُ إِنَّ عُقوقَ النَفسِ مهلكَةً
فَاِستَبقِ نَفسَكَ وَاِحذَر بَطشَ باريها
11. One doesn't succeed, blocking advice from his hearing
If the reckless caller of peoples calls him
١١. لا يُفلِحُ المَرءُ يَنفي النُصحَ مَسمَعُهُ
إِذا دَعا جامِحَ الأَقوامِ داعيها
12. You'll never see a deceiver hiding his secrets
Seeking betrayal except he will show it
١٢. وَلَن تَرى ماكِراً يُخفي سَريرَتَهُ
يَبغي النَكيثَةَ إِلّا سَوفَ يُبديها
13. The more I spoke the word of truth, the more they denied me
A people who see the truth as misleading and plotting
١٣. أَكُلَّما قُلتُ قَولَ الصِدقِ أَنكَرَني
شَعبٌ يَرى الصِدقَ تَضليلاً وَتَمويها
14. I blame Saad yet he's above blame
The more I blame, the more exonerated he becomes
١٤. أَلومُ سَعداً وَما يَألوهُ تَكرِمَةً
وَكُلَّما زِدتُ لَوماً زادَ تَنزيها
15. If it wasn't for politeness, protecting it and preventing me
The dove would've fallen, shot by its own shooter
١٥. لَولا الكِنانَةُ أَحميها وَتَمنَعُني
طاحَ الحِمامُ بِنَفسٍ جَدَّ راميها
16. I loved it, the love of one enamored with its present
And its free future, infatuated with its past
١٦. أَحَبَبتُها حُبَّ مَشغوفٍ بِحاضِرها
وَبِالغَدِ الحُرِّ مَفتونٍ بِماضيها
17. Love in the creed of nations is laughable
Its laughter makes you happy, its tears make you sad
١٧. وَالحُبُّ في شِرعَةِ الأَقوامِ مَهزَلَةٌ
يُشجيكَ ضاحِكُها طَوراً وَباكِيها
18. A tale Saad crafted and beautified
From his hunting friends for the kids retelling it
١٨. رِوايَةٌ صاغَها سَعدٌ وَزَيَّنَها
مِن صَحبِهِ الصيدِ لِلأَطفالِ راويها
19. I'm innocent of every deceiver of his nation
Who bargains with the opponent when ruin strikes it
١٩. برِئتُ مِن كُلِّ خَدّاعٍ لِأُمَّتِهِ
يُساوِمُ الخَصمَ إِن جَدَّ الرَدى فيها
20. If he survives, the horror of its death doesn't scare him
And if it gets tough, the voice of its mourner doesn't move him
٢٠. إِذا نَجا لَم يَرُعهُ هَولُ مَصرَعِها
وَإِن شَدا لَم يَزَعهُ صَوتُ ناعيها