
The caller called and he readily obeyed, determined,

هتف الداعي فلبى واعتزم

1. The caller called and he readily obeyed, determined,
And went to meet the foe amid the throng.

١. هتف الدّاعي فلبَّى واعتزمْ
ومضَى يَلقَى العِدَى في المُزدَحَمْ

2. A hero whose mettle was proven when the flames of defiance blazed
And its terrors spread did his mettle shine.

٢. بطلٌ ما اضطرمت نارُ الوغَى
وتَرامَى هَوْلُها إلا اضطَرمْ

3. He was roused by a whim of one who transgressed,
An ignorant soul and rude in nature-

٣. هيّجْتهُ نَزوةٌ من مُعْتَدٍ
جاهليِّ النّفسِ وحشيِّ الشِّيَمْ

4. Every self below him in what he claimed
And every right false in what he asserted.

٤. كلُّ نفسٍ دُونه فيما ادَّعى
كلُّ حقٍّ باطلٌ فيما زَعمْ

5. Obsessed with evil, slave to desires,
Tyrannical whatever he decreed was unjust.

٥. مُولعٌ بالشرِّ مفتونُ المنى
مُستبِدٌّ ما قَضى إلا ظلَمْ

6. A shepherd of his people's valiant ones in battle,
Unleashing his might wherever he wished to storm.

٦. راعه في الحربِ من أبطالِها
مُستطيرُ البأسِ ما شاء اقتَحمْ

7. He plunged into its horrors in a tumultuous sea
Where death scowled, but he smiled.

٧. غاص من أهوالها في غَمرةٍ
عَبَستْ فيها المنايا فابتسَمْ

8. He strikes oppression down in its death throes
And restores the right, raising its banner.

٨. يضربُ الطّغيانَ في مَقتَلِهِ
ويُعيد الحقَّ خفّاقَ العلَمْ

9. His nation's honor is in his care-
If the caller called and the nations' glories.

٩. شَرفُ الأوطانِ في ذِمَّتهِ
إن دعا الداعي وأعراضُ الأُممْ

10. The state's flag, were it not for him, would fold
And the pillar of the kingdom, were it not for him, would crumble.

١٠. عَلَمُ الدّولةِ لولاه انطوت
وعِمادُ الملكِ لولاه انهدَمْ

11. Blessed is the builder and a nation was honored
By his strength in the wilds it takes shelter.

١١. بُورِكَ الباني وعزّت أمّةٌ
بقواهُ في العوادي تَعتصِمْ

12. He sees the walls collapsing around him
So he restores the walls with fire and blood.

١٢. ينظرُ الأسوارَ تهوِي حوله
فَيُقِيمُ السُّورَ من نارٍ ودَمْ

13. The nation has naught but what he built
Between the jaws of death, propping it up.

١٣. ليس للأُّمةِ إلا ما بنى
بين أنيابِ المنايا وَدَعَمْ

14. Without him to protect its basin-
What presence is there to revere or respect?

١٤. ما لها إن لم يَذُد عن حوضها
من وجودٍ يُتَّقَى أو يُحتَرمْ

15. A people conquered has no existence
Save one resembling oblivion.

١٥. ما وجودُ الشّعبِ مغلوباً على
أمرِه إلا شَبيهٌ بالعَدمْ

16. The Creator of magnanimity created man
With freedom, planting in him ambition.

١٦. خَلقَ الإنسانَ من حُرّيَّةٍ
خالقُ النَّخوَةِ فيه الشَّمَمْ

17. And decreed for him what he approved
Of excellent systems and laws.

١٧. وقَضى الأمرَ له فيما ارتضَى
من دساتيرٍ حِسانٍ ونُظُمْ

18. All people are brothers, none among them
Slaves or servants.

١٨. إنّما النّاسُ جميعاً أُخوةٌ
ليس فيهم من عَبيدٍ أو خدمْ

19. They are equal, each has his right-
That is God's rule, not the idol's.

١٩. هم سواءٌ ولكلٍّ حقُّه
ذاك حكمُ اللهِ لا حكمُ الصَّنَمْ

20. No harm befalls the able when
He avenges the oppressor's crime.

٢٠. ما على القادرِ من بأسٍ إذا
ما جَنى الباغي عليه فانتقَمْ

21. It is war, and what fine retaliation
For one who observes covenants.

٢١. إنّها الحربُ وعُقباها فما
أحسنَ العُقبى لمن يرعى الذّمَمْ

22. The soldier extinguished on its field
The ember of transgression with raging force.

٢٢. أطفأ الجنديُّ في ميدانها
جُذوةَ البَغْيِ ببأسٍ مُحْتَدِمْ

23. He surged in its storm unrestrained
As a volcano spewing lava.

٢٣. هبَّ في إعصارها مُستبسِلاً
فهو كالبركانِ يرمي بالحِمَمْ

24. When fulfilling his purpose he cares not
Whether his death has found him or eluded him.

٢٤. لا يُبالي حين يقضِي أمرَهُ
نام عنه حتفُه أم لم يَنَمْ

25. If he dies a martyr he lives on, enduring
In a life of glory and might.

٢٥. هو إن مات شهيداً خالدٌ
في حياةٍ من جلالٍ وعِظَمْ

26. Sacrificing soul when passions were inflamed
Dispelling perils when perils loomed.

٢٦. باذلُ النّفسِ إذا رِيعَ الحمى
كاشفُ الخطبِ إذا الخطبُ ادلهمّ

27. A scene, were its knowledge veiled from us
The meaning of generosity and nobility would leave us.

٢٧. مَشهدٌ لو غاب عنّا عِلمُه
غاب معنى الجُودِ عنّا والكرَمْ

28. It is war, and this is its way-
For truth it has no sanctuary but this.

٢٨. إنّها الحربُ وهذا حكمُها
ليس للحقِّ سواها من حَرَمْ

29. Its greatest sins are, by its canon,
A nation invaded, a people consumed.

٢٩. أعظمُ الآثامِ في شِرعتها
وطنٌ يُغزَى وشعبٌ يُلتَهمْ

30. Matters twist so there is no mercy
For the tyrannical if they do not reform.

٣٠. يلتوِي الأمرُ فما من رحمةٍ
لذوي الطغيانِ إن لم يستقِمْ

31. Do not let soldiers deter you, hoping for harm.
What soldiers have not been defeated by harm?

٣١. لا يَرُعْكَ الجندُ يُرْجَى للأذى
أيُّ جندٍ للأذى لم ينهزِمْ