1. The books are scattered, and the armies advance,
And calamity arises between them, raging and storming.
١. الكُتْبُ تَتْرَى والكتائبُ تَدلِفُ
والبأسُ بينهما يَثورُ ويعصِفُ
2. God has entrusted the messengers with the kings,
So the thrones through them sway and tremble.
٢. الله وكَّلَ بالملوكِ رَسولَه
فإذا العروشُ بهم تَميدُ وتَرجُفُ
3. Are they hearts that melt in their throbbings,
Or are those wings that hover and flutter?
٣. أهِيَ القلوبُ تَلجُّ في خَفَقاتِها
أم تلكَ أجنحةٌ تَظلُّ تُرفرفُ
4. The messengers of the Prophet roam every land,
Hurling at them determined souls that hurl and pelt.
٤. رُسُلُ النبيِّ بكلِّ أرضٍ جُوَّلٌ
تَرمِي بهم هِمَمٌ نواهِضُ قُذَّفُ
5. They carried the deaf hearts that He protects through them-
A religion for them, steadfast, and sound judgment.
٥. حَملوا القُلوبَ الصُّمَّ يَعصِمُهم بها
دِينٌ لهم صلْبٌ ورأيٌ مُحْصَفُ
6. It hurls boulders and iron with such force,
Marching on, splitting what it wills and crushing.
٦. تَرمِي الجَلامِدَ والحديدَ بِقوّةٍ
تمضِي فتصدعُ ما تشاءُ وتَقصِفُ
7. The arrogant tyrant fears its punishment,
And the haughty braggart dreads it.
٧. يَخشَى العَتِيُّ المُستَبِدُّ نَكالَها
ويَهابُها المُسْتكبِرُ المُتَغطرِفُ
8. Travel secretly under the protection of God- verily it is
For you a need without which you will lag behind.
٨. سِرْ في ذِمامِ اللهِ دِحْيَةُ إنّها
لك حاجةٌ ما دونها مُتخَلَّفُ
9. Awaken Heraclius- his sleep has grown long,
And his blindness refuses to be lifted and dissipate.
٩. أيْقِظْ هِرَقْلَ فقد تطاولَ نَومُهُ
وأبَتْ عَمايتُه فما تَتَكشَّفُ
10. Awaken him- God is not like his religion-
A singular religion with no partner known.
١٠. أيْقِظهُ إنّ اللهَ ليس كَدِينهِ
دِينٌ وليس له شَريكٌ يُعرَفُ
11. Heraclius presented to his people that indeed
A fair heart had inclined to Islam within him.
١١. أخَذَ الكتابَ ورَاحَ يسألُ كلّما
وَضح اليقينُ لهُ يُلِحُّ ويُلْحِفُ
12. They were angry, and he said: "Calm yourselves; I have naught
But to discern, and who among us is immune?"
١٢. ماذا أرادَ اللَّهُ ما شأنُ الذي
بَعثَ الكتابَ بأيِّ شَيءٍ يُوصَفُ
13. He sent the scripture, and he said: "I am a Muslim,
But they are my intractable people I fear."
١٣. قُلْ يا أبا سُفيانَ لا تُطِعِ الهَوى
وَدَعِ المَلامَ لِمن يَجورُ ويَجْنِفُ
14. And he chose from what he loves a gift
That he casts from his tricks to ingratiate.
١٤. أبدى هِرقلُ لقومِهِ أنْ قد صَغا
مِنْهُ إلى الإسلامِ قلبٌ مُنصِفُ
15. The Prophet said: "A missive from a deceitful one
Feigning satisfaction, and a hypocrite pretending."
١٥. غَضِبُوا فقال رُوَيْدَكُم ما بي سوى
أن أستبين وأين منا المصرف
16. "A contemptible gift and contemptible is its speech-
Falsehood is of its names, and vanity."
١٦. بعث الكتاب فقالَ إنّي مُسلمٌ
لكنّهم قومي الأُلى أتَخوَّفُ
17. "Woe to you, O Chosroes! What do you seek?
What do you think of one you request and implore?"
١٧. وَاخْتَارها مِمّا يُحِبُّ هَدِيَّةً
ألقى بها من مَكْرِهِ يَتزلَّفُ
18. Tamima tore from the books of the Prophet
In them the springs of mercy, never waning,
١٨. قال النبيُّ رِسالةٌ من كاشحٍ
يُبدِي الرِّضى ومُنافقٍ يَتكلَّفُ
19. And a treasure he who finds treasures all
Discovers in his hands when the receiver seizes them.
١٩. وهَديَّةٌ سَاءتْ وسَاءَ حَدِيثُها
فالزّورُ من أسمائِها والزُّخْرُفُ
20. You asked Bahram for the head of Muhammad-
If he does not repent, you are indeed prodigal and wasteful!
٢٠. كِسرَى لكَ الويلاتُ ماذا تَبتغِي
ماذا تظنُّ بِمَنْ تُغاثُ وتُسْعَفُ
21. You will see certainty by the hand of your son- so beware!
For you is an appointed time, soon to come.
٢١. مَزقَّتَ من كُتبِ النبيِّ تميمةً
فيها مَنابِعُ رَحمةٍ لا تَنْزَفُ
22. The Prophet spoke true, and Chosroes tasted his death
From Sheroe- he had none to sympathize.
٢٢. وذخيرةً يَجِدُ الذَّخائِرَ كُلَّها
بِيَدَيهِ حينَ يُصيبُها المتلقِّفُ
23. And Bahram saw guidance after misguidance,
So he walked the shining path, without deviating.
٢٣. أطلبتَ من باذانَ رأسَ مُحمّدٍ
إن لم يَتُبْ بل أنتَ غاوٍ مُسرِفُ
24. He abandoned desire, so he woke and became Muslim,
And called others with him-they did not lag behind.
٢٤. سَتَرى اليقينَ على يَدِ ابنكِ فَانْتَبِهْ
لَكَ مَوْعِدٌ عمّا قليلٍ يَأزَفُ
25. The resolve of the people was not in vain-their God
United hearts upon guidance, so they reconciled.
٢٥. صَدَقَ النبيُّ وذاقَ كِسرَى حتفَهُ
مِن شِيرويه فما له من يَعطِفُ
26. And the Negus came the scripture, and he was not
Of those who bar from right and cast aside.
٢٦. وَرأى الهُدى باذانُ بعد ضلالةٍ
فمضَى على البيضاءِ لا يتعسَّفُ
27. An honor presented itself to him, and might sustained him-
The pious one is the mightiest and most noble.
٢٧. نَبَذَ الهَوى فَصَحا وأصبحَ مُسلِماً
ودَعا الأُلَى معه فلم يَتخلَّفوا
28. And the Muqawqis refused to abandon his religion-
The ignorant fears what the foolish libertine fears.
٢٨. لا خابَ جَدُّ القومِ إنّ إلههم
جمعَ القلوبَ على الهدى فتألَّفوا
29. He sent gifts, avoiding with his benevolence
What the spiteful plotter avoids.
٢٩. وأتى النجَاشيَّ الكتابُ فلم يكن
مِمّن يَصُدُّ عنِ الصَّوابِ ويَصدِفُ
30. The wicked one hoarded his kingdom, and tomorrow he will see
Another's hand in his kingdom, freely disposing.
٣٠. شَرَفٌ أُتِيحَ له وعِزٌّ زانَهُ
إنّ التقيَّ هو الأعزُّ الأشرفُ
31. This the Prophet foretold, and thus did
The One who builds and topples thrones act.
٣١. وأبى المُقْوقِسُ أن يُفارِقَ دِينَهُ
يَخْشَى الذي يَخْشَى الغَبِيُّ المُتْرَفُ
32. And al-Mundhir took the straight path
Before the scripture, intuiting and inclining toward it.
٣٢. بَعثَ الهدايا يَتَّقي بحسانِها
ما يتّقِي ذُو البِغْضَةِ المتلطِّفُ
33. He asked the Prophet, who said: "I will not
Act against the people when they stray and distort."
٣٣. ضَنّ الخبيثُ بِمُلكِهِ وغَداً يرى
يد غَيْرِه في مُلْكِهِ تتصرَّفُ
34. The command came to him to seize them thereby
And establish it with the truth, without deviating.
٣٤. هذا الذي قال النبيُّ وهكذا
صَنَعَ الذي يبنِي العُروشَ وينسِفُ
35. The Muslims have their affairs, and upon
He who strays, the fair tax that does not wrong.
٣٥. والمنذرُ اتَّخذَ السّبيلَ مُسدَّداً
قَبْلَ الكتابِ يُخِبُّ فيه ويُوجِفُ
36. And Jayfar, his ignorance and obstinacy prevailed,
So he refused `Amr and turned away disdainfully.
٣٦. سألَ النبيَّ فقالَ ما أنا فاعلٌ
بالقومِ إذ ضَلُّوا السّبيلَ وَزَيَّفُوا
37. And he saw him spewing threats, so it deterred him,
And the morrow came, so he submitted without hesitation.
٣٧. فَقَضى إليهِ الأمرَ يأخذُهم بهِ
ويُقيمُه بالحقِّ لا يَتحرَّفُ
38. And his brother followed, led on-
Well-mannered, clement, and learned.
٣٨. للمسلمينَ أمورُهم وله على
مَن ضلَّ جِزيةُ عادلٍ لا يُجحِفُ
39. And her messenger came to Yamama with the scripture,
For so the ambitious tyrant raves.
٣٩. وطحا بجيفرَ جَهلُهُ وعِنادُه
فأبَى على عمروٍ وأعرضَ يأنَفُ
40. The arrogance of her poet and the ignorance of her orator
And the deception of her chieftain, lethal and corrupting.
٤٠. ورآهُ يَهدِرُ بالوعيدِ فراعه
وأتى غَدٌ فَانْقَادَ لا يَتوقَّفُ
41. He sought the impossible from the Prophet, and he did not stop-
The ignorant always craves the impossible and is impassioned by it.
٤١. وَانْساقَ يَتبَعُه أخوهُ وإنّه
لَمُهَذَّبٌ سَمْحٌ الخِلالِ مُثقَّفُ
42. He raves with some of the matter, cutting it off for himself,
While the matter is not as the cutting sword splits.
٤٢. وأتى اليمامةَ بالكتابِ رَسُولُها
فكذاكَ يَهذِي الطّامِحُ المتعَجْرِفُ
43. And wretched al-Harith fell in his stupidity-
Addled, which infects minds, so they weaken.
٤٣. طُغيانُ شاعرِها وجَهْلُ خطيبها
وغروُ صاحِبها المُبيدُ المُتلِفُ
44. He cast aside the scripture and said: "My kingdom is not for me
A match, so it is seized from my hand and snatched."
٤٤. طَلَب المحالَ من النبيِّ ولم يَزَلْ
ذُو الجهلِ يُولَعُ بالمحالِ ويُشْغَفُ
45. "Look to the bravery of the horses and soldiers-
They meet the enemy, attacking and charging."
٤٥. يَهْذِي ببعضِ الأمرِ يَقطعهُ له
والأمرُ ما قطع الحُسامُ المُرهَفُ
46. "And remind your friend of the discourse- perhaps
The honorable shrink, and the aimed at flee."
٤٦. والحارثُ المأفونُ طاحَ بِلُبِّهِ
خَبَلٌ تُصابُ بِهِ العقولُ فَتَضْعُفُ
47. Then he prepared and came to Caesar a visiting delegate
With a missive from him, persisting and prevailing,
٤٧. ألقى الكتابَ وقالَ مُلكي ليس لي
كُفْؤٌ فَيُنزَعُ من يَديَّ ويُخْطَفُ
48. Foolish, rage billowing within its lines,
And malice kindling in its letters.
٤٨. انْظُرْ شُجاعُ الخيلَ والجُندَ الأُلَى
تَلْقَى العدوَّ بهم تَكُرُّ وتزحَفُ
49. He rode arrogance and said: "I hurl
An army at Yathrib- it is a mere flat plain."
٤٩. وَاذْكُرْ لِصاحبكَ الحديثَ فَرُبَّما
كَفَّ المناجِزُ وارْعَوى المُسْتَهْدِفُ
50. He said: "Be deterred- you are not its match,
And refrain- you are the agitator frightening."
٥٠. ثم استعدَّ وجاءَ قيصرَ وافدٌ
بصحيفةٍ منه تَصِرُّ وتَصْرُفُ
51. So he came to his senses, and he employed deception as habit,
Not ashamed of it, nor refined.
٥١. حَمْقاءَ يَطغى الغيظُ بين سُطورِها
وتَشُبُّ بالشَّنآنِ منها الأحرفُ
52. He sent greetings with Ibn Wahb and pretended
The claim of one who loosens the mask and covers.
٥٢. رَكِبَ الغُرورَ وقال إنّي قَاذفٌ
بالجيشِ يثرِبَ فَهْيَ قاعٌ صَفْصَفُ
53. He said: "Reserve me, O courageous one, for I have
A heart for the religion of guidance that longs."
٥٣. قالَ ازْدَجِرْ ما أنتَ من أكفائها
واسْكُنْ فإنّك لَلغوِيُّ المُرجِفُ
54. "I am a follower of the way of Muhammad,
And to you comes compensation with benevolence."
٥٤. فأفاقَ واتَّخَذَ الخِداعَ سَجِيَّةً
لا يَسْتَحِي منها ولا يَتعفَّفُ
55. The Prophet heard his discourse, so a veiled soul
And a concealed heart were revealed.
٥٥. بَعثَ السلامَ مع ابنِ وَهْبٍ وَادَّعَى
دَعْوَى الذي يُرخِي القِناعَ ويُغْدِفُ
56. "A kingdom perishes, and a possessor is hoped
For a time that comes, and a promise that is not broken."
٥٦. قال ادَّخرني يا شُجاعُ فإنّ لي
قلباً إلى دينِ الهُدَى يَتشَّوفُ
57. The wanton refuses guidance, elevating his status,
So when he falls, you find him full of regrets.
٥٧. إنّي لمتبِعٌ سبيلَ مُحمّدٍ
وإليكَ رِفْدُكَ بالكرامةِ يُرْدَفُ
58. For truth there is a minaret and a caller making heard
In all things among creation, shouting.
٥٨. سَمِعَ النبيُّ حدِيثَهُ فتكشَّفتْ
نَفسٌ مُقنَّعةٌ وقلبٌ أغْلَفُ
59. The kings were amazed at the two unyielding ones-
Determined minds that swayed from the thrones and turned away.
٥٩. مُلكٌ يبيدُ ومالِكٌ يُرجَى إلى
أجلٍ يَحينُ وموعَدٍ ما يُخْلَفُ
60. The reverent, they are the kings, even if they shunned
The ease of life and its luxuries, so they lived modestly.
٦٠. يَأبَى الغَوِيُّ الرُّشدَ يرفعَ شأنَهُ
فإذا هوى ألفيتَهُ يَتأسَّفُ
61. They applied themselves to the verses of the Book, so they succeeded,
While the ignorant busied themselves with sins.
٦١. لِلحقِّ مِئذنةٌ وَدَاعٍ مُسمِعٌ
في كلِّ شيءٍ بالخلائقِ يَهتِفُ
٦٢. عَجِبَ الملوكُ لِكابرِينَ سَمَتْ بهم
هِممٌ تَميلُ عنِ العُروشِ وتَعزِفُ
٦٣. المُتّقونَ هُمُ الملوكُ وإن أبَوْا
رَغدَ الحياةِ ولينَها فتقشَّفوا
٦٤. عَكَفوا على آيِ الكتابِ فأفْلَحُوا
والجاهلونَ على المآثِمِ عُكَّفُ