
In the sanctuary of truth and around the sacred house

في حمى الحق ومن حول الحرم

1. In the sanctuary of truth and around the sacred house
A nation is being harmed and a people crushed

١. في حِمَى الحقِّ ومن حول الحَرَمْ
أُمّةٌ تُؤذَى وشعبٌ يُهتَضَمْ

2. Al-Quds panicked and Makkah cried out
And Yathrib wept intensely with pain

٢. فزَع القُدسُ وضجّتْ مكةٌ
وبكت يثربُ من فرط الأَلمْ

3. Oppression went smoothly like a gentle, creeping snake
Dragging the shrouds off the fire and blood

٣. ومضى الظُّلمُ خليَّاً ناعماً
يسحبُ البُرْدَيْنِ من نارٍ ودَمْ

4. It takes the souls that cannot be protected
The stronghold of truth, if it is resorted to for protection

٤. يأخذ الأرواحَ ما يَعصِمُها
مَعقلُ الحقِّ إذا ما تَعتصِمْ

5. And it sees people, when it pleases it
That they perish like wandering livestock

٥. ويرى النّاسَ إذا أعجبه
أن يَبيدوا كأقاطيعِ البَهَمْ

6. Its savage desire roused it
Burning like the insides of furnaces

٦. بَعَثته شَهوةٌ وحشيّةٌ
تتلظَّى مثلُ أجوافِ الأُطُمْ

7. It does not care if its afflictions destroy
Nations and peoples that were hit by them

٧. ما تُبالي إن مَضَتْ ويلاتُها
ما أصابت من شُعوبٍ وأُمَمْ

8. The least significant thing in its doctrine
Is a nation wiped out and a people consumed

٨. أَهْونُ الأشياءِ في شِرعتِها
أُمّةٌ تُمحى وشعبٌ يُلتَهمْ

9. It is from the spirit of vile aggressors
Who spread light and toppled darkness

٩. هي من رُوحِ الدّهاقينَ الأُلى
نشروا النُّورَ وطاحوا بالظُلَمْ

10. They saved the world from its misfortunes
And let it taste the cups of blessings

١٠. أنقذوا العالمَ من أرزائه
وأَذاقوه أفاويقَ النَّعمْ

11. And they removed what its corners contained
Of graves and ruins for the corrupt

١١. وأزالوا ما حَوَتْ أرجاؤُه
للأوالي من قُبورٍ ورِمَمْ

12. So the world became beauty to be gained
And life became peace to be enjoyed

١٢. فإذا الدنيا جمالٌ يُجْتَنَى
وإذا العيشُ سلامٌ يُغْتَنَمْ

13. They adorned it with an eloquent story
That adorned the ugly deafness for people

١٣. زَيَّنوها قصةً ناعقةً
زَيَّنتْ للنّاسِ مكروهَ الصَّمَمْ

14. Experimentation uncovered its scandals
And it went bare without modesty

١٤. كشفَ التّجريبُ عن سَوْآتِها
ومضَتْ عاريةً ما تَحتشِمْ

15. They corrupted the world with what they did
To the ancient laws and systems

١٥. أفسدوا العالمَ مّما عَبثوا
بالدساتيرِ القُدامى والنُّظُمْ

16. The blind broke their covenants and the blind went
Raging on or stumbling over

١٦. نقضَ الأرسانَ واستنَّ العَمَى
فهو يَمضي جامحاً أو يرتطِمْ

17. They robbed it of reason with their rebellion
And gave it insanity and afflictions to drink

١٧. سلبوه العقلَ ممّا عَربدوا
وسَقَوهُ من خَبالٍ وَلمَمْ

18. Life is sin and religion is desire
The weak are opponents and the sword is the judge

١٨. الحياةُ البَغيُ والدِّينُ الهَوى
والضّعيفُ الخَصمُ والسّيفُ الحكمْ

19. It is an era you could call if you wish
The era of tyranny or the age of idols

١٩. زمنٌ تَصدُقُ إن سَمّيتَه
زمنَ الطّاغوتِ أو عصرَ الصَّنَمْ

20. Oh Palestine, call it a catastrophe that stirred it
For the people is a burning covenant

٢٠. يا فلسطينُ اصطليها نكبةً
هاجها للقومِ عَهدٌ مُضطرِمْ

21. And witness their protection of it as a funeral
If they had any care for the weak, it would not have occurred

٢١. واشْهديهِ في حماهم مأتماً
لو رَعَوْا للضَّعفِ حقَّاً لم يَقُمْ

22. And drink your cup of what they pressed
Of raging misfortune into every mouth

٢٢. واشربي كأسَكِ ممّا عَصَرُوا
من زُعافٍ جائلٍ في كلِّ فَمْ

23. Remember your day in theirdens
And leave yesterday, for regret is useless

٢٣. اذكري يومَكِ في أفيائهم
وَدَعي الأمسَ فما يُغني النّدمْ

24. A sign of aggression among its names
Is the wisdom of fate or the justice of destiny

٢٤. آيةٌ للبَغْيِ من أسمائها
حِكمةُ الأقدارِ أو عَدلُ القِسَمْ

25. Reveal it as a cloud that has
No match but the Revealer of clouds

٢٥. اكشفيها غُمّةً ليس لها
من كِفاءٍ غيرُ كشّافِ الغُمَمْ

26. Free jihad will claim its right
The ruin of Arabs and the protection of glory

٢٦. الجهادُ الحرُّ يقضي حقَّه
سُؤددُ العُربِ ويحميهِ العلَمْ

27. Do not sleep for the aggressors, be determined
And go aspiring into the crowded fray

٢٧. لا تنامِي للعوادي وادأبي
واذهبي طامحةً في المُزدحَمْ

28. One heedless of rights cannot achieve them
He slept while events were awake and did not sleep

٢٨. ليس بالمُدركِ حقّاً غافلٌ
نامَ والأحداثُ يقظَى لم تَنَمْ

29. In my heart is your bloody wound and in
My liver what you have of sorrow and worry

٢٩. في فؤادي جُرحُكِ الدّامي وفي
كَبدي ما فيكِ من حُزنٍ وَهَمّْ

30. How many casualties you have among your wounded
The fate of kin and limbs of wombs

٣٠. كم صريعٍ لكِ في أشلائِه
مَصرعُ القُربَى وأشلاءُ الرَّحِمْ

31. They saddened me with a good son
And a brother noble of temperament and cousin

٣١. فَجعوني فيهِ بابنٍ صالحٍ
وأخٍ حُرِّ السّجايا وابنِ عَمّْ

32. The martyrs of truth died defending it
While it lives gloriously, abundant in suns

٣٢. شهداءُ الحقِّ ماتوا دُونه
وهو حيُّ العزِّ موفورُ الشَّمَمْ

33. And they bought it with free souls
They spent them out of generosity and nobility

٣٣. واشتروه بنفوسٍ حُرّةٍ
بذلوها من سَخاءٍ وكرمْ

34. The nation rose on the likes of them
And the matter in it settled and became orderly

٣٤. نَهض المُلكُ على أمثالِها
واستتبَّ الأمرُ فيه وانتظمْ

35. If the building lasts one day or becomes elevated
They are the pillars in it and the supports

٣٥. إن رسا البنيانُ يوماً أو سَمَا
فَهِيَ الأركانُ فيه والدُّعُمْ

36. They went to the Orient in their funeral
The smile of the carefree and bringer of smiles

٣٦. ذهبوا للشرقِ في مأتمهم
مَرَحُ الخالي وبِشرُ المُبتَسِمْ

37. Its secret being that its youth stood up
The clubs of India and lions of the dunes

٣٧. سرّه أن هبَّ من أبنائِه
قُضُبُ الهند وآسادُ الأَجَمْ

38. And it shook off from between its sorrows
What the aggression shook from those resolves

٣٨. وانتضى من بين جَنبيْهِ الأسَى
ما انتضى العُدوانُ من تلك الهِمَمْ

39. The resolves of the free protect a
Wounded Arab nation of darkness and injustice

٣٩. هِمَمُ الأحرارِ تحمِي وَطناً
عربيّاً سِيمَ خَسفاً وظُلِمْ

40. A wolf sold it to a wolf as spoils
So it is for the two wolves shared plunder

٤٠. بَاعَهُ ذئبٌ لذئبٍ غِيلةً
فهو للذّئْبَينِ نَهْبٌ مُقْتَسَمْ

41. Its people's livelihoods are stripped away
And the land is let go due to intense greed

٤١. تُنزَعُ الأرزاقُ من أبنائهِ
وتُسَلُّ الأرضُ من فرط النَّهَمْ

42. The people are persecuted, so if they get angry
Souls depart from them severed

٤٢. يُرهَقُ القومُ فإن هم غضبوا
راحتِ الأرواحُ منهم تُخْتَرمْ

43. A storm of harm befell them
Stirred up by tyranny, blowing from nations

٤٣. أَخَذتهم للأذى عاصفةٌ
هاجها البغيُ فهبّت من أَمَمْ

44. It was let loose, raving with nothing to restrain it
Neither the bereaved's agony nor the orphan's adversary

٤٤. وارتمت هوجاءَ ما يردعُها
فاجعُ الثُّكلِ ولا عادي اليَتَمْ

45. Thirsty, it ravaged their lives
Felling both youth and old

٤٥. عصفت ظمآى إلى آجالهم
فتروَّت من شبابٍ وهَرَمْ

46. And it showed from the burning of its interior
Collapsing like fiercely blazing flames

٤٦. وأراها من تَلظِّي جوفِها
تتداعَى كالشُّواظِ المُحتدِمْ

47. It wishes the echo of the sounds
That blood becomes like a roaring sea

٤٧. تتمنَّى من تباريحِ الصَّدَى
لو يكون الدَّمُ كالبحرِ الخِضَمْ

48. O people of Israel, why, O treacherous ones
You kept the covenant and acted with integrity

٤٨. شعبَ إسرائيلَ ما بالُ الأُلىَ
حفظوا العهدَ وبَرُّوا بالقَسَمْ

49. You remembered them and forgot what you pledged
To make them equals in covenants and oaths

٤٩. ذكروكم ونَسَوْا ما عَقَدوا
لِسواكُمْ من عُهودٍ وذِمَمْ

50. Recall Balfour in your Talmud
And forgive Jesus today for what he transgressed

٥٠. اذكروا بُلفورَ في تلمودكم
واغفروا اليومَ لعيسَى ما اجترمْ

51. And ask Moses, did it please his soul
Or did he refuse what you did and so resent?

٥١. واسْألوا مُوسَى أَطابت نفسُه
أمْ أَبَى ما كان منكم فَنَقِمْ

52. Not like one who turned from truth is one who
Made truth the path to be followed

٥٢. ليس من مالَ عن الحقِّ كمن
جعل الحقَّ سبيلاً يُلتزَمْ

53. The Temple demolished your kingdom long ago
Then Balfour built what was demolished

٥٣. هدم التّيهُ قديماً مُلكَكم
فبنى بلفورُ منه ما هَدمْ

54. The land refused you, so you were disheveled
Wandering in every valley unsheltered

٥٤. أبَتِ الأرضُ فكنتم شَعَثاً
طائراً في كل وادٍ ما يُلَمّْ

55. So it cast your dispersion in a homeland
Guarded from you by a cohesive people

٥٥. فرمى أشتاتكم في وطنٍ
راعه منكم بشعبٍ مُلتئِمْ

56. Inform the drowning, even if they do not hear
Is it the deluge or the flood of collapse?

٥٦. نَبِّئوا الغرقَى وإن لم يسمعوا
أهُوَ الطُّوفانُ أم سَيْلُ العَرِمْ

57. Egypt cries out, "O stricken Palestine
Send out your voice from the top of the pyramid

٥٧. مصرُ ناجِي من فِلسطينَ الرُّبَى
وابْعثي صوتَكِ من أعلى الهَرمْ

58. And if worry or sorrow overcomes you
Draw worry from this pen

٥٨. وإذا أعوز هَمٌّ أو أسىً
فاستمدِّي الهمَّ من هذا القَلمْ

59. And take the meaning of sorrow from it, for you
Have no other meaning for it but what it composed

٥٩. وخُذِي مَعْنَى الأَسَى عَنْهُ فما
لكِ من مَعناه إلا ما نَظمْ

60. Inform it that from your presence
We find freshwater in the briny undrinkable

٦٠. نَبِّئيها أنّنا من وجدِها
نجد العَلْقَمَ في العذبِ الشَّبِمْ

61. We complain of the night and sorrow casts us
If the night passes with a gloomy dawn

٦١. نشتكي الليلَ ويرمينا الأَسى
إن مضى الليلُ بِصُبحٍ مُدْلهِمّْ

62. It is as if we in their intersection
Are an affliction raging and another simmering

٦٢. فكأنّا منهما في مُلتَقى
نكبةٍ تَطغَى وأُخرى تَستجِمّْ

63. Your dizzy sister, her complaint deafened her
And the immense disasters bewildered her children

٦٣. أختُكِ الوَلْهى عَنَاها شجوُها
وَدَهَى أبناءَها الخطبُ المِلَمّْ

64. She panicked, calling you in her ordeal
Egypt - immense disasters - hurry, no doubt

٦٤. فزعتْ تدعوكِ في مِحنتِها
مصرُ جلَّ الخطبُ هُبِّي لا جَرَمْ

65. Remember me, come to me, relieve
My pain, O blessed sister and mother

٦٥. اذكريني أدركيني خَفِّفِي
ألمِي بُوركتِ من أُختٍ وأُمّْ

66. A wrongdoer misguided your people in the name of Moses
If Moses saw in the people what he would not have pitied

٦٦. هَدَّ قومي باسْمِ مُوسَى ظالمٌ
لو رأَى في القومِ موسى ما رَحِمْ

67. Claiming the Torah from among his supporters
While it complains of the disasters done in his name

٦٧. زَعَم التوراةَ من أنصاره
فهي تشكو خطبَها مّما زعَمْ

68. Did he see the tablets and so take guidance
From what lessons and wisdoms were in them?

٦٨. هل رأى الألواحَ فاستهدَى بما
جاءَ فيها مِن عظاتٍ وحِكَمْ

69. Or did he receive revelation or was he a man
Whom the people entirely did not know but he knew?

٦٩. أم تلقَّى الوحيَ أم كان امرأً
جَهِلَ النّاسُ جميعاً وعَلِمْ

70. Lord, have you decreed that what afflicted
The Orient does not dissipate from disasters widespread?

٧٠. ربِّ هل قدّرتَ ألا ينجلي
ما أصابَ الشرْقَ من خطبٍ عَممْ

71. The people wreaked havoc in it until it had
No sanctity to respect or right to be honored

٧١. عاث فيه القومُ حتّى مَالَهُ
حُرمةٌ تُرعَى وحقٌّ يُحتَرمْ

72. Reveal the tribulations and have mercy on nations
Twisting from boredom and fatigue

٧٢. اكشفِ البأساءَ وارحم أُمماً
تتلوَّى من مَلالٍ وسَأَمْ

73. The people acted corruptly, rebelled, and dominated
And it became chaos of slaves and servants

٧٣. عَمِلَ النّاسُ فسادوا وعَلَوْا
وَهْيَ فوضَى من عبيدٍ وخَدمْ

74. Bearing injustice, and if not for deeming
Death to be life, they would not have been patient

٧٤. تَحمِلُ الضَّيمَ ولولا أنّها
تَحسَبُ الموتَ حياةً لم تُضَمْ

75. We have nothing in this life but
The raid of the aggressor and tyranny of the ruler

٧٥. ما لنا من هذه الدُّنيا سِوَى
غارةِ العادِي وعَسفِ المُحتكِمْ

76. What we suffer of its evil cannot be told
And our necks from its harm cannot be protected

٧٦. ساءَنا من شرَّها ما نجتوى
وعَنانا من أذاها ما نَذُمّْ

77. So we are weary of it, a bitter life
And we are bored of existence like nonexistence

٧٧. فسئِمناها حياةً مُرَّةً
ومللناهُ وُجوداً كالعَدمْ

78. Lord, You are the helper if the harm
Of tyranny surrounds us, and You are the Avenger

٧٨. رَبِّ أنتَ العونُ إن طاف بنا
طائفُ البَغْيِ وأنت المُنتقِمْ

79. Who can protect the people if the disasters of
Aad and Thamud befall them from ancient times?

٧٩. من يُجيرُ القومَ إن صَبَّحَهم
خطبُ عادٍ وثمودٍ في القِدَمْ

80. Let no powerful one be deluded by his soldiers
Power that is defeated and soldiers routed

٨٠. لا يَغُرَّنَ قويّاً جُندُه
قُوّةٌ صَرْعَى وجُندٌ مُنهزِمْ