
The tribe of Tha'labah, come forth,

بنى ثعلبة هبوا

1. The tribe of Tha'labah, come forth,
For the lion has resolved to attack.

١. بنى ثعلبة هُبّوا
فإنّ الليثَ قد عَزَمَا

2. You were struck by the son of Harithah -
The Messenger of God when he shot his arrows.

٢. رماكم بابن حارثةٍ
رسولُ اللهِ حِينَ رَمَى

3. You claimed he was lost and confused,
Not knowing which way to go.

٣. زعمتم أنه هو زَعْ
مَ من يَهْذِي وما عَلِما

4. Souls took flight before his vanguard,
Inflamed with anxiety and alarm.

٤. فَطَارَتْ قَبلَ مَقدمِهِ
نفوسٌ أُشعِرتْ لَمَمَا

5. How excellent a brother of battle is Zaid,
When serious, he charges ahead.

٥. ونِعمَ أخو الوغَى زيدٌ
إذا ما جَدَّ فَاقْتَحَما

6. He attacks the pool recklessly,
Protecting his sword and banner.

٦. يَخوضُ النّقعَ مُرتَكماً
ويَحمِي السيفَ والعَلَمَا

7. Their group turned and fled, scattered,
And had they met him, they wouldn't have survived.

٧. تَولَّى جَمعُهُم فَرَقاً
ولَو لاقاهُ ما سلما

8. How wretched the group whose strength
Betrayed them, and wretched what they claimed!

٨. لَبِئْسَ الجمعُ ما صَدَقَتْ
قُواهُ وبئسَ ما زَعَما

9. The son of Harithah felt for him
But found no trace or track.

٩. تلمَّسَهُ ابنُ حارثةٍ
فلا صَدَدَاً ولا أَمَمَا

10. He crept into his hiding places
So that his existence was as if naught.

١٠. تَسَرَّبَ في مَخابِئِهِ
فكان وُجُودُه عَدَما

11. Come, come O Zaid!
Come with the sheep and goats!

١١. هَلُمَّ هَلُمَّ يا زيدٌ
هَلُمَّ الشاءَ والنَعَمَا

12. Hold back, people! Did they seek
Aught but what frustrates aspirations?

١٢. رُوَيْدَ القومِ هل طلبوا
سِوَى ما يُعجِزُ الهِمَمَا

13. They went after him while he went on,
Dragging his sword ahead.

١٣. مَضُوا في إثرِهِ ومَضَى
يَجُرُّ حُسامَه قُدُما

14. They did not catch him though they struggled,
Nor did they gain any spoils.

١٤. فما بَلغُوه إذ جَهَدوا
ولا رَزأُوهُ ما غَنِمَا

15. Hold back, worshipers of idols!
For God has judged.

١٥. رُوَيْداً عابِدِي الأَصْنا
مِ إنّ اللهَ قد حَكَما

16. You were content with oppressing yourselves,
So He punished you when you did no wrong.

١٦. رَضِيتُمْ ظُلمَ أَنْفُسِكُمْ
فأَرْدَاكُمُ وما ظَلَمَا