
This is the Imam of religion in his signs,

هذا إمام الدين في أعلامه

1. This is the Imam of religion in his signs,
And religion is protected by the might of its Imam.

١. هذا إمامُ الدينِ في أعلامهِ
والدّينُ مُعتصِمٌ ببأسِ إمامهِ

2. He protects its truth with the strength of his assault,
And guards its sanctity with the edge of his sword.

٢. يَحمِي حَقيقَتَهُ بِقوَّةِ بطشهِ
ويصونُ بَيْضَتَهُ بحدِّ حُسَامِهِ

3. The Shaykh of jihad, every mujahid loves
To be called to battle by his young man.

٣. شيخُ الجهادِ يَودُّ كلُّ مجاهدٍ
لو كان يُدْعى في الوَغَى بِغُلاَمِهِ

4. He holds the glorious banner high with its boundaries,
And clarifies the traditions from its rulings.

٤. عالي اللّواءِ يُقيمُهُ بِحُدُودِهِ
ويُبَيِّنُ المأثورَ من أحكامهِ

5. The reformers in time are his swords,
And his soldiers in his war and peace.

٥. المُصلحونَ على الزّمانِ سُيُوفُهُ
وجنودُه في حربِهِ وسلامهِ

6. They knew jihad through him and from him they learned
What is sound from his constitution and system.

٦. عَرِفُوا الجِهَادَ به ومنه تَعَلَّمُوا
ما صَحَّ من دُستُورِهِ ونظامِهِ

7. Quraysh were angry that he abandoned their idols,
And fulfilled the covenant of his God and lead rope.

٧. غَضِبَتْ قُرَيْشٌ أن جَفَا أصنامَها
ووَفَى بعهدِ إلههِ وذِمَامِه

8. He raids their horsemen and kills their group,
Until their affairs surrender to his affairs.

٨. يغزو فوارِسَهم ويَقتُلُ جمعَهم
حتّى يَدينَ مَرامُهم لمرامِهِ

9. And every misguided one among them sees the proof,
So he refrains from his tyranny and nakedness.

٩. ويرى المحجَّةَ كلُّ غاوٍ مِنهمُ
فَيكفَّ عن طُغيانِهِ وعُرامِهِ

10. And their ignorant one returns to the religion of guidance,
And the light from the religion of blindness and its darkness.

١٠. ويثوبَ جاهلُهُم إلى دينِ الهُدَى
والنّورِ من دينِ العَمى وظلامِهِ

11. They came to him and the most untruthful among them wished,
That his hands had given him the cup of his doves.

١١. دلَفوا إليه وظَنَّ أكذبُهُم مُنىً
أنْ قد سَقَتْهُ يداه كأسَ حِمامِهِ

12. Does the ignorant one become deceived in this way?
And the deluded one flounders in his fantasies like this?

١٢. أَكذاكَ ينخدِعُ الغبيُّ وهكذا
يَتَخَبَّطُ المفتونُ في أوهامِهِ

13. Wait, O Abu Yusr! You have embarked on something great,
And wanted a palace that you are not one of its demolishers.

١٣. مَهْلاً أبيُّ لقد ركبتَ عظيمةً
وأردتَ صرحاً لستَ من هُدَّامِهِ

14. A palace that Allah built first when He built,
And lengthened from its pillars and carvings.

١٤. صَرْحٌ بناه اللَّهُ أوَّلَ ما بنى
وأطالَ من عِرْنِينِهِ وَسَنامِهِ

15. The builder cannot reach its outskirts, nor can
Its construction be seen supported by its pillars.

١٥. لا يبلُغُ الباني ذُراه ولا يُرى
في الدّاعِمِينَ بِناؤُه كدِعامِهِ

16. Wait, O Abu Yusr! If you do not know its place,
Then set out to it, if you can withstand its sublimity.

١٦. مَهلاً أبيُّ فإن جَهلتَ مكانَه
فانْهضْ إليه إن استطعتَ وَسَامِهِ

17. Go ahead, take it O Abu Yusr, you have been given it,
So look at the giver and the awe of his cup.

١٧. أقدِمْ فخذها يا أبيُّ سُقِيتَها
فانظرْ إلى السّاقِي ورَوعةِ جامِهِ

18. A scratch like the blow of fingernails, or less than it,
Why do you complain and cry out from its pain?

١٨. خَدشٌ كوقعِ الظُّفْرِ أو هُوَ دونه
لِمَ تشتكِي وتَضِجُّ من آلامِهِ

19. O Abu Yusr! Where is the rod and fodder,
That you prepared and made his food?

١٩. أأُبيُّ أين العودُ والعَلَفُ الذي
أعددتَهُ وجعلته لطعامِهِ

20. For you are the woes, O rebel,
Who opposed Allah and plunged into sins.

٢٠. إذهبْ لكَ الويلاتُ من مُتَمَرِّدٍ
عادَى الإِلهَ ولجَّ في آثامه

21. For you is the stench of the slain ram's owner,
Who casts his reigns to the ghoul of destruction.

٢١. لكَ من قتيلِ الكبشِ أشأمُ صاحبٍ
يُلْقِي إلى غُولِ الرَّدى بزمامِهِ

22. The Prophet took him with a blow that tore his flesh
With its bones into pieces.

٢٢. أخذ النبيَّ بضربةٍ كانت له
حَتْفَاً يُمَزِّقُ لحمَهُ بعظامِهِ

23. And for whoever advanced over the stumbling horse,
Most wretched and disappointed, holding its reins.

٢٣. ولمَن تقدَّمَ فوقَ صهوةِ عاثرٍ
أشقَى وأخيبُ آخد بلجامهِ

24. He is in the pit, beneath the fortress of Muhammad,
The doves have alighted on him before his rising.

٢٤. هو في الحفيرةِ دُونَ حِصنِ مُحمدٍ
جَثَمَ الحِمامُ عليه قبل قيامهِ

25. Destiny has cast upon him its heaviest,
As he pours into his sins in succession.

٢٥. ألقى القضاءُ عليه من أَثقاله
مترامياً ينصبُّ في أجرامِهِ

26. Ibn Al-Summah's hero drove him back,
Frustrating the cunning when his resolve disintegrated.

٢٦. أرداه بابنِ الصِّمَّةِ البطلِ الذي
أعيا الرَّدى المحتالَ فضُّ صِمامِهِ

27. Al-Aamiri's sword overwhelms him so he writhes,
And the wounded one's blood soaks the heat of his tendons.

٢٧. يغشاهُ سيفُ العامريِّ فينثني
ودَمُ الجريحِ يَبُلُّ حرَّ أُوامِهِ

28. Your hands are safe Abu Dujanah, from a young man
Whose sting of death is the sweetest of poison.

٢٨. سَلمتْ يداك أبا دُجانةَ من فتىً
وَسْمُ المنيَّةِ من حِلَى صَمْصَامِهِ

29. You have done well in slaughtering the polytheists, so they resembled
What the butcher slaughters of cattle.

٢٩. أحسنتَ ذبحَ المشركينَ فأشبهوا
ما يذبحُ الجزَّارُ من أنعامهِ

30. Woe to them when they pelt their Prophet,
With stones that plunge like plunging arrows.

٣٠. يا ويلهم إذ يقذفون نبيَّهم
بحجارةٍ تهوِي هُوِيَّ سهامِهِ

31. They broke his noble face and wounded his face,
Each misguided one was extreme in his crime.

٣١. كسروا عَوَارضَهُ وشجُّوا وجهَهُ
من كلِّ غاوٍ جَدَّ في إجرامِهِ

32. The flowing blood drips from the one wearing a turban,
My sword loose in battle cutting and slashing.

٣٢. يجري الدَّمُ المدرار من مُتهلّلٍ
طلقِ المحيَّا في الوغَى بَسَّامِهِ

33. The disbelievers are not amazed at its outpouring,
For it had already flowed before in his inspiration.

٣٣. لا يعجبِ الكفارُ من مَسفوحِهِ
فلقد جَرَى من قبلُ في إلهامِهِ

34. What is their assumption of Allah, that He favors His servant,
With abundant bestowal from His blessings?

٣٤. ما ظَنُّهم باللَّهِ يُؤثِرُ عَبْدَهُ
بالبالغِ الموفورِ من إنعامهِ

35. No one can adopt a method besides misguidance,
Who is not diverted from his idols.

٣٥. لن يستطيعِ سِوَى الضلالةِ مذهباً
مَن ليس بالمصروفِ عن أصنامِهِ

36. They did not abandon him, nor did any honor escape him,
They are in supporting him and honoring him.

٣٦. لم يخذلُوهُ ولم تَفُتْهُ كرامةٌ
هم عند نُصرتِهِ وفي إكرامِهِ

37. The patience of the resolved one for jihad against harm,
Is a trait through which glory is completed in its perfection.

٣٧. صَبْرُ المشمِّرِ للجهادِ على الأذَى
خُلُقٌ يتمُّ المجدُ عِندَ تمامِهِ

38. This is Muhammad's position among his people,
Does anyone in time have a position like his position?

٣٨. هذا مَقَامُ محمدٍ في قومِهِ
هل لامرئٍ في الدهرِ مِثلُ مَقامِهِ

39. The gentle leaders from his followers,
And the eminent chiefs from his servants.

٣٩. القادةُ الهادونَ من أتباعِهِ
والسّادةُ البانونَ من خُدَّامهِ

40. Allah sent him as a healing physician,
For the savage world from its illnesses.

٤٠. اللَّهُ أرسله طبيباً شافياً
للعالَمِ الوَحشيِّ من أسقامِهِ

41. The matter has become clear, so where can guidance be sought,
By one who strayed between its lawful and prohibited?

٤١. الأمرُ بانَ فأين يلتمسُ الهدى
مَن ضلَّ بينَ حَلالِهِ وحرامِهِ

42. The Prophet rode to Medina returning,
Gabriel walking with him in his signs.

٤٢. ركبُ النبيِّ إلى المدينةِ عائدٌ
يَمشِي به جبريلُ في أعلامهِ

43. The wounded are in the middle, their blood dripping
Over the pebbles behind him and in front of him.

٤٣. يتوسّطُ الجرحَى تَسيلُ دماؤُهم
فوقَ الحصَى من خَلفِهِ وأمامِهِ

44. And he extends his wing over the believing women
To establish their right from his reverence.

٤٤. ويَمُدُّ فوق المؤمناتِ جَناحَهُ
يقضِي لهنَّ الحقَّ من إعظامِهِ

45. Those who performed jihad have tasted in the blazing heat of scourging,
The truth's burning thirst in its tendons.

٤٥. أَدَّيْنَ مَسنونَ الجهادِ وذُقْنَ في
وَهَجِ الجِلادِ الحقِّ حَرَّ ضرامهِ

46. The Jews gloated and the wretched gang,
Hypocrisy sealed their hearts with its stamp.

٤٦. شَمتَ اليهودُ وأرجفَ النفَرُ الأُلَى
طَبعَ النِّفاقُ قلوبَهم بختامهِ

47. They said Muhammad has been wounded in himself,
His men and his dreams have been wounded.

٤٧. قالوا أُصيبَ مُحمدٌ في نفسِهِ
ورجالِهِ وأُصيبَ في أحلامِهِ

48. That is not the position of the Prophet, for the Prophet
Is given victory when he confronts.

٤٨. ما تلك مَنزلةُ النبيِّ فإنما
يُؤتَى النبيُّ النَّصرَ عِندَ صِدَامِهِ

49. His demands have become great, so he wants,
A kingdom whose majesty lasts forever.

٤٩. جَلّتْ مَطالبهُ فراحَ يُريدُهُ
مُلكاً يَدومُ جَلالُهُ بدوامهِ

50. If only the war dead were with us,
Their loss would not have saddened their loved ones.

٥٠. لو أنّ قتلى الحربِ كانوا عندنا
ما هدَّ هالكُهُم ذَوِي أرحامِهِ

51. They provoked the rage of the certain Farooq,
Trusting in Allah, not listening to blamers.

٥١. هاجوا مِن الفاروقِ غَضْبةَ واثِقٍ
باللَّهِ لا يُصغِي إلى لُوَّامهِ

52. So he called, "Should the head of every hypocrite
In the people who harms us with his evil talk remain?"

٥٢. فدعا أَيُتْرَكُ رأسُ كلِّ مُنافقٍ
في القومِ يُؤذينا بسوءِ كلامِهِ

53. The Prophet said, "And how can you kill a Muslim?
Do you not fear Allah in his Islam?"

٥٣. قال النَّبيُّ وكيف تَقتلُ مُسْلِماً
أفما تخافُ اللَّهَ في إسلامِهِ

54. May Allah send prayers upon you, O embarrassed one,
Who restrains his self and pardons his wrongdoers.

٥٤. صلَّى عليكَ اللَّهُ من مُتحرِّجٍ
جَمِّ الأناةِ يعفُّ عن ظَلَّامِهِ

55. Facilitating in law and reform, guided
In his annulment of the matter or its fulfillment.

٥٥. سمحِ الشَّريعةِ والخلالِ مُسَدَّدٍ
في نَقضِهِ للأمرِ أو إبرامِهِ