
Who will lend me the wings of storms as my conveyance

من لي بأجنحة العواصف مركبا

1. Who will lend me the wings of storms as my conveyance
As I see the steeds of worries have gone farther away

١. مَن لي بِأَجنِحَةِ العَواصِفِ مَركَبا
وَأَرى مَطايا الهَمِّ أَبعَدَ مَطلَبا

2. O lightning alive upon the clouds, make homes
That quench the thirst of those distant from their loved ones

٢. يا بَرقُ حَيِّ عَلى السَحابِ مَنازِلاً
تَسقي حَيا البَينِ الرِفاقَ الغُيَّبا

3. You are the message and messenger so be for them
For us in estrangement, the gilded missive

٣. أَنتَ الرِسالَةُ وَالرَسولُ فَكُن لَهُم
مِنّا عَلى النَأيِ الكِتابَ المُذهَبا

4. They have gotten used to gloom and the predatory birds clamor
The fish heard its defeat so hesitated in fear

٤. أَلِفوا الوُجومَ وَلِلجَوانِحِ ضَجَّةٌ
سَمعَ السِماكُ هَزيمَها فَتَهَيَّبا

5. Will they remember Egypt’s due right
Or do they keep for it the nearest rope

٥. هَل يَذكُرونَ لِمِصرَ واجِبَ حَقِّها
أَم يَحفَظونَ لَها الذِمامَ الأَقرَبا

6. And they see its flooding and the stand of its people
They quarrel over its path and doctrine

٦. وَيَرَونَ غَمرَتَها وَمَوقِفَ أَهلِها
يَتَنازَعونَ سَبيلَها وَالمَذهَبا

7. Matters regarding it flow according to their whims
Each sees an opinion and seeks personal gain

٧. تَجري الأُمورُ بِها عَلى أَهوائِهِم
كُلٌّ يَرى رَأياً وَيَطلُبُ مَأرَبا

8. Shall I see a country become independent and a nation
That refuses protection or do I behold a playing field

٨. أَأَرى بِلاداً تَستَقِلُّ وَأُمَّةً
تَأبى الحِمايَةَ أَم أُشاهِدُ مَلعَبا

9. If not for the defenders every fighter would have
Cast down arms and deemed fleeing permissible

٩. لَولا الحِفاظُ لَراحَ كُلُّ مُجاهِدٍ
يُلقي السِلاحَ وَيَستَبيحُ المَهرَبا

10. May Allah not torment cowardice for it
Would leave the noble free man tormented

١٠. لا عَذَّبَ اللَهُ الكِنانَةَ إِنَّها
لَتُغادِرُ الحُرَّ الكَريمَ مُعَذَّبا

11. The one who made loyalty its reward is not
Like one who took lightly his pact and flipped

١١. لَيسَ الَّذي جَعَلَ الوَفاءَ جَزاءَها
كَمَنِ اِستَهانَ بِعَهدِها فَتَقَلَّبا

12. Indeed the one who granted souls their nature
Made loyalty to the noble beloved

١٢. إِنَّ الَّذي وَهَبَ النُفوسَ خِلالَها
جَعَلَ الوَفاءَ إِلى الكِرامِ مُحَبَّبا

13. The truth has troops and if they march under its banner
They will defeat the proudest of armies

١٣. لِلحَقِّ جُندٌ إِن مَشى بِلِوائِهِ
غَلَبَ الأَعَزَّ مِنَ الجُنودِ الأَغلَبا

14. I wish the vanished had witnessed the ugly scene and spoken
Which of the boats was the most steadfast

١٤. لَيتَ الأُلى شَهِدوا الكَريهَةَ حَدَّثوا
أَيَّ القَواضِبِ كانَ أَصدَقَ مَضرَبا

15. They shielded the fighter with impenetrable armor
Yet the skulls tore them open, shattering the helmed

١٥. حَجَبوا المَقاتِلَ بِالدُروعِ حَصينَةً
وَالحَتفُ يَهتِكُ حاسِراً وَمُحَجَّبا

16. Passion blew away the reckless and perhaps
Cracked the shaky one who hesitated and delayed

١٦. عَصَفَ الهَوى بِالجامِحينَ وَرُبَّما
صَدَعَ العِمايَةَ مَن أَهابَ وَثَوَّبا

17. No excuse for one who left the minaret behind
And went plunging into the depths of ruin

١٧. ما عُذرُ مَن تَرَكَ المَنارَ وَراءَهُ
وَمَضى يَخوضُ مِنَ الضَلالَةِ غَيهَبا

18. By Allah, in a land whose wounds still bleed
That will seal the fate of your heels to stumble

١٨. اللَهَ في وَطَنٍ يَظَلُّ مُصابُهُ
يَقضي عَلى أَعقابِكُم أَن تُنكَبا

19. What ails these dreamers? They have gone farther astray
Than a pendant from the neck of a western belle

١٩. ما لِلحُلومِ ذَهَبنَ أَبعدَ مَذهَبٍ
أَعلِقنَ مِن عَنقاءَ مُغرِبَ مَخلَبا