
Uyaynah, you have detained the old woman wanting

عيينة أمسكت العجوز تريدها

1. Uyaynah, you have detained the old woman wanting
A loan that would aid one afflicted with poverty

١. عُيَيْنَةُ أمسكتَ العجوز تُريدُها
عَتاداً يُفيدُ اليُسْرَ مَن كان مُعسِرَا

2. You were stingy with Umm Al-Hayy as her ransom
Oh, how I wish you had chosen better judgment

٢. ضَنَنْتَ بأُمِّ الحَيِّ تُغْلِي فِدَاءَها
فَيَا لَكَ رأياً غَيرُهُ كانَ أجْدَرَا

3. You barter with Zuhair to increase his misguidance
For more than a hundred if he were an ingrate

٣. تَسُومُ زُهيراً أن يَزيدَكَ ضلَّةً
عَلَى مائةٍ لو كان غِرّاً لأكثرا

4. He has fooled you with hidden cunning and did not cease
Until the matter became too difficult for you

٤. رَمَاكَ به مَكراً خَفِيّاً فلم يَزَلْ
يَضيقُ عليكَ الأمرُ حتى تَعَذَّرا

5. Surely what he said the first time
Would have sufficed you, had you been a man of insight

٥. لقد كان فيما قالَ أوَّلَ مَرَّةٍ
غِنَىً لَكَ لو كنتَ امرأً مُتَبَصِّرا

6. He continues to show you asceticism in his old age
Which he sees as greater and more venerable than the world

٦. يَظَلُّ يُرِيكَ الزُّهدَ في شَيْخَةٍ لهُ
يَرَاهَا مِنَ الدنيا أجَلَّ وأكبرا

7. So you call him saying, I do not desire it
When the matter of her ransom becomes feasible

٧. فَتَدعوه أقْبِلْ لستُ فيها بِرَاغبٍ
إذا بَلَغَ الأمرُ الفِداءَ الميَسَّرا

8. He ransomed her for six, had you refused
You would have given her to him for nothing, and it would suffice what you see

٨. فداها بِسِتٍّ لو أبيتَ لَسُقْتَها
إليه بلا شيءٍ وَحَسْبُكَ ما تَرَى

9. Is she not, as her son said, one who for the likes of her
Except to die and be buried, there is no alternative to hardship

٩. ألَيْسَتْ كما قالَ ابْنُها ما لمثلها
على الضَّنِّ إلا أن تموتَ فَتُقْبَرَا

10. By the One, if He willed, you would not disobey His command
You have come with a reprehensible matter, O Uyaynah

١٠. أما والذي لو شاءَ لم تَعْصِ أمرَهُ
لقد جِئتَ أمراً يا عُيَيْنَةُ مُنكرا

11. So carry your own self upon righteousness, for it
Is more profitable than what the cultivated land bears

١١. فنفسَكَ فَاحْمِلْها على البرِّ إنّه
لأَربَحُ مِمّا تَحمِلُ الأرضُ مَتْجَرَا

12. And mankind's hopes for what escapes him
If the caller calls and he turns away and leaves

١٢. وما طَمَعُ الإنسانِ فيما يفوته
إذا ما دَعَا الدّاعِي فَوَلَّى وأدبرا