
With the likes of you two, homes are exalted and prosper

بمثلكما تعلو الديار وتسعد

1. With the likes of you two, homes are exalted and prosper
And hopes draw near to them from wherever they are distant

١. بِمِثلِكُما تَعلو الدِيارُ وَتَسعَدُ
وَتَدنو لَها الآمالُ مِن حَيثُ تَبعُدُ

2. You two refused to herd slander except that
Which is broadcast and excused or circulated and praised

٢. أَبى لَكُما رَعيُ الذِمامِ سِوى الَّذي
يُذاعُ فَيُطرى أَو يُشاعُ فَيُحمَدُ

3. For your two days in war and peace there is a scene
That delights the eye of whoever looks and witnesses

٣. لِيوميكُما في الحَربِ وَالسلمِ مَشهَدٌ
يَقِرُّ بِعَينَي مَن تَطَلَّعَ يَشهَدُ

4. If a bare sword has frightened the enemies
A sound opinion has brought comfort to homelands

٤. لَئِن أَوحَشَ الأَعداءَ سَيفٌ مُجَرَّدٌ
لَقَد آنَسَ الأَوطانَ رَأيٌ مُجَرَّدُ

5. So blessings upon you two when you shake off
A matter - you do not rise in any matter arrogantly

٥. فَبورِكتُما إِذ تَنفُضانِ يَدَيكُما
مِنَ الأَمرِ لا تَعلو بِأَمرٍ وَأَكمَدُ

6. I see them under the sting and jab of poetry
And among them there is none but a subservient weakling

٦. أَراهُم عَلى وَخزِ القَريضِ وَوَكزِهِ
وَما فيهِمُ إِلّا ذَليلٌ مُعَبَّدُ

7. They are driven like donkeys under the whip whenever
On the journey they grow weary and struggle on the plain

٧. يُساقونَ سَوقَ الحُمرِ لِلسَوطِ ما وَنى
لَدى السَيرِ مِنها فَهيَ في السَهلِ تَجهُدُ

8. To the darkness of the depths - in it there is no bright one
To give light or from it one ascending to the heights

٨. إِلى قاتِمِ الأَعماقِ ما فيهِ مُشرِقٌ
يُضيءُ وَلا مِنهُ إِلى عَلوَ مَصعَدُ

9. It is as if I see them, having reached it, certain
Of death upon their bedouins creeping up

٩. كَأَنّي بِهِم قَد شارَفوهُ فَأَيقَنوا
بِمَوتٍ عَلى أَسرابِهِم يَتَوَرَّدُ

10. I grieve for homelands whose precincts they permitted
So the hands of enemies in them go about corrupting and ruining

١٠. أَسيتُ لِأَوطانٍ أَباحوا ذِمارَها
فَأَيدي العِدى فيها تَعيثُ وَتُفسِدُ

11. Their opinion was scattered between cowardice and greed
And I lost your sound opinion that was wavering

١١. تَبَدَّدَ بَينَ الجُبنِ وَالحِرصِ رَأيُهُم
وَأَضيعُ رَأيَيكَ الَّذي يَتَرَدَّدُ

12. I will cry over Egypt and the glory of its past
Even if I have no one from Egypt's people to bring me joy

١٢. سَأَبكي عَلى مِصرٍ وَسالِفِ مَجدِها
وَإِن لَم يَكُن لي مِن بَني مِصرَ مُسعِدُ

13. I see today like yesterday or even gloomier
Oh how I wish I knew what tomorrow will bring

١٣. أَرى اليَومَ مِثلَ الأَمسِ أَو هُوَ أَنكَدُ
فَيا لَيتَ شِعري ما يَجيءُ بِهِ الغَدُ