1. I see justice being claimed, its beauty impresses people,
And smooth talk deceives them about it and they are convinced.
١. أَرى العَدلَ دعوى يُعجِبُ الناسَ حُسنُها
وَيَخدَعُهُم عَنها الحَديثُ المُلَفَّقُ
2. A young man knowingly spews lies,
When he claims it, he doesn't speak the truth.
٢. أَكاذيبُ يُزجيها الفَتى وَهوَ عالِمٌ
إِذا ما اِدَّعاها أَنَّهُ لَيسَ يَصدُقُ
3. Injustice spread amongst the people and its people became arrogant,
While the weak were harmed and burdened.
٣. فَشا الظُلمُ بَينَ الناسِ وَاِعتَزَّ أَهلُهُ
وَباتَ ضَعيفُ القَومِ يُؤذَى وَيُرهَقُ
4. With no helpers, his rights were seized,
So he stays quiet and is disgraced and remains silent.
٤. خَلِيّاً مِنَ الأَعوانِ يُغصَبُ حَقُّهُ
فَيُغضي وَيُرمى بِالهَوانِ فَيُطرِقُ
5. When he calls upon the people seeking their aid,
He sees them gather around him then disperse.
٥. إِذا اِستَصرَخَ الأَقوامَ يَرجو غِياثَهُم
رَأى جَمعَهُم مِن حَولِهِ يَتَفَرَّقُ
6. I've seen the rulers of people not dealing justly with them,
And the best rulers are the just and gentle ones.
٦. رَأَيتُ مُلوكَ الناسِ لا يُنصِفونَهُم
وَخَيرُ المُلوكِ المُنصِفُ المُتَرَفِّقُ
7. They erect the edifice of injustice in every nation,
When they rule, yet justice is the crown of kingship.
٧. يُقيمونَ صَرحَ الظُلمِ في كُلِّ أُمَّةٍ
إِذا مَلَكوا وَالعَدلُ بِالمُلكِ أَخلَقُ
8. The shelter of justice was in Al-Farooq and its shadow stretched out
The morning his banners were unfurled while fluttering.
٨. ثَوى العَدلُ في الفاروقِ وَاِنجابَ ظِلُّهُ
غَداةَ اِنطَوَت أَعلامُهُ وَهيَ تَخفَقُ
9. A leader who shaded the land with his abundant justice,
And adorned it through it with grace and elegance.
٩. إِمامٌ أَظَلَّ الأَرضَ وارِفُ عَدلِهِ
وَجَلَّلَها مِنهُ جَمالٌ وَرَونَقُ
10. He was guided to good by a religion that illuminates him
With the glorious Quran, the shining light.
١٠. هَداهُ إِلى المَعروفِ دينٌ يُضيئُهُ
مِنَ الذِكرِ ذي الآياتِ أَبلَجُ مُشرِقُ
11. And a soul that had a stance in every lofty situation,
While souls fell short and slipped from it.
١١. وَنَفسٌ لَها في كُلِّ عَلياءَ مَوقِفٌ
تَزِلُّ النُفوسُ الشُمُّ عَنهُ وَتَزلَقُ
12. He called them to what earns glory and supremacy,
And the pleasure of the Lord of mankind, the successful guide.
١٢. دَعاها إِلى ما يُكسِبُ المَجدَ وَالعُلا
وَرِضوانَ رَبِّ الناسِ داعٍ مُوَفَّقُ
13. He built the dome of Islam high with justice,
And around it a barrier, blazing with might.
١٣. بَنى قُبَّةَ الإِسلامِ بِالعَدلِ عالِياً
وَبِالبَأسِ جَمّاً حَولَها يَتَحَرَّقُ
14. And here is an impenetrable fortress and moat.
Whenever enemies attacked it, their banners were humiliated
١٤. فَهَذا لَها سورٌ يَروعُ مُنيفُهُ
وَهَذا لَها حِصنٌ مَنيعٌ وَخَندَقُ
15. By banners revived with victory from on high.
Around Allah's soldiers they had remnants
١٥. إِذا رامَهُ الأَعداءُ أَخزى لِواءَهُم
لِواءٌ يُحَيّيهِ مِنَ النَصرِ فَيلَقُ
16. Of defeated detachments and torn banners.
He continued until the Maghreb submitted to Allah,
١٦. لَهُم حَولَ جُندِ اللَهِ في كُلِّ مَأزِقٍ
فُلولُ السَرايا وَاللِواءُ المُمَزَّقُ
17. And he continued until the Mashriq submitted to Allah.
The nations of Islam stood firm after he passed away,
١٧. فَما زالَ حَتّى دانَ لِلَهِ مَغرَبٌ
وَما زالَ حَتّى دانَ لِلَهِ مَشرِقُ
18. Terrified and shaken by the calamities of war.
His loyalists perished and his pillars collapsed,
١٨. ثَوَت أُمَمُ الإِسلامِ مِن بَعدِما مَضى
تُراعُ بِأَهوالِ الخُطوبِ وَتُصعَقُ
19. Like pebbles scattered and split apart.
The unjust took control over them and they ended up
١٩. تَفانَت مَواليها وَطاحَ حُماتُها
كَما طاحَ مُرفَضُّ الحَصى يَتَفَلَّقُ
20. Led by the ropes of humiliation, bound and shackled.
May glory return to them, perhaps they will
٢٠. تَحَكَّمَ فيها القاسِطونَ فَأَصبَحَت
تُقادُ بِأَسبابِ الهَوانِ وَتُوثَقُ
21. One day free themselves from fetters and be released.
Then they will seek from the paths of pride what was abandoned,
٢١. عَسى العِزُّ أَن يَعتادَها وَلَعَلَّها
تُفَكُّ مِنَ الأَغلالِ يَوماً وَتُطلَقُ
22. And attain a faith that choked them and was denied.
Then neither heart roams its ruins to kindle passion anew,
٢٢. فَتَستَنُّ مِن سُبلِ المَفاخِرِ ما عَفا
وَتُدرِكُ ديناً ضاقَ مِنهُ المُخَنَّقُ
23. Nor tear flows at its remnants and crackles.
Know that all good and righteousness,
٢٣. فَلا القَلبُ في آثارِهِ يَصطَلي الجَوى
وَلا الدَمعُ في أَطلالِهِ يَتَرَقرَقُ
24. I fear for it that it will be lost and I am concerned.
٢٤. أَلا إِنَّهُ المَعروفُ وَالخَيرُ كُلُّهُ
أَخافُ عَلَيهِ أَن يَضيعَ وَأُشفِقُ