1. In his remembrance, let the ignorant know the truth,
And believe that rebellion's ways are manifold.
١. على ذكرها فليعرفِ الحقَّ جاهلُهْ
ويُؤمنْ بأنّ البغيَ شتَّى غَوائلُهْ
2. It was the Greatest Battle when polytheism attacked,
And its great armies charged while its armies retreated.
٢. هِيَ الغزوةُ الكبرى هَوى الشّركُ إذ رمت
جَحافِلُها العظمى وولّت جَحافلُهْ
3. And God's religion now stands firm,
So whoever strives against it, his striving is short.
٣. وأصبح دينُ اللهِ قد قام رُكنُهُ
فَأقصرَ من أعدائهِ مَن يُطاوله
4. God's swords have built it with resolve,
For it is firmer than the rocks of statues.
٤. بَنَتْهُ سيوفُ اللهِ بالعزمِ إنّه
لأصلبُ من صُمِّ الجلاميدِ سائله
5. The forces of the tyrant fail to undo
What the Builder's hand has established and its tools.
٥. تَكِلُّ قُوى الجبّارِ عما تُقيمه
عليه يَدُ الباني وتنبو مَعاوِله
6. God's Messenger urged the troops, "Advance!
And fear not the tyrant, for God has forsaken him."
٦. أهاب رسولُ اللهِ بالجندِ أقدِموا
ولا ترهبوا الطاغوتَ فاللّهُ خاذله
7. Do you not see the land, how polytheism
Has covered it with a religion that destroyed people in vain?
٧. أما تنظرون الأرض كيف أظلَّها
من الشّركِ دينٌ أهلك النّاسَ باطله
8. Take it with might, let not its arrows go astray,
For you are its purpose, and this is its battlefield.
٨. خُذوه ببأسٍ لا تطيشُ سهامُه
فأنتم مَناياهُ وهَذي مقاتله
9. We have the guidance, either through our Lord's signs,
Or through the sword's edge that never fails its wielder.
٩. علينا الهُدَى إمّا بآياتِ ربّنا
وإمّا بحدِّ السّيفِ لا خابَ حامله
10. When people reject proofs, proofs
Subdue their necks, and their evidence.
١٠. إذا أنكر القومُ البراهينَ أخضعت
براهينُه أعناقَهم ودلائله
11. War passed in Badr, its storms surging,
Its seas boiling and its cauldrons aflame.
١١. مضى البأسُ بَدْرِيَّ المشاهدِ تَرتمِي
أعاصيرهُ ناراً وتَغلِي مراجله
12. And God's Messenger called out to his God,
What an army that covered the horizon in squadrons!
١٢. وضَجَّ رسولُ الله يدعو إلهه
فيا لكَ من جندٍ طوى الجوَّ جافله
13. Victory descends from the Most High, shedding
Its rains of light, pouring its torrents.
١٣. تَنّزلَ يُزجي النصرَ تنسابُ من عَلٍ
شآبيبُه نوراً وينهلُّ وابله
14. Ahayzum, advance, for this is serious, no enemy
Will see aught but lies in pretending to be brave.
١٤. أحيزومُ أقدِمْ إنه الجِدُّ لن يرى
سواه عدوٌّ كاذبُ البأسِ هازله
15. God protects His religion and gives it glory,
So who dares oppose Him? Who contends with Him?
١٥. هو الله يحمي دينَه ويُعزُّه
فمن ذا يناويه ومن ذا يُصاوله
16. The army of disbelief was torn apart and its pact undone.
Its hopes were foiled and its means exhausted.
١٦. تمزّقَ جيشُ الكفر وانحلَّ عقدُه
فخابت أمانيه وأعيت وسائله
17. The Messenger faced harm, but he had only
What his morals had chosen, and his qualities.
١٧. وما برسولِ الله إذ ناله الأذى
سوى ما ارتضت أخلاقُهُ وشمائله
18. A prophet whom God loves with a warrior's love,
Who sees shedding his blood as his right, so he sacrifices it.
١٨. نبيٌّ يُحبُّ الله حُبَّ مجاهدٍ
يرى دَمهُ من حقّه فهو باذله
19. He reveres and obeys Him in his soul,
And whatever He decrees, he accepts it.
١٩. يُعظّمهُ في نفسِهِ ويُطيعُهُ
وما يقضِ من أمرٍ له فهو قابله
20. Thus were the foremost Muslims, they passed away.
What an age that makes grief depart!
٢٠. كذلك كان المسلمونَ الأُلى مضَوْا
فيا لكَ عصراً يبعثُ الحزنَ زائله
21. We have strayed from the ideal, so our affairs
Have gone to others, though the affair is theirs.
٢١. صَدفنا عن المُثلى فأصبحَ أمرُنا
إلى غيرنا نَهذِي به وهو شاغله
22. Whoever seeks life contends against his enemy,
What an enemy who finds none to contend with him!
٢٢. يُجالِدُ من يَبغِي الحياةَ عدوَّه
فيا لعدوٍّ لم يَجد من يُجادله
23. Every tyrant allowed power over us
Has scattered plots and snares.
٢٣. بنا من عوادِي الدّهرِ كلُّ مُسلَّطٍ
مَكائدُه مبثوثةٌ وحبائله
24. We spent our days, but our affairs are not right,
Can an affair be right if its high and low are inverted?
٢٤. قضينا المدى ما تستقيمُ أمورنا
وهل يستقيم الأمرُ عاليه سافله
25. I wonder at my people whose religion has been suspended among them
And they have wronged it, while ignorance resides in its every abode.
٢٥. عَجِبتُ لقومي عُطّلَ الدّينُ بينهم
وجُنُّوا به والجهلُ شتَّى منازله
26. They love it with the love of one whose opinion is misguided,
So their connection to it is equal, and their separation from it.
٢٦. يُحبّونه حُبَّ الذي ضلَّ رأيُه
فَقاطعهُ منهم سواء وواصله
27. Prayer and fasting, but evil runs rampant through them,
Shaking the two horizons with its slipping calamities.
٢٧. صلاةٌ وصَومٌ يَركضُ الشرُّ فيهما
حَثيثاً تَهزُّ المشرقَيْنِ صَواهِله
28. How can religion stand if courtesy and virtue
Are suspended in a community that wrongs it?
٢٨. وكيف يقومُ الدّينُ ما بين أمّةٍ
إذا عُطِّلتْ آدابُه وفضائله
29. Peace be upon us the day our might proves true,
And takes us through whatever matter we attempt.
٢٩. سلامٌ علينا يوم يصدقُ بأسُنا
فيمضِي بنا في كلّ أمرٍ نُحاوله
30. And the day the earth is under our banner,
None can match it or equal it.
٣٠. ويومَ تكونُ الأرض تحت لوائِنا
فليس عليها من لواءٍ يُماثله
31. We walk slowly while disasters befall us swiftly,
And the common evil breaks its fetters and hastens.
٣١. أنمشي بِطاءً والخطوبُ تَنوبُنا
سِراعاً وعادِي الشرِّ ينقضُّ عاجله
32. Come now, a Badrian zeal that removes harm
And alleviates the anguish that shakes one's insides.
٣٢. ألا همّةٌ بدريّةٌ تكشفُ الأذى
وتشفِي من الهمِّ الذي اهتاجَ داخله
33. Come now, a community that restrains souls from passion
And listens to the words I am saying.
٣٣. ألا أمةٌ تنهَى النفوسَ عن الهوى
وتُصْغِي إلى القولِ الذي أنا قائله
34. Come now, a state for the truth that follows its path
And walks upon its traces, never diverging from it.
٣٤. ألا دولةٌ للحقِّ تسلك نهجه
وتمشِي على آثارهِ ما تُزايله
35. If we do not provide guidance or follow the guidance,
Then do not reject, my people, what God will do.
٣٥. إذا نحن لم نَرشدْ ولم نتبعِ الهُدَى
فلا تنكروا يا قومُ ما الله فاعله