
Uyainah, what are you doing, alas!

عيينة ماذا أنت ويحك صانع

1. Uyainah, what are you doing, alas!
What is this army you are amassing?

١. عُيَيْنَةُ ماذا أنتَ وَيْحَكَ صَانِعُ
وما ذلك الجمعُ الذي أنتَ جَامعُ

2. Restrain yourself! Does an enraged one invade the city
And in it, O Uyainah, have ambition?

٢. رُوَيْدَكَ هل يغزو المدينةَ حانِقٌ
ويطمعُ فيها يا عُيينَةُ طامِعُ

3. It is the mighty rock; so neither is harm useful
If you come seeking it, nor is the sword cutting.

٣. هي الصّخرةُ العظمى فلا البأسُ نافعٌ
إذا جِئتَ تَبغيها ولا السّيفُ قاطِعُ

4. It has, by God's majesty, an impregnable fortress
Which deflects harm from it and an army defending.

٤. لها من جَلاَلِ اللهِ حِصْنٌ مُمنَّعٌ
يَرُدُّ الأذَى عنها وجَيْشٌ مُدافِعُ

5. In it is Allah's Messenger and the foremost vanguard
To whom terrors are trivial if events turn fearsome.

٥. وفيها رسولُ اللهِ والنَّفَرُ الأُلى
يَهُونُ عليهم أن تَهُولَ الوقائِعُ

6. When they encounter the melee, the striking is conclusive,
And if they advance on horseback, the victory gleams.

٦. إذا وَرَدوا الهيجاءَ فالنّقعُ قاتمٌ
وإن صَدَرُوا بالخيلِ فالنّصرُ لامِعُ

7. Bashir ibn Sa’d, O Uyainah, is arriving,
So are you retreating with your misguided army?

٧. بَشيرُ بنُ سعدٍ يا عُيينَةُ قادِمٌ
فهل أنتَ بالجمعِ المضلَّلِ راجِعُ

8. News of him reached you from afar,
And every heart quaked hearing of him.

٨. أتاكم على بُعْدِ المَزَارِ حَديثُهُ
فلا قَلْبَ إلا واجفٌ منه جَازِعُ

9. You fled, seeking deliverance, and it became
Clear to you from him a tremendously fierce day.

٩. فَرَرْتُم تُرِيْدونَ النّجاةَ وقد بَدَا
لكم منه يومٌ هائلُ البأسِ رَائِعُ

10. You abandoned the cattle, their herders wailing
And their vestiges mourning them on the meadows.

١٠. وغادرتمُ الأنعامَ تَعْوِي رُعاتها
وتَندبُها آثارُها والمراتِعُ

11. What plunder turned away its protectors
And was driven off, its flock in succession!

١١. فيا لكَ من نَهْبٍ تَوَلَّى حُماتُهُ
وأقبلَ يُزجَى سِربُهُ المتتابِعُ

12. And the two captives who were dissuaded
From polytheism by a deterrent from Allah's guidance.

١٢. ويا للأسِيرَيْنِ اللذين نَهاهما
عن الشِّرْكِ ناهٍ من هُدَى اللهِ رادعُ

13. They submitted when the truth became manifest,
And for the truth there is a light penetrating the blindness.

١٣. هُما أسلما لما بَدَا الحقُّ واضحاً
وللحقِّ نورٌ للعَمَايَةِ صادعُ

14. They obeyed Allah's Messenger, so were guided by him,
And the disobedient and obedient are not equal among people.

١٤. أطاعا رسولَ اللهِ فَاهْتَدَيَا بِهِ
وما يَسْتَوِي في النّاسِ عاصٍ وطائعُ

15. Uyainah, one who inclines toward righteousness continues
Upon insight from it. So are you one who withdraws?

١٥. عُيَيْنَةُ من يَنْزَعْ إلى الرُّشْدِ لا يَزَلْ
على لاحبٍ منه فهل أنت نازِعُ