1. The universe shone with vitality and bliss,
This is your place, so make it generously grand.
١. الكونُ أشرقَ نَضرةً ونعيما
هذا مكانُك فاتّخذه كريما
2. Time yearned for you until you came to it,
So it folded up longing and echoed peace.
٢. حَنَّ الزمانُ إليكَ حتّى جِئتَه
فطوى الحنينَ وردّدَ التسليما
3. You are the hope of nations, and this is
Your world that desires none but you as its leader.
٣. أنت المؤمَّلُ للشُّعوبِ وهذه
دُنياكَ لا تبغي سواك زعيما
4. Take it from the tyrannical people who corrupted it
And pave for them the path of righteous life.
٤. خُذها من القومِ الأُلى جمحوا بها
وَاشْرَعْ لهم نهجَ الحياةِ قويما
5. Heal the malady, for it has exacerbated and twisted,
The medicine of the predecessors has failed and become unwell.
٥. داوِ السَّقامَ فقد تفاقَمَ وانثنى
طِبُّ الأُلى سبقوك عنه سقيما
6. To meet the greatest of its elders with education.
What knowledge and guidance have you brought
٦. هاتيك مدرسةُ الحياةِ تقدّمتْ
تَلْقَى أجلَّ شُيوخِها تعليما
7. When you carried its inscribed book?
The science of civilization was hidden before you
٧. ماذا حملتَ من المعارفِ والنُّهى
لمّا حملتَ كتابَها المرقوما
8. Then you came to reveal its concealed secret.
Indeed, the preachers did not know its path
٨. عِلمُ الحضارةِ كان قبلك خافياً
فأتيتَ تُظهِرُ سِرَّهُ المكتوما
9. Until you established its demolished structure.
Convey the message of the One who made you a guide,
٩. والحقُّ ما عَرفَ الدُّعاةُ سبيلَهُ
حتّى أقمتَ بناءه المهدوما
10. And granted you abundant grace from His side.
Those who rejected Him took partners
١٠. بَلِّغ رسالةَ من أقامك هادياً
وحَباكَ فضلاً من لَدُنْهُ عظيما
11. With their lords as adversaries.
What are these lords? Their worshippers
١١. ضلّ الأُلىَ جَحَدوه واتّخذوا له
شُركاءَ من أربابهم وخُصوما
12. Are ignorant of the One God, eternal and everlasting.
The trusted, truthful guide has come, so one who
١٢. ما هذه الأربابُ ما لِعبادها
جَهلوه ربّاً واحداً قَيُّوما
13. Disbelieves in God's religion has been unjust.
The hearts of the polytheists trembled at a call
١٣. جاء الأمين الصّادقُ الهادي فمن
يَكفُر بدينِ اللهِ كان ظَلوما
14. That began to echo defeat in the lowlands.
They said, "Does Muhammad hope to misguide
١٤. رَجَفتْ قُلوبُ المُشرِكينَ لِدعوةٍ
طَفِقَتْ تُردِّدُ في البِطاحِ هزيما
15. Our sound minds and good judgements?"
"Shall we dishonor and debase
١٥. قالوا أيَطمعُ أن يُضِلَّ مُحمَّدٌ
منّا عُقولاً رُجَّحاً وحُلوما
16. What our glorious ancestors honored long ago?"
"We disdain to have our religion changed
١٦. أَنُعِزُّه ونُذِلُّ من أصنامنا
ما عَظَّمَ السَّلَفُ الأعزُّ قديما
17. By a man of little wealth who grew up an orphan."
"If the weak souls follow his path
١٧. إنّا لَنَأْنَفُ أن يُغيِّرَ دِينَنا
رجلٌ قليلُ المالِ شبَّ يتيما
18. Then we are the strongest fortress and sanctuary."
"When a builder relies on men, he appoints
١٨. إن يَتبعِ النَّفَرُ الضِّعافُ سبيلَه
فَلَنحنُ أمنعُ بَيْضةً وحريما
19. The pillars as chiefs and dignitaries."
They antagonized him but he became even stronger,
١٩. إنّ المُطاوِلَ بالرجال إذا بَنَى
جَعَل الدعائِمَ سادةً وقُروما
20. More honored, and nobler, with the highest abode.
They found him gentle, forgiving the sinner's trespass,
٢٠. هُمْ شاغبوه فكان أعظمَ قُوّةً
وأعزَّ مَنْزِلةً وأشرفَ خِيما
21. And saw him as most clement and forbearing.
He prays for them, "My Lord, guide my people for they
٢١. وَجَدُوه سَمْحاً لا يَضيقُ بِمُذنِبٍ
وَرَأَوْه موفورَ الأناةِ حليما
22. Do not know," and You have been All-Knowing.
Had You willed, they would not have ignored the path or accepted
٢٢. يدعو لهم رَبِّ اهْدِ قومي إنّهم
لا يَعلمونَ وكُنتَ أنتَ عَليما
23. A despicable, reprehensible religion.
"I am Your messenger. I will not stop striving against them
٢٣. لو شِئْتَ ما جَهِلوا السَّبيلَ ولا رَضُوا
دِيناً من النَّمط الغبيِّ ذميما
24. Until they relent or I become perished."
"O my people! Consider what you worship
٢٤. إنّي رَسُولُك لَنْ أَمَلَّ جِهادَهم
أو يَعبدوكَ ولن أكونَ سَؤوما
25. Before you see the painful torment."
"Is the religion of idols, which is a sin of yours,
٢٥. يا قومُ ماذا تَعبُدون تأمَّلُوا
مِن قبلِ أن تَرَوُا الْعَذابَ أليما
26. Better for you than the religion of Abraham?"
"I have been sent with the upright way of Islam
٢٦. دينُ الحجارةِ وهو من آثامكم
خيرٌ لكم أم دينُ إبراهيما
27. And dispatched for the good of all people universally."
Unbelief and vile corruption have both Made life a hellfire on the souls.
٢٧. أُرسِلتُ بالإسلام ديناً قيّماً
وبُعِثْتُ خيراً للشُّعوبِ عميما
28. So I will surely cleanse the land of its filth
And demolish its accumulated darkness.
٢٨. الكُفرُ والبَغيُ الذّميمُ كلاهما
جَعَلا الحياةَ على النُّفوسِ جَحيما
29. They sent his uncle to him, hoping to extinguish
His ambition with disappointment and deprivation.
٢٩. فَلأغْسِلَنَّ الأرضَ من أرجاسها
وَلأصْدَعَنَّ ظلامَها المركوما
30. They alleged he was aflame with desire
For the life of deviance and its poisoned chalice.
٣٠. بَعثوا إليه مِن المخافةِ عَمَّهُ
يُزْجِي الرّجاءَ مُخيَّباً محروما
31. He said, "Calm yourself, uncle. Beyond them is
A predicament too heavy for souls."
٣١. زعموه حرّانَ الجوانحِ يَبتغي
دُنيا الغواةِ وَوِرْدَهَا المسموما
32. "Even if they put fires before me, I would only
Increase in firmness and determination."
٣٢. قالَ اتَّئِدْ يا عَمِّ إنّ وراءَهم
خَطْباً يَشُقّ على النُّفوسِ جَسيما
33. "By God, they will find no compromise in me
Until they relent or I become ruined."
٣٣. النيّرانِ لَوَ اَنَّهم جعلوهما
بِيَدَيَّ زِدتُ صَرامةً وعَزيما
34. They recognized him and so set out to harm him
And conspired against him, ominous and ill-omened.
٣٤. واللهِ لن يَجِدوا لديَّ هَوادةً
حتّى يَفيئوا أو أكونَ رميما
35. They banded together, justifying killing him,
A killing they saw as a destined decree.
٣٥. عَرفوه فاتّخذوا السّبيلَ إلى الأذى
وَتَعاوَروه مُذمَّماً مشئُوما
36. Oh what misery their misguided view brought!
They sought blood that was divinely protected.
٣٦. وتَألّبوا يتعلّلون بِقتلهِ
قتلاً يَرَوْنَ قضاءَه محتوما
37. They blamed him and turned to their devil,
Who passed judgement for them, rejected and outcast.
٣٧. يا بُؤسَ للرأي المُضلَّلِ إنّهم
طلبوا دماً مِن كَيْدِهم معصوما
38. Would one who detests misguidance for his people
And is loyal to the Lord of all worlds be blamed?
٣٨. لاموه وانقلبوا إلى شيطانهم
فقضى القضاءَ لهم وكان رجيما
39. God supported him and aided him,
So he was saved and their multitude defeated.
٣٩. أيكون مَنْ كَرِهَ الضّلالَ لقومِه
وَوَفىَ لِربِّ العالمين مَلوما
40. Blessed are you, as a loyal companion to him,
And blessed are you, sincere intimate friend.
٤٠. اللهُ أَيَّدهُ وقامَ بنصرِه
فنجا وأدبرَ جمعُهم مهزوما
41. The lifeblood and God protected his life,
And the hoped-for peace of souls went safely.
٤١. بُوركتَ من وافٍ يُصاحبه أخٌ
صافٍ وبُورِكَ صاحباً وحميما
42. He who left the homes in migration,
Filled souls with anxieties and worries.
٤٢. مَحْيَا النُّفوسِ وَقَى الإلهُ حَيَاتَهُ
وسلامُها المأمولُ راح سليما
43. They dispatched tongues and swords after him,
But he returned them flowing with blood and wounds.
٤٣. إنّ الذي أخلىَ الديارَ مُهاجِراً
مَلأَ النفوسَ وَساوساً وهُموما
44. They came back disappointed, melting their assumptions,
Melting thereby the souls and bodies of them.
٤٤. بعثوا الأسنّةَ والسُّيوفَ وَراءَهُ
فأعادها تجري دماً وكُلوما
45. What does the corruptor think of the reformer
Who builds and destroys, assailing and fixing?
٤٥. رجعت مُخيَّبةً تُذِيبُ ظُنونَهم
فَتُذِيبُ أرواحاً لهم وجُسوما
46. The traveling star in its horizons
Filled the lands with crescents and stars.
٤٦. ماذا يظنُّ المُفسِدُونَ بِمُصلِحٍ
يبني ويهدم ظاعناً ومُقيما
47. The supporters of God's religion around their prophet
Joined the tied rope in Medina sincerely.
٤٧. الكوكبُ السّيارُ في آفاقهِ
ملأ البلادَ أهِلَّةً ونُجوما
48. Whether Khazrajite glory or Ausite nobility
They were sublime branches and lofty heights.
٤٨. أنصارُ دينِ الله حول نَبيِّهِ
وصلوا بيَثربَ حَبْلَهُ المصروما
49. Love the newcomer who is peerless
In those arriving as guests and settling.
٤٩. من خزرجيِّ المجدِ أو أَوْسِيِّهِ
طابوا فروعاً في العُلاَ وأُروما
50. O opener of the world and grantor to its people,
No wished-for matter was difficult or denied.
٥٠. أَحْبِبْ به من قادمٍ ما مِثْلُهُ
في النّازلينَ وفادةً وقُدوما
51. You saved this land from its sorrows,
And healed this distressed world.
٥١. يا فاتحَ الدُّنيا ومانحَ أَهْلِها
ما عَزَّ مَرْجُوّاً وجَلَّ مَروما
52. With the lucid cures against blindness,
So darkness cannot prevail or clouds can surge.
٥٢. أنقذتَ هذي الأرضَ من آلامِها
وشفيتَ هذا العالمَ المحموما
53. God sent them to you asarmor,
Beacons of guidance and traditions emerged.
٥٣. بالسّاطعاتِ الشّافِياتِ من العَمَى
يَطْغَى غَياهِبَ أو يموجُ غُيوما
54. You were given the Criterion, a canon of wisdom,
Which you continued to impart to fervent souls.
٥٤. اللهُ أنزلها عليكَ دَرَارياً
طَلعتْ مَعالِمَ للهُدَى ورُسوما
55. The wisdoms of the age have deviated,
And its sages missed the paths of integrity, yet it remains wise.
٥٥. أوتيتَ بالفرقانِ مَشرعَ حكمةٍ
ما زِلْتَ تُورِدُه النُّفوسَ الهيما
56. Without its eloquence and excellence of composition,
Men would be ignorant of the composed pearl.
٥٦. خَرِفَ الزّمانُ وأخطأتْ حُكماؤُه
سُبُلَ السَّدادِ وما يزالُ حكيما
57. A treasure of rhetoric - so whoever seeks wealth,
If he seeks other than it, lives deprived.
٥٧. لولا بلاغتُه وروعةُ نظمهِ
جَهِلَ الرجالُ اللّؤلؤَ المنظوما
58. The sciences of time branch out from it,
And tomorrow even more of the reserved will pour forth.
٥٨. كَنْزَ البيانِ فمن تَطَلَّبَ لِلغنَى
كنزاً سواه قَضَى الحياةَ عديما
59. Ever renewing in every age, seeking
New nations coming with insights and knowledge.
٥٩. فَضَّتْ عُلومُ الدَّهرِ منه جانباً
وغداً تَفُضُّ الجانبَ المختوما
60. A constitution of truth in Muhammad's right hand,
Protecting the weak and aiding the oppressed.
٦٠. مُتجدِّدٌ في كلّ عصرٍ يَبتغي
أُمَماً تَجِيءُ جديدةً وعُلوما
61. The exalted Master cajoles His servant through it,
And the ruled ruler fears it.
٦١. دُستورُ حقٍّ في يمينِ مُحمّدٍ
يحمي الضَّعيفَ ويَنصرُ المظلوما
62. It divided life among souls, even if one who
Does not wish for his allotted share refuses.
٦٢. يَتملّقُ المولى المعظَّم عَبْدَهُ
فيهِ ويَخْشَى الحاكمُ المحكوما
63. God did not create the strong in his dominion
To be vicious in temperament and tyrannical.
٦٣. قَسَمَ الحياةَ على النّفوسِ وإن أَبَى
من لا يُريدُ نصيبَهُ المقسوما
64. The earth was not spread out to cover up its Lord,
And extend the injustice of servants eternally.
٦٤. لم يَخلقِ اللهُ القويَّ بِمُلكهِ
لِيكونَ وَحشيَّ الطّباعِ غَشوما
65. O birth of the Chosen One, you have revived it -
A memory debating my repressed tears.
٦٥. والأرضُ ما بُسِطَتْ لِتجْحَدَ رَبَّها
وتَمُدَّ من ظُلْمِ العبادِ أديمِا
66. I weep for Islam as its glory fades
And it remains folded in, diminished.
٦٦. يا مولدَ المختارِ أنت بَعَثْتَها
ذِكرى تُساجِلُ دمعيَ المسجوما
67. The nations of earth arose raising their glories
While I see the Muslim nations sitting submissively.
٦٧. أبكي على الإسلامِ يذهبُ عِزُّه
ويَبيتُ مطويَّ الجَناحِ مَضيما
68. They clung to the edges of their homes, and their conquerors
Will not accept anything but celestial spheres as their frontiers.
٦٨. نهضت شُعوبُ الأرض ترفع مجدها
وأرى شُعوبَ المسلمين جُثوما
69. A people who have taken each place
As a cave covering their slumber and poverty.
٦٩. لزموا تُخُومَ بُيوتِهم وغُزاتُهم
لا يرتضون سِوَى النُّجومِ تُخُوما
70. Or whenever a Mas'ab pulls the reins in the East,
His nose is cut off, broken and vanquished.
٧٠. قومٌ همُ اتّخذوا بكلّ مَحَلّةٍ
كهفاً يَضُمُّ نيامهم ورقيما
71. My God, distance us from ignorance and guide us
To this known, marked path.
٧١. أَو كلّما جذب المقادةَ مُصعَبٌ
في الشّرق غُودِرَ أنفُهُ مخزوما
72. Take charge of us in events, and be with us
In adversities when they afflict, Most Merciful.
٧٢. لاهُمَّ جنّبنا المجاهلَ واهْدِنا
هذا السّبيلَ المُعلَمَ الموسوما
٧٣. وتولّنا في الحادثاتِ وكن بنا
في النّائباتِ إذا تنوبُ رحيما