
O passerby in the Levant grieving

يا غاديا ببريد الشام ينتحب

1. O passerby in the Levant grieving
Why are you so worried, what awaits you?

١. يا غادِياً بِبَريدِ الشامِ يَنتَحِبُ
ماذا دَهاكَ وَماذا أَنتَ مُحتَقِبُ

2. Why this restless wandering
What news and books do your bags contain?

٢. ما لِلحَقائِبِ وَلهى لا قَرارَ لَها
ماذا تَمُجُّ بِها الأَنباءُ وَالكُتُبُ

3. I see blood flowing from their sides
The ground around you is crimson and painted

٣. إِنّي أَرى الدَمَ يجري من جَوانِبِها
فالأرضُ حولك مخضلٌّ ومختضبُ

4. Listen to hear the sorrows held in their folds
I hear grief moaning within

٤. أنصت لتسمعَ ما ضمَّت جَوانِحُها
إِنّي لَأَسمَعُ فيها الحُزنَ يَصطَخِبُ

5. Unburden the anguish of sorrow like fire on my liver
And empty my heart for another blaze to ignite

٥. أَفرِغ غَليلَ الأَسى ناراً عَلى كَبِدي
وَخَلِّ قَلبي لِأُخرى فيهِ تَلتَهِبُ

6. This one carries Egypt's rights
And that one fulfills what Syria owes

٦. هَذي لِمِصرَ تُؤَدّي الحَقَّ ناحِيَةً
وَتِلكَ لِلشامِ تَقضي مِنهُ ما يَجِبُ

7. Both bear momentous affairs on each side
Sublime goals and vigilant companions in every eye

٧. هَمّانَ في كُلِّ جَنبٍ مِنهُما ضَرَمٌ
عالٍ وَفي كُلِّ عَينٍ واكِفٌ سَرِبُ

8. The hand of evil has wreaked havoc on both nations
And let loose the cycles of fate upon the two peoples

٨. عاثَت يَدُ الشَرِّ بِالقُطرَينِ وَاِنطَلَقَت
في الأُمَّتَينِ عَوادي الدهرِ وَالنُوَبُ

9. Horde follows horde in succession
Led by one faction against another rival faction

٩. تَغشاهُما زُمَراً تَحتَثُّها زُمَرٌ
تَرمي بِها عُصَبٌ تَقتادُها عُصَبُ

10. The space is too narrow for any soul to walk
Without stumbling backward over its steps

١٠. ضاقَ الفَضاءُ فَما يَمشي بِهِ نَفَسٌ
إِلّا يَكادُ عَلى الأَعقابِ يَنقَلِبُ

11. It's as if each man has spies among his own limbs
About to pounce at him from his eyes or leap up

١١. كَأَنَّ لِلمَرءَ مِن أَعضائِهِ رَصَداً
يَكادُ يَنقَضُّ مِن عَينَيهِ أَو يَثِبُ

12. No hopes or fears can grip a man
When souls are bent by a life of dread throughout

١٢. ما يَرهَبُ المَرءُ أَو يَرجو وَقَد نُكِبَت
مِنّا النُفوسُ بِعَيشٍ كُلُّهُ رَهَبُ

13. One day evil takes its dying breath
With no good in it, while the next day looms ahead

١٣. أَعدى عَلى الشَرِّ يَومٌ مِنهُ مُحتَضَرٌ
لا خَيرَ فيهِ وَيَومٌ بَعدُ مُرتَقَبُ

14. O nation in the Levant's expanses made desolate
By meager living and a land of ruin for adversities

١٤. يا أُمَّةً في رُبوعِ الشامِ يوحِشُها
عَيشٌ جَديبٌ وَرَبعٌ لِلمُنى خَرِبُ

15. A vicious hand has felled its verdant boughs
The lush gardens are but firewood in its storm

١٥. طاحَت بِآمالِها الخُضرِ اللِدانِ يَدٌ
خُضرُ الحَدائِقِ في إِعصارِها حَطَبُ

16. Difficult, gloomy, from its fingers flows
The ruin of nations and cries of woe and war

١٦. عَسراءُ سَوداءُ يَجري مِن أَنامِلِها
حَتفُ الشُعوبِ وَيَهمي الوَيلُ وَالحَرَبُ

17. When it touches the ground only its edges blacken
After sunshine, and water and grass are gone

١٧. لا تَلمِسُ الأَرضَ إِلّا اِسوَدَّ جانِبُها
بَعدَ الضِياءِ وَجَفَّ الماءُ وَالعُشُبُ

18. What have you suffered from those ungrateful people
The tyrants of the East, their favors and gifts withheld

١٨. ماذا لَقيتِ مِنَ القَومِ الأُلى كَفَرَت
مِمالِكُ الشَرقِ ما مَنّوا وَما وَهَبوا

19. They thought civilization was theirs alone to keep
Never to extend beyond their borders however derived

١٩. ظَنّوا الحَضارَةَ لا تَعدو مَنازِلَهُم
وَلا تُجاوِزَهُم أَيّانَ تَنتسِبُ

20. That we are confused misguided nations
Remaining in the darknesses of ignorance adrift

٢٠. وَأَنَّنا أُمَمٌ فَوضى مُضَلَّلَةٌ
تَظَلُّ في غَمَراتِ الجَهلِ تَضطَرِبُ

21. The times cried out in horror at their crimes
And generations tasted the bitter fruits of their morals

٢١. ضَجَّ الزَمانُ اِرتِياعاً مِن جَرائِرِها
وَذاقَتِ المُرَّ مِن أَخلاقِها الحِقَبُ

22. They discarded your covenant in a fierce tempest
Beyond control or hope of reclaim

٢٢. رَموا بِعَهدِكِ في هَوجاءَ عاصِفَةٍ
ما تُستَطاعُ وَلا يُرجى لَها طَلَبُ

23. It flew off so not a feather remained attached
Despite the winds and the clouds' refrain

٢٣. طارَت فَما عَلِقَت مِنها بِأَجنِحَةٍ
نُكبُ الرِياحِ وَلا هَمَّت بِها السُحُبُ

24. Protection is gone and wrongdoing lays waste your side
Where are the protectors? Where is the compassion and zeal?

٢٤. ضاعَ الحِمى وَاِستَباحَ الضَيمُ جانِبُكُم
أَينَ الحُماةُ وَأَينَ العَطفُ وَالحَدَبُ

25. Where are the promises that captivated those among you
Of proud souls and discernment that persevere?

٢٥. أَينَ المَواعيدُ تَستَهوي رَوائِعُها
مِنكُم نُفوساً أَبِيّاتٍ وَتَختَلِبُ

26. Do not wonder when you see an appointed time betrayed
For deception is politics' very nature and name

٢٦. لا تَعجَبوا إِن رَأَيتُم مَوعِداً كَذِباً
إِنَّ السِياسَةَ مِن أَسمائِها الكَذِبُ

27. What stability or tranquility can you expect
When wealth is plundered and lives robbed away?

٢٧. ماذا تُرَجّونَ مِن أَمنٍ وَمِن دَعَةٍ
المالُ يُسلَبُ وَالأَرواحُ تُنتَهَبُ

28. O nation of might, where lies your might?
O nation of glory, where is your glory and merit?

٢٨. يا أُمَّةَ البَأسِ أَينَ البَأسُ يَمنَعُكُم
يا أُمَّةَ المَجدِ أَينَ المَجدُ وَالحَسَبُ

29. Do not accept tyranny, safeguard your sanctities
For sanctities are what the Arabs forbid

٢٩. لا تَقبَلوا الضَيمَ وَاِحموا مِن مَحارِمِكُم
إِنَّ المَحارِمَ مِمّا تَمنَعُ العَرَبُ

30. I see the smeared nations preoccupied
With grave affairs, no jesting or play

٣٠. إِنّي أَرى أُمَمَ الغَبراءِ يَشغَلُها
جِدُّ الأُمورِ فَلا لَهوٌ وَلا لَعِبُ

31. Either honor in life defending from disgrace
Or death and epitaphs will pave the way

٣١. إِمّا الحَياةُ يَصونُ العِزُّ جانِبَها
عَنِ الهَوانِ وَإِمّا الحَتفُ وَالعَطَبُ

32. Woe to the neighbors who have been deceived
To suffer worldly blows and afflictions cruel and dire

٣٢. وَيلي عَلى الجيرَةِ الغالينَ يَأخُذُهُم
مِن طارِقِ البُؤسِ حَتّى العُريُ وَالسَغَبُ

33. I wish upon them what of fate's disasters they've tasted
And loathe what bitter fruits of life they've tried

٣٣. أَزرى بِهِم مِن خُطوبِ الدَهرِ ما طَعِموا
وَغالَهُم مِن هُمومِ العَيشِ ما شَرِبوا

34. If they were just the blows would not have reached them
Nor would worries and toil have quenched their fire

٣٤. لَو أَنصَفوا البَأسَ لَم يَنزِل بِساحَتِهِم
ظُلمٌ وَلا شَفَّهُم هَمٌّ وَلا نَصَبُ

35. The arrogant conqueror should not be surprised if they rebel
For wrath is part of their very nature and fiber

٣٥. لا يَعجَبِ الفاتِحُ المُغتَرُّ إِن غَضِبوا
إِنَّ الضَراغِمَ مِن أَخلاقِها الغَضَبُ

36. I am like a brother to the crying orphans
And to the barefoot destitute who have found life bitter

٣٦. كَأَنَّني لِلأَيامى الجازِعاتِ أَخٌ
وَلِليَتامى الأُلى مَلّوا الحَياةَ أَبُ

37. I yearn and pity though I've no wealth or children there
No family or lineage in Levant to deliver

٣٧. أَحنو وَأَعطِفُ لا مالٌ وَلا وَلَدٌ
لي بِالشَآمِ وَلا قُربى وَلا نَسَبُ

38. No passion stirs me for Syria though I seek it out
But Islam and dignity spur me to persevere

٣٨. ماهاجَني شَجَنٌ بِالشامِ أَطلُبُهُ
وَإِنَّما هاجَني الإِسلامُ وَالأَدَبُ

39. Civilization we know is God's religion
No injustice or turmoil in its clear unmodified texts

٣٩. إِنَّ الحَضارَةَ دينُ اللَهِ نَعرِفُها
في مُحكَمِ الذِكرِ لا ظُلمٌ وَلا شَغَبُ

40. People are equal family and brethren
In all things, neither head nor tail to inject

٤٠. الناسُ أَهلٌ وَإِخوانٌ سَواسِيَةٌ
في كُلِّ شَيءٍ فَلا رَأسٌ وَلا ذَنبُ

41. Justice if they rule, truth if they seek
Goodness if they act, righteousness if they aim

٤١. العَدلُ إِن حَكَموا وَالحَقُّ إِن طَلَبوا
وَالخَيرُ إِن عَمِلوا وَالبِرُّ إِن رَغِبوا

42. If Umar's rule veered into crooked lines
The staffs of India would straighten and adjust

٤٢. حَتّى لَو اِعوَجَّ في أَحكامِهِ عُمرٌ
هَبَّت تُقَوِّمُهُ الهِندِيَّةُ القُضُبُ

43. Judgment is God's alone, no partners has He
Verily His is the dominion, authority and triumph undefiled

٤٣. الحُكمُ لِلَهِ فَرداً لا شَريكَ لَهُ
أَلا لَهُ المُلكُ وَالسُلطانُ وَالغَلَبُ

44. He established for mankind an exalted religion
Before which idols and statues are humbled and toppled

٤٤. أَقامَ لِلناسِ ديناً مِن جَلالَتِهِ
تَهوي التَماثيلُ عَن رُكنَيهِ وَالنُصُبُ

45. Tell the kings to wake from their delusions
The clouds of blindness are lifted and veils split

٤٥. قُل لِلمُلوكِ أَفيقوا مِن وَساوِسِكُم
زالَت غَواشي العَمى وَاِنشَقَّتِ الحُجبُ

46. The people will not endure the disgrace of coercion
And rights will not be usurped by the hand of tyranny

٤٦. فَلا الشُعوبُ تُسامُ الخَسفَ مِن ضَعَةٍ
وَلا الحُقوقُ بِأَيدي العَسفِ تُغتَصَبُ

47. You have ignited an unjust war filling the earth
The chaos of creeds - pure folly with no cause or basis

٤٧. أَشعَلتُمُ الحَربَ مِلءَ الأَرضِ ظالِمَةً
فَوضى المَذاهِبِ حَمقى ما لَها سَبَبُ

48. If one brazen horde clashes with another
Another horde will battle them fiercely head on

٤٨. إِذا تَدافَعَ فيها جَحفَلٌ لَجِبٌ
خاضَ الحُتوفَ إِلَيهِ جَحفَلٌ لَجِبُ

49. They have cast millions into its depths as fuel
To fulfill their vows whether counted or appraised

٤٩. زَجّوا المَلايينَ في أَعماقِها أُمَماً
يوفونَ بِالنذرِ إِن عُدّوا وَإِن حُسِبوا

50. Every reckless charlatan sacrificing his nation
In a desolate wasteland he kindles and fans

٥٠. مِن كُلِّ أَهوَجَ قَذّافٍ بِأُمَّتهِ
في جَوفِ جَأواءِ يُذكيها وَيَجتَنِبُ

51. Blood flowed with no one extending a hand
No kinsman to check it or dam to inhibit its advance

٥١. تَدَفَّقَ الدَمُ لَم يَمدُد إِلَيهِ يَداً
وَلَم يَرُعهُ رُعافٌ مِنهُ يَنسَكِبُ

52. Their treasuries were depleted so they manufactured new paper money
Blown by the winds but it is no more than scraps

٥٢. أَقوَت خَزائِنُهُم فَاِستَحدَثوا وَرَقاً
يَهفو مَعَ الريحِ إِلّا أَنَّهُ نَشَبُ

53. With it they exacerbated the ignorant, futile war
The like of which gold itself could not curb or diminish

٥٣. زادوا بِهِ الحَربَ مِن جَهلٍ وَمِن نَزَقٍ
ما كَفَّ مِن مِثلِهِ وَاِستَنكَفَ الذَهَبُ

54. Its value declined over days until
Dirt and wood became greater and more prized

٥٤. ظَلَّت تَهونُ عَلى الأَيّامِ قيمَتُهُ
حَتّى تَرَفَّعَ عَنهُ التُربُ وَالخَشَبُ

55. A thousand units of it could purchase
The lowest and meanest goods that are bought and hauled

٥٥. يَبتاعُ ذو الأَلفِ مِنهُ حينَ يَملِكُها
أَدنى وَأَهوَنَ ما يُشرَى وَيُجتَلَبُ

56. If it left people or its collapse came about
Then the hardship of living and toil would depart

٥٦. لَو فارَقَ الناسَ أَو طاحَ الزَوالُ بِهِ
إِذَن لَزالَ عَناءُ العَيشِ وَالتَعَبُ

57. O people of Syria, does anyone rejoice in Syria
While the Nile grieves on your account, downcast and grim?

٥٧. يا أُمَّةَ الشامِ هَل بِالشامِ مُبتَهِجٌ
وَالنيلُ مِن أَجلِكُم حَرّانُ مُكتَئِبُ

58. Protect the country, and be patient as a group
Who will not grasp the wing of disgrace if defeated

٥٨. صونوا البِلادَ وَكونوا مَعشَراً صُبُراً
لا يَخطِفونَ جَناحَ الذُلِّ إِن نُكِبوا

59. Leave Faisal's rule to what his destiny dictates
Today none triumphs except the fleet shadow-piercing steed

٥٩. دَعوا لِفَيصَلَ ما تُملي مَشيئَتُهُ
لا فَيصَلَ اليَومَ إِلّا المُرهَفُ الذَرِبُ

60. The object of aspirations has become those pacts preserved
No other covenants will fulfill or make good their loss

٦٠. أَمسى مُعَنّى الأَماني ما تُصانُ لَهُ
تِلكَ العُهودُ وَلا يُقضى لَهُ أَرَبُ

61. He donned the crown only to quickly discard it
Roaming desolate lands an outcast and dispossessed

٦١. لَم يَلبِسِ التاجَ حَتّى راحَ يَخلَعُهُ
مُشَرَّداً في فِجاجِ الأَرضِ يَغتَرِبُ

62. Those were the dreams and hopes of one now aged
Flying away with neither aspirations nor vigor remaining

٦٢. كانَت أَمانِيَ أَو أَحلامَ ذي سِنَةٍ
طارَت فَلا أَمَمٌ مِنهُ وَلا كَثَبُ

63. If he startles the Nile and Jordan by his actions
Then the Euphrates and the banks of the Tigris will be struck with awe

٦٣. إِن يُفزِعِ النيلَ وَالأُردُنَّ ما بِهِما
فَبِالفُراتِ وَشَطَّي دِجلَةَ العَجَبُ

64. Rouse Iraq and the people of Iraq now lofty
Their tumult and continual uproar and fervor

٦٤. وَيحَ العِراقِ وَقَومٍ بِالعِراقِ عَلا
ضَجيجُهُم وَتَمادى مِنهُمُ الصَخَبُ

65. Hope in them has been jolted so matters are disturbed
Chaos reigns throughout and rupture splits across

٦٥. طاشَ الرَجاءُ بِهِم فَالأَمرُ مُضطربٌ
فَوضى بِأَرجائِهِ وَالصَدعُ مُنشَعِبُ

66. Baghdad watches while her core trembles
Her eyes welling over, heart pounding with anticipation

٦٦. بَغدادُ تَنظُرُ وَالأَحشاءُ خافِقَةٌ
وَالعَينُ دافِقَةٌ وَالقَلبُ مُرتَقِبُ

67. Where is Harun al-Rashid and his reign long past?
Where are the protectors and the noble youth?

٦٧. أَينَ الرَشيدُ وَأَيّامٌ لَهُ سَلَفَت
أَينَ الحُماةُ وَأَينَ الفِتيَةُ النُجُبُ

68. Abode of Peace, disasters have grieved you with sorrow
When you lost them, did that or passion's fever shake you?

٦٨. دارَ السَلامِ أَهَزَّتكِ الخُطوبُ أَسىً
لَمَّا فُجِعتِ بِهِم أَم هَزَّكِ الطَرَبُ

69. Where is the civilization they protected and raised
With might and justice, a stronghold and towering pillar?

٦٩. أَينَ الحَضارَةُ يَحميها وَيَرفَعُها
لِلبَأسِ وَالعَدلِ مِنهُم مَعقِلٌ أَشِبُ

70. They brought in an Occidentalism but its emergence
Was not seen in the East before its meteors blazed a trail

٧٠. جاءوا بِغَربِيَّةٍ ما لاحَ طالِعُها
في الشَرقِ حَتّى هَوَت عَن أُفقِهِ الشُهُبُ

71. The ways of homeland and lineage they did not cease
Hunting prey in the horizons spreading far and wide

٧١. وَحشِيَّةِ الدارِ وَالأَنسابِ ما بَرَحَت
خَلفَ الطَرائِدِ في الآفاقِ تَنسَرِبُ

72. All the peoples on their land are prey to conquer
And everything their hands have seized is booty robbed

٧٢. كُلُّ الشُعوبِ لَها في أَرضِهِ قَنَصٌ
وَكُلُّ ما مَلَكَت أَيمانُهُم سَلَبُ

73. Oppression walks baiting us step by step
To pounce upon a blooming meadow where the dog roams free

٧٣. تَمشي الضَرّاءَ تُصادينا وَآوِنَةً
تَنقَضُّ ضاحِيَةً يَعدو بِها الكَلَبُ

74. Rise, O sons of the East! No sleep or play
Until power is regained or grasped any way

٧٤. هُبّوا بَني الشَرقِ لا نَومٌ وَلا لَعِبٌ
حَتّى تُعَدَّ القُوى أَو تُؤخَذَ الأُهَبُ

75. What can you expect but to be surrounded
With no refuge or escape left for you one day?

٧٥. ماذا تَظُنّونَ إِلّا أَن يُحاطَ بِكُم
فَلا يَكونُ لَكُم مَنجىً وَلا هَرَبُ

76. Be as one nation through time unified
Let not the West look to see you divided in war

٧٦. كونوا بِهِ أُمَّةً في الدَهرِ واحِدَةً
لا يَنظُرُ الغَربُ يَوماً كَيفَ تَحتَرِبُ

77. Religion is God's not Islam to prohibit
Life's path nor statues and crosses from before

٧٧. الدينُ لِلَهِ لا الإِسلامُ يَصرِفُها
عَنِ الحَياةِ وَلا الأَوثانُ وَالصُلُبُ

78. Why should politics divide us and distance
What we should join when united and draw near?

٧٨. ما لِلسِياسَةِ تُؤذينا وَتُبعِدُنا
عَمّا يَضُمُّ قُوانا حينَ نَقتَرِبُ

79. Discord has tempted us until it sapped our strength
And toppled the East with its harvests far and wide

٧٩. أغرَت بِنا الخُلفَ حَتّى اِجتَاحَ قُوَّتَنا
وَطاحَ بِالشَرقِ ما تَجني وَتَرتَكِبُ

80. It takes one nation chasing another
And one kingdom on the heels of the next in its pull

٨٠. تَقتادُ شَعباً إِلى شَعبٍ وَمَملَكَةً
في إِثرِ مَملَكَةٍ أُخرى وَتَجتَذِبُ

81. Those vultures feasting on peace were quickened
By nothing but the prey - else they would not strive

٨١. أَغارَةً جَدَّ رُوّادُ السَلامِ بِها
لَولا الفَريسَةُ ما جَدّوا وَلا دَأَبوا

82. The West is exposed, its schemes manifest
No longer concealed by doubts or ambiguities' veil

٨٢. تَكَشَّفَ الغَربُ وَاِنصاحَت مَآرِبُهُ
فَلا الشُكوكُ تُواريها وَلا الرَيبُ

83. No excuse for the people if I say rise and they refuse
Prudence calls for mobilizing and thought is focused

٨٣. لا عُذرَ لِلقَومِ إِن قُلتُ اِنفِروا فَأَبَوا
الحَزمُ مُستَنفِرٌ وَالرَأيُ مُنتَدَبُ

84. March, O sons of the East, in brotherhood's shade so you may
Succeed, and perhaps the rift will mend

٨٤. سيروا بَني الشَرقِ في ظِلِّ الإِخاءِ عَسى
أَن تُفلِحوا وَلَعَلَّ الصَدعَ يَرتَئِبُ