1. Why are the swords silent, not stirring restlessly?
Why creep to those whose right is not just?
١. ما للسُّيوفِ أما تَثوبُ فَتعطِفُ
وَلِمَنْ قُوىً في غيرِ حقٍّ تَزْحَفُ
2. The clamor of Malik was condemned
When it roared wildly, had it not been for Allah.
٢. جَهجاهُ مالك هِجتهَا مذمومةً
هوجاءَ لولا اللَّهُ ظلّتْ تَعصفُ
3. The Khazraj set forth to aid their ally
While the well-armed Kuma came rushing to your aid.
٣. الخزرجُ انطلقوا لنصرِ حليفهِم
ومضى لنصرتك الكُماةُ الدُّلَّفُ
4. When Sinan hurts you with a blow
He is more noble and friendlier than the one you love and befriend
٤. لَسِنانُ إذ تُؤذيهِ منكَ بضربةٍ
أولى وأخلقُ من تحبُّ وتألفُ
5. The swords clash against swords and the spears
Are on the verge of colliding with spears.
٥. هَفَتِ السُّيوفُ إلى السُّيوفِ وأوشكت
صُمُّ الرماح على الرماحِ تقَصَّفُ
6. And the Prophet walked saying: "O people, be calm."
Do mountains thus tremble and quake?
٦. ومشى النبيُّ يقول يا قومُ اسكنوا
أكذاكَ تضطربُ الجبالُ وترجف
7. You loudly cry out the call of ignorance
Who then are the callers and who are the guided ones?
٧. تدعون دعوى الجاهليّة جهرةً
فَمن الدُّعاةُ من الهُداةِ الهُتَّف
8. Are you not the people whose light
Shows the lost and straying the path?
٨. أوَ لستُمُ النفر الذين بنورهم
يجد السَّبيلَ الحائرُ المتعسّف
9. Return the swords to the heads of a folk
Amongst whom are those who wield and turn away the swords
٩. رُدّوا السُّيوفَ إلى جماجمِ معشرٍ
فيهم مَرَدٌّ للسُّيوفِ ومصرف
10. The men fell silent and the wronger of himself
Went on raving or thought and transgressed.
١٠. هدأ الرجالُ وراح ظالمُ نفسِهِ
يَهْذي فَيُمْعِنُ أو يظنُّ فيسرف
11. Hypocrisy crept in, so one who feels no shame
Says what he says while a listener feels no aversion.
١١. لجَّ النفاقُ فقائلٌ لا يستحي
ممّا يقولُ وسامعٌ لا يأنف
12. What ails the one whom his passions have confused?
Does he still persist in misguidance?
١٢. ما بالُ من جمحت به أهواؤُه
أفما يزالُ على الغَوايةِ يعكف
13. Hurting the Messenger of God, he claims
He is the most honorable and noble among his people.
١٣. يُؤذِي رسولَ اللهِ يزعمُ أنّه
في قومِهِ منه أعزُّ وأشرف
14. And he says: "Our appointment is Medina, where it will be seen
Which of the two hosts is most abject and weak."
١٤. ويقول موعدُنا المدينةُ إذ يُرَى
أيُّ الفريقينِ الأذلُّ الأضعف
15. "We will drive Muhammad out of it tomorrow
And the matter will be known at the moment of agony."
١٥. فَلنُخرجَنَّ مُحمداً منها غَداً
وليعلمنَّ الأمرَ ساعةَ يأزف
16. Ibn Arqam heard what he said and was seized
By a rage that distressed the God-fearing and gentle one.
١٦. سمع ابنُ أرقمَ ما يقول فهاجه
غَضبٌ يضيق به التّقيُّ الأحنف
17. He went and told the Prophet what he had said
And could barely speak from loathing of him.
١٧. ومضى يقصّ على النبيِّ حديثَهُ
فيكاد عنه من الكراهةِ يصدف
18. He said: "Restrain yourself, for passions will be aroused in the lad
And hearing will slip away from him or be distorted."
١٨. قال اتّئد فلقد يُغانُ على الفتى
فيزلُّ منه السَّمعُ أو يتحرّف
19. So he left in sorrow, seeking refuge with his uncle,
And was blamed though not called a liar or reprimanded.
١٩. فمضى على أسفٍ يلوذُ بعمّهِ
فُيلامُ غيرَ مكذَّبٍ ويُعنَّف
20. He said: "Be moderate, my uncle! I am not one
Who is angered when the Messenger is maligned by the vituperative."
٢٠. قال اقتصد يا عمّ ما أنا بالذي
يُغضي إذا اغتابَ الرسولَ مُجَدِّفُ
21. "I am heavily burdened by the fool's talk,
Though it can move mountains and cause them to collapse."
٢١. ثَقُلَتْ عليَّ من الغبيِّ مقالةٌ
جَلَلٌ تُهَدُّ بها الجبالُ وتُنْسَفُ
22. "By God, if my father called down his thunderbolts
I would bear them and go, not lightening my load."
٢٢. واللّهِ لو ألقَى صَواعِقَها أبي
لحملتُها وذهبتُ لا أتخفَّف
23. The story was reported, and 'Umar was enraged
By its hatefulness, as was the noble and perceptive one.
٢٣. رُوِيَ الحديثُ وَغِيظَ من مكروهه
عُمَرٌ فَغِيظَ المشرفيُّ المُرهَفُ
24. He incited the speaker of it to fear his rashness
Not knowing he had hurt him or realizing it.
٢٤. أغرى بقائِلهِ مخوفَ غرارِهِ
ما كان يَعلمُ من أذاه ويعرف
25. He asked the Messenger's leave to act against him, hoping
To heal him of his blood, ennobled by what he shed.
٢٥. سأل الرسولَ الإذنَ فيه لعلَّه
يَشفيه من دمِه بما يترشَّف
26. But he refused, saying: "Is he not one of our Companions?
Leave him be! That is what I fear most."
٢٦. فأبى وقال أليس من أصحابنا
دعه فتلك أشدُّ ما أتخوَّفُ
27. And his son came and summoned Abū to be his adversary,
So summon him for me as I am charged with him.
٢٧. وأتى ابنُه فدعا أبي أنا خصمه
فدعوه لي إنّي به لَمُكلَّف
28. Allow me, Messenger of God, to control his affair,
For I know you as merciful and gentle.
٢٨. مُرْنِي رسولَ اللَّهِ أكْفِكَ أمرَه
فلقد عَهدتُكَ راحماً تتلطّف
29. I love my father and know his due,
And you are more compassionate and kinder to me and him.
٢٩. إنّي أحِبُّ أبي وأعرف حقَّه
ولأنتَ بي وبه أبرُّ وأرأف
30. My sword has more right to him, but if another preempts me
The agony in it will be great and the situation dire.
٣٠. سيفي أحقُّ بهِ فإن يك غيره
عَظُمَ الأسى فيه وهالَ الموقف
31. I fear that I would see the blood of a believer spilled
By my hand, on my father's account, poured out and flowing.
٣١. إنّي لأخشى أن أرى دَمَ مُؤمنٍ
بيدي لأجلِ أبي يُراقُ وينزف
32. The Prophet said: "Deal gently with your elder and protect him,
For undutifulness in children is pernicious."
٣٢. قال النبيُّ ارفِقْ بشيخكَ وارْعَهُ
إنّ العُقوقَ من البنينَ لَمَتْلَفُ
33. The arrogant slanderer's heart was shaken
With fear cast at him, and terror thrown.
٣٣. القاذفُ الجبّارُ زُلزِلَ قلبُه
بالرُّعبِ يُلقَى والمخافةِ تُقذفُ
34. His paths grew narrow, so he came in surrender,
And the lowly suppliant is the brother of disgrace.
٣٤. ضَاقتْ مذاهبُه فأقبل ضارعاً
وأخو الهوانِ الضَّارعُ المستعطف
35. He denied the story and swore it did not happen;
The truthful informer spoke truthfully and the swearer lied.
٣٥. جَحَدَ الحديثَ وراح يَحلفُ ما جرى
صَدَقَ المُنَبِّئُ وافترى من يحلف
36. Ibn Arqam's ears would not betray him
And guard what they pick up like an inscription
٣٦. إنّ ابن أرقمَ لم تكن لتخونه
أُذُنٌ تَعِي وتصونُ ما تتلقّفُ
37. Carved into deaf rock, with letters
That when the tongue turns to dictating them
٣٧. يبقى بها نقشُ الكلامِ كأنّما
نُقِشَتْ على الصّخرِ الأصَمِّ الأحرف
38. Falsehood is from their enemies, as is idle fancy.
I did not aim in describing Zayd's merit that he
٣٨. صُوَرٌ إذا وَلِيَ اللِّسَانُ أداءَها
فالزُّورُ من أعدائها والزخرف
39. Can be described with the scattered pearls of revelation.
God sent it down as a compelling proof.
٣٩. ما رُمْتُ وصفاً حَسْبُ زيدٍ أنّه
بفرائِدِ الوحْيِ المنظَّم يُوصف
40. They ruined affairs and altered them.
It uncovered hypocrisy in a chapter
٤٠. اللَّهُ أنزله بياناً صادعاً
كبَتَ الألى قلبوا الأمورَ وزيَّفوا
41. That was revealed when its covering could not be removed.
A crime, when it hides fearing a censor,
٤١. كشفَ الغطاءَ عن النِّفاقِ بسورةٍ
نزلتْ وكان غطاؤُه لا يُكشَف
42. The age proclaims it, and the Preserved Scripture declaims.
٤٢. جُرْمٌ إذا استخفى مَخافةَ ذاكرٍ
نادى الزمانُ به وضَجَّ المصحف