1. You deserve the right that you know
And this is the tongue of poetry that rules with truth
١. علينا لك الحقُّ الذي أنتَ تعلمُ
وهَذا لِسانُ الشّعرِ بالحقِّ يحَكمُ
2. A tongue, when it sends out words clearly expressed
Then every tongue after that is muted
٢. لِسانٌ إذا ما أَرسلَ القولَ مُعرِباً
فكلُّ لسانٍ بعد ذلك أعجمُ
3. Greetings to you O Ali, so virtues
For all the peoples of the Dhad, through your name composed
٣. تُحيِّيكَ منه يا عليُّ فَرائِدٌ
لكلّ شُّعوبِ الضّادِ باسمك تُنظَمُ
4. Horses roaming through horizons, their beauty moves on
Purebreds among their meadows, with no bridle or halter
٤. سوائرُ في الآفاقِ تَمضِي حِسانُها
سَوافِرَ في أترابها ما تُلَثَّمُ
5. Camels across time grow ever more precious
Their beauty does not fade, nor do they grow weary
٥. بَواقٍ على الأيّام تَزدادُ جِدَّةً
فلا حُسْنُها يَبلىَ ولا هِيَ تَسْأَمُ
6. Are you not the one who gave the oppressed their due
And did them justice against an oppressive age?
٦. ألستَ الذي أعطى الكنانَة حقَّها
وأنصفَها من دَهرِها وهي تُظلَمُ
7. Are you not the one who brought them security and so
Dispelled the fear that the vile era let loose?
٧. أَلستَ الذي آتيتَها الأمنَ فَانْجلى
من الخوفِ ما جَرَّ الزّمانُ المُذمَّمُ
8. Are you not the one who said "Arise!" as if
She were, by resolve, an arrow set flying through the air?
٨. أَلستَ الذي قلتَ انْهضي فكأنّها
من العزمِ نَسْرٌ في الجِواءِ مُحوِّمُ
9. Yes! You saved the lands and guided them
With the wisdom of one seeking the best policy
٩. بلى أنت أنقذتَ البلادَ وسُسْتَها
سياسةَ مَن يبغي التي هي أحزَمُ
10. Thus, O people, the homelands are
The most beloved places for the valiant and honored
١٠. كذلكمُ الأوطانُ يا قومُ إنّها
أحبُّ لُباناتِ الرّجالِ وأكرمُ
11. Life and glory for the nations and a sign
Of might - though it passes - and death is destined
١١. حياةٌ ومجدٌ للشُّعوبِ ومظهرٌ
من العزّ إن يذهب فموتٌ مُحتَّمُ
12. We knew the one who healed the wounds, and here
Are his virtues openly declared, not concealed
١٢. عرفنا الذي يأسو الجِراحَ وهذه
مناقبه منشورةٌ ما تُكتَّمُ
13. He came giving aid - for the generous are hoped for -
So he aided the sorely wounded and had mercy
١٣. أتى مُسعِفاً إن الكريمَ لَيُرتَجى
فَيُسعِفُ ذا الجرحِ الأليم ويرحمُ
14. May God protect a people who chose goodness purely
Deeming it a treasure of glory to be won
١٤. رعى اللهُ قوماً آثروا الخير خالصاً
يَعدُّونه كنزاً من المجدِ يُغْنَمُ
15. Wakeful, they relieve the destitute and their family
Attend to their needs, whether light or heavy
١٥. سهارى يُغيثونَ اللّهيفَ وَصحبُه
بحاجاتهم لاهُونَ والأهلُ نُوّمُ
16. They are God's soldiers, fulfilling His right
And obeying Him - would that I were one of them!
١٦. أولئك جندُ الله يقضون حقَّهُ
ويرعونه يا ليتني كنتُ مِنهمُ
17. Though I do fulfill rights and build for my people
A lofty glory that will not be demolished
١٧. على أنّني أَقضِي الحُقوقَ وأَبْتَني
لِقوميَ مجداً عالياً ليس يُهدَمُ
18. With trust in God alone I hope in Him
And know that God is highest and greatest
١٨. على ثِقَةٍ بالله أرجوه وحده
وأعلم أنّ الله أعلى وأعظمُ