
God bless you Abu Khaythama

لك الله أقبل أبا خيثمه

1. God bless you Abu Khaythama
Your deed is so honorable to God

١. لَكَ اللهُ أَقبِلْ أبا خَيْثَمهْ
فِللّهِ صُنْعَكَ ما أَكْرَمَهْ

2. You sat still until you disliked stillness
Then you marched eagerly to battle

٢. قَعدتَ فلما كَرِهتَ القُعودَ
نَفرت حَثيثاً إلى المَلْحَمَهْ

3. You entered the sheep pen by your two ewes
Glory be to your Lord, how great is He!

٣. دَخلتَ العَريشَ على نَعجتيك
فَسُبحانَ ربِّكَ ما أعظَمَهْ

4. A bliss that satisfies, and shade that allures,
And life you delight in, if you can get it

٤. نَعِيمٌ يَروقُ وظِلٌّ يشوقُ
وعَيشٌ يَسرُّكَ أن تَغْنَمَهْ

5. But God reminded you of the heat of jihad
And inspired your heart with what He inspired it

٥. فذكَّرَكَ اللهُ حَرَّ الجهاد
وألهمَ قلبكَ ما ألْهَمَهْ

6. So you said, shall the noble Messenger
Endure for God what harshness he's endured

٦. فقلتَ أيمضي الرسولُ الكريم
يُكابِدُ في اللَّهِ ما جَشَّمَهْ

7. While I stay here, craving my two ewes
And love of the sheep pen, what misguidance!

٧. وأبقى هُنا في هَوى نَعْجَتيّ
وَحُبِّ العريشِ كذِي الملأمَهْ

8. You marched on, and met him in Tabuk
The troops around him, thronging and murmuring

٨. وَسِرْتَ فأدركَتَهُ في تبوك
وللجيشِ من حَوْلِهِ هَمْهَمَهْ

9. "Who's this, what's his business?" they asked
Behold, it is Abu Khaythama!

٩. يقولون مَن ذا وما خطبهُ
ألا إنّه أبو خَيْثَمَهْ

10. Was he not with those who stayed behind?
What need or madness brought him here now?

١٠. ألم يَكُ في المعشرِ القاعدين
فماذا عراهُ وما أَقْدَمَهْ

11. It is God who guides men's souls aright
And provides them righteousness and mercy

١١. هُوَ اللَّهُ يَهدِي نُفوسَ الرجال
ويَرزقها البِرَّ والمَرْحَمَهْ