
Shall I find respite from love's torment, and awaken?

هل ليم نضو صبابة فأفاقا

1. Shall I find respite from love's torment, and awaken?
Or shall I show patience with passion and endure it?

١. هَل ليمَ نَضوُ صَبابَةٍ فَأَفاقا
أَم سيمَ صَبراً في الهَوى فَأَطاقا

2. Passion has wearied the blamer - if it holds sway,
It softens hearts and shackles necks.

٢. ما أَتعَبَ اللُوّامَ إن مَلَكَ الهَوى
رِقَّ القُلوبِ وَطَوَّقَ الأَعناقا

3. They mustered censurers, and its banner waved;
It severs covenants and rallies longings.

٣. حَشَدوا المَلاوِمَ وَاِنبَرى بِلِوائِهِ
يُزجي العُهودَ وَيَحشُدُ الأَشواقا

4. The finest of knights, the one who bears the standard,
Sweeping away the wicked and aiding lovers.

٤. أَولى الفَوارِس بِاللِواءِ مُجاهِدٌ
يُردي الوُشاةَ وَيَنصُرُ العُشّاقا

5. When love knew war, it ventured boldly into it
And set out eagerly racing ahead.

٥. عَرَفَالهَوى حَرباً فَكَرَّ مُغامِراً
فيهِ وَراحَ مُبادِراً سَبّاقا

6. It denied the slanderers dwellings and loved ones,
And protected the truth - both neighbour and friend.

٦. مَنَعَ الذِمارَ مَنازِلاً وَأَحِبَّةً
وَحَمى الحَقيقَةَ جيرَةً وَرِفاقا

7. Patrol the guardians - do you see any rescue
Except where you see blood copiously shed?

٧. طُف بِالحُماةِ فَهَل تَرى ذا نَجدَةٍ
إِلّا بِحَيثُ تَرى الدَمَ المُهراقا

8. And glory is recognised for its sweetness
By one who finds death in it sweet to taste.

٨. وَالمَجدُ يَعرِفُهُ بِطيبِ مَذاقِهِ
مَن يَستَطيبُ المَوتَ فيهِ مَذاقا

9. And I see greatness refuses to be addressed
Until souls are for it sincere friends.

٩. وَأَرى العُلى تَأبى عَلى خُطّابِها
حَتّى يَكونَ لَه النُفوسُ صَداقا

10. Not equal are those who took life by right
And those who took life by hypocrisy.

١٠. لَيسَ الَّذي أَخَذَ الحَياةَ بِحَقِّها
مِثلَ الَّذي أَخَذَ الحَياةَ نِفاقا

11. It casts aside pretence and hypocrisy - wares
That tempt the merchants and thrive in markets.

١١. يُزجي التَصَنُّعَ وَالرِياءَ بِضاعَةً
تُغري التِجارَ وَتَزدَهي الأَسواقا

12. Until, when certainty is clear, they steal away,
A band frightening tempests by their fleeing.

١٢. حَتّى إِذا وَضَحَ اليَقينُ تَسَلَّلوا
عُصَباً تَروعُ العاصِفاتِ إِباقا

13. For men, deception is a trade
That breeds ruin and begets failure.

١٣. إِنَّ الغِوايَةَ لِلرِجالِ تِجارَةً
تَلِدُ البَوارَ وَتورِثُ الإِخفاقا

14. Truly, I have seen none like the pretentious one
Who hopes to join the noble ones.

١٤. وَلَقَد رَأَيتُ فَما رَأَيتُ كَمُدَّعٍ
يَرجو بِأَحرارِ الرِجالِ لَحاقا

15. He forgets his father, and if the earth would obey him
He would hasten to his masters, desirous.

١٥. يَنسى أَباهُ وَلَو يُطاوِعهُ الثَرى
لَسَعى إِلى ساداتِهِ مُشتاقا

16. He comes and goes in the shade of their palaces,
Neither complaining of trouble nor fatigue.

١٦. يَأتي وَيَذهَبُ في ظِلالِ قُصورِهِم
لا يَشتَكي عَنَتاً وَلا إِرهاقا

17. They are not like those who possessed souls and exhaled them -
The evil of torment and the burdens of slavery.

١٧. لَيسوا كَمَن مَلَكَ النُفوسَ فَسامَها
سوءَ العَذابِ وَغالَها اِستِرقاقا

18. It shook its wings, intending the palace of Qushaym,
Who possessed the heavens and overshadowed horizons.

١٨. هَزَّ الجَناحَ يُريدُ دارَةَ قَشعَمٍ
مَلَكَ الجِواءَ وَظَلَّلَ الآفاقا

19. Eagles abandon their distant flight to it
And shy from its gusts in awe.

١٩. تَدَعُ النُسورُ لَهُ بَعيدَ مَطارِها
وَتَحيدُ عَن هَبَواتِهِ إِشفاقا

20. God has blessed the builders and increased
Their glory and made their eminence shine brighter.

٢٠. اللَهُ بارَكَ في البُناةِ فَزادَهُم
مَجداً وَزادَ جَلالَهُم إِشراقا

21. With every valiant act, he establishes for his people
Nobility extending high above the stars.

٢١. مِن كُلِّ مِقدامٍ يُقيمُ لِجيلِهِ
شَرَفاً يَمُدُّ عَلى النُجومَ رُواقا

22. While the fainthearted complains in every limb
Of a tether and bonds.

٢٢. وَلَرُبَّ مَغلولِ العَزيمَةِ يَشتَكي
في كُلِّ عِضوٍ رِبقَةً وَوثاقا

23. He cannot manage more than talk, and no one sees
In what he raves any substance.

٢٣. لا يَستَطيعُ سِوى المَقالِ وَلا يَرى
أَحَدٌ بِما يَهذي بِهِ مِصداقا

24. He gave what he could, and indeed
Gave only ink and set up pages.

٢٤. أَسدى وَشَيَّدَ ما اِستَطاعَ وَإِنَّما
أَسدى المِدادَ وَشَيَّدَ الأَوراقا

25. In every letter a sanctuary or refuge,
Frustrating the cunning and the adept.

٢٥. في كُلِّ حَرفٍ مَسجدٌ أَو مَلجَأٌ
يُعيي الدُهاةَ وَيُعجِزُ الحُذّاقا

26. Had He wished to add to the seven strata
He would have established ten atop them.

٢٦. لَو شاءَ لِلسَبعِ الطِباقِ زِيادَةً
لَأَقامَ عَشراً فَوقَهُنَّ طِباقا

27. Not equal are those who carried souls nobly
And those who carried faces disgracefully.

٢٧. لَيسَ الأُلى حَمَلوا النُفوسَ كَريمَةً
مِثلَ الأُلى حَمَلوا الوُجوهَ صِفاقا

28. The love of a land belongs to those who stand by it
And to those who establish virtuous morals for its people.

٢٨. وُدُّ البِلادِ لِمَن يَقومُ بِحَقِّها
وَلِمَن يُقيمُ لِقَومِهِ الأَخلاقا