1. The malady of the people of the East is the weakness of resolve
And by this came the death of nations
١. داءُ أَهلِ الشَرقِ ضَعفُ الهِمَمِ
وَبِهَذا كانَ مَوتُ الأُمَمِ
2. O people of the East, you have no East but
Through commitment and piety of purpose
٢. يا بَني الشَرقِ وَلا شَرقَ لَكُم
بِسِوى الجِدِّ وَرَعيِ الذِمَمِ
3. Why don't you uncover your gloom?
Do you like the gathering of clouds?
٣. ما لَكُم لا تَنجَلي غُمَّتُكُم
أَتُحِبّونَ اِشتِدادَ الغُمَمِ
4. Dispel it and reveal its darkness
With illuminating strengths against the darkness
٤. فَرِّجوها وَاِكشِفوا ظُلمَتَها
بِقُوىً كَشّافَةٍ لِلظُلَمِ
5. You betrayed the covenant and so you became sleepy
The efforts of the treacherous sleepy ones went astray
٥. خُنتُمُ العَهدَ فَبِتُّم نُوَّماً
ضَلَّ سَعيُ الخائِنينَ النُوَّمِ
6. O people of the East, awake! For dreams
Have deceived you with false dreams
٦. يا بَني الشَرقِ أَفيقوا إِنَّما
خَدَعَتكُم كاذِباتُ الحُلُمِ
7. Verily, among the worst afflictions is your slumber
Against an awake enemy who did not sleep
٧. إِنَّ مِن شَرِّ البَلايا نَومَكُم
عَن عَدُوٍّ ساهِرٍ لَم يَنَمِ
8. Awaken the eyes and the mind together
While he proceeds like a sharpened blade
٨. يَقِظِ العَينَينِ وَالرَأَي مَعاً
وَهوَ ماضٍ كَالحُسامِ المِخذَمِ
9. Do not think glory is something easy
It is in the struggles of those who persevere
٩. لا تَظُنّوا المَجدَ شَيئاً هَيِّناً
إِنَّهُ في لَهَواتِ الضَيغَمِ
10. This is how we are and this is our state
Among us there is none but the dejected and submissive
١٠. هَكَذا نَحنُ وَهَذي حالُنا
لَيسَ فينا غَيرُ نِكسٍ مُحجِمِ
11. Of weak resolve, his heart is
Not steadfast in the throngs
١١. واهِنِ العَزمِ ضَعيفٍ قَلبُهُ
غَيرِ ثَبتِ الجَأشِ في المُزدَحَمِ
12. O people of the East, for a lost glory
He who mourned its loss did not blame
١٢. يا بَني الشَرقِ لِمَجدٍ ضائِعٍ
مَن بَكى ضَيعَتَهُ لَم يُلَمِ
13. Yesterday its citadel was impregnable
Towering above the summit of the stars
١٣. كانَ بِالأَمسِ مَنيعاً صَرحُهُ
يَتَسامى فَوقَ هامِ الأَنجُمِ
Today it is like a crumbling edifice
١٤. أَصبَحَ اليَومَ كَرَبعٍ دارِسٍ
طامِسٍ عَفَّتهُ أَيدي القِدَمِ
15. Its honor buried by hands of decay
It grieves me, and grieves it, that
١٥. قَد شَجاني وَشَجاهُ أنَّهُ
بسوى أيديكمُ لم يُهدَمِ
16. It was not ruined but by your hands
Renew it, protect its bounds
١٦. جدَّدوهُ وَاِمنعوا حَوزَتَهُ
وَاِدفَعوا عَنهُ يَدَ المُهتَضِمِ
17. Repel from it the grasping hands
Raise up its structure until it is seen
١٧. وَاِرفَعوا بُنيانَهُ حَتّى يُرى
كَالَّذي كانَ أَشَمَّ القِمَمِ
18. Like it once was, the highest of summits
I fear the East will echo, from its sons,
١٨. إِنَّني أَخشى وبالشرق صدىً
أن يروَّى من بنيهِ بالدمِ
19. The spilling of blood
And I see the death of the youth better for him
١٩. وأرى موت الفَتى خَيراً لَهُ
مِن حَياةٍ بَينَ نابَي أَرقَمِ
20. Than life between the fangs of disgrace
The East has become old and decrepit
٢٠. أَصبَحَ الشَرقُ كَبيراً هَرِماً
لَهفَ نَفسي لِلكَبيرِ الهَرِمِ
21. My soul yearns for the elderly and frail
Honor him, O his sons, for
٢١. أَكرِموهُ يا بَنيهِ إِنَّهُ
لَيسَ يَرضى الشَيخُ إِن لَم يُكرَمِ
22. An old man is not pleased unless he is honored
Restrain yourselves from vain desires
٢٢. ازجُروا أَنفُسَكُم عَن غَيِّها
إِنَّ عُقبى الغَيِّ طولُ النَدَمِ