
O Hawazin, come, what is the delay?

هوازن أقبلي ماذا التواني

1. O Hawazin, come, what is the delay?
Do I owe allegiance to honor or disgrace?

١. هَوَازِنُ أقبِلي ماذا التَّوانِي
أدينُ العِزّ أم دينُ الهَوانِ

2. Take the captives who have been distributed and thank them
The hand of a refined one, full of tenderness

٢. خُذي السَّبْيَ الموزَّعَ واشكريها
يَدَاً لِمُهَذَّبٍ جَمِّ الحنانِ

3. He called his companions with a tongue of truth
To the good, oh what an eloquent tongue!

٣. دَعَا أصحابَهُ بلسانِ صدقٍ
إلى الحُسْنَى فيا لَكَ من لِسَانِ

4. They answered generously and did not begrudge
What they possessed of the beautiful white camels

٤. أجابوا مُنعمين ولم يَضنُّوا
بما ملكوا من البيضِ الحسانِ

5. And Muhammad said, where is the son of Awf?
He will praise his dwelling when he comes to me

٥. وقال محمدٌ أين ابنُ عَوْفٍ
سَيَحْمَدُ مُنتَواهُ إذا أتاني

6. If he prefers Islam as a religion
He will be given gifts beyond wishes

٦. له إن آثَرَ الإسلامَ دِيناً
عَطَاءٌ لا تُجاوِزُهُ الأماني

7. He will return with his family and his wealth will be increased
Above wealth of the lively white camels

٧. يَعُودُ بأهلِهِ ويُزادُ مالاً
على مالٍ من الإبلِ الهِجانِ

8. So he came as a Muslim and went with goodness
Of beautiful mention and praiseworthy place

٨. فَأقبلَ مُسلماً وَمَضَى بخيرٍ
جميلَ الذكرِ محمودَ المكانِ

9. Halimah, it is you and Shaima, a mother
And sister, so see what you two will do

٩. حَلِيمَةُ أنتِ والشَّيْمَاءُ أمٌّ
وأختٌ فانظرا ما تَصنعانِ

10. Do you not have honor with a generous guardian
True to his word, fulfilling his promise?

١٠. أما لكما الكرامةُ عند مَوْلَىً
كريمِ العهدِ مُوفٍ بالضَّمانِ

11. After being clothed, can goodness be extended
And favor to one of prestige and stature?

١١. وهل بعدَ الرِّدَاءِ يُمَدُّ بِرٌّ
وتكرمةٌ لِذِي خَطَرٍ وَشَانِ

12. He has honored you and given ample gifts
To help in the circumstances of time

١٢. أَجَلَّكُما وأَجزلَ من عطاءٍ
يُعينُ على تَصاريفِ الزّمانِ

13. Messenger of God, how did you find him
And what after that do you two desire?

١٣. رَسُولُ اللهِ كيف وجدتماه
وماذا بعدَ ذلكَ تبغيانِ

14. Upon him and all of you is the prayer of your Lord
And blessing in suckling and in fresh milk

١٤. عليهِ صلاةُ ربِّكما جميعاً
وَبُورِكَ في الرِّضَاعِ وفي اللِّبانِ

15. Abu Sard, what a great uncle hoping
To help people from near and far

١٥. أبا صُرَدٍ لَنِعْمَ العَمُّ يرجو
غِياثَ النّاسِ من قاصٍ وَدَانِ

16. Zuhair has succeeded and attained bounty
And what else for you two to hope for?

١٦. ظَفرتَ وفازَ بالنُّعْمَى زُهَيْرٌ
وهل لكما سِوَى ما ترجوانِ

17. And I did not see, when hands were sought
Like excellent words and eloquence

١٧. ولم أرَ حين تُلتَمَسُ الأيادِي
كمثلِ القولِ يَحْسُنُ والبيانِ

18. Not the king of Syria and who rules it
As the one you met pleading for

١٨. وما مَلِكُ الشآمِ وَمَنْ يَلِيهِ
كَمَنْ وَافَيْتُما تَستَعطِفانِ

19. Hawazin has attained what it desired
And returned safely and securely

١٩. لقد نالت هَوَازِنُ ما تَمَنّتْ
وآبَتْ بالسّلامَةِ والأمانِ