
I looked upon events with a glance

إني نظرت إلى الحوادث نظرة

1. I looked upon events with a glance
That unveiled their realities to the seeing eye.

١. إِنَّي نَظَرتُ إِلى الحَوادِثِ نَظرَةً
كَشَفَت حَقائِقَها لِعَينِ المُبصِرِ

2. Certainty became clear to the doubtful one openly,
And the way of the confused, stumbling one was evident.

٢. وَضَحُ اليَقينُ لِذي التَظَنُّنِ جَهرَةً
وَبَدا سَبيلُ الحائِرِ المُتَعَثِّرِ

3. It is a blind strife, so beware,
It is foolish havoc, by your life, so take heed.

٣. هِيَ فِتنَةٌ عَمياءُ وَيحَكَ فَاِحتَرِس
وَبِلِيَّةٌ حَمَقى لَعَمرُكَ فَاِحذَرِ

4. Do not go along with the storms, and avoid
The commotions of this defiant incident.

٤. لا تَذهَبَنّ مَعَ العَواصِفِ وَاِجتَنِب
هَبَواتِ هَذا الحادِثِ المُتَنَمِّرِ

5. Gather for it the piety of God, for it
Is the safety of the frightened and the aid of the seeker of help.

٥. اجمَع لَهُ تَقوى الإِلَهِ فِإِنَّها
أَمنُ المَروعِ وَنَجدَةُ المُستَنصِرِ

6. I have taken from God a position
That will twist the despair of the unjust tyrant.

٦. إِنّي حَلَلتُ مِنَ الإِلَهِ مَحَلَّةً
تلوي بِيَأسِ الظالِمِ المُتَجَبِّرِ

7. My Lord, make me among Your servants, for they
Find might in the support that comes from You, empowered.

٧. رَبِّ اِتَّخِذني مِن عِبادِكَ إِنَّهُم
عَزّوا بِنَصرٍ مِن لَدُنكَ مُؤَزَّرِ