1. Witness, O Egypt, the deeds of the sons,
And behold the signs from time to time.
١. اشهَدي يا مِصرُ أَعمالَ البَنينْ
وَاِنظُري الآياتِ حيناً بَعدَ حينْ
2. The events have uncovered what was hidden,
And removed doubt from the face of certainty.
٢. كَشَفَ الحِدثانُ عَن مَكنونِها
فَأَزالَ الشَكَّ عَن وَجهِ اليَقينْ
3. That is true grit, so taste its bitterness,
And take it from the hands of the frivolous.
٣. ذَلِكَ الجِدُّ فَذوقي مُرَّهُ
وَخُذيهِ مِن أَكُفِّ اللاعِبينْ
4. Drink the cup violently and listen
To the sermon of the drunk between the drinkers.
٤. اشرَبي الكَأسَ دِهاقاً وَاِسمَعي
عِظةَ المَخمورِ بَينَ الشارِبينْ
5. You have betrayed righteousness when you did not recognize
The place of the traitor and the righteous trustee.
٥. أَنتِ خُنتِ البِرَّ إِذ لَم تَعرِفي
مَوضِعَ الخائِنِ وَالبَرِّ الأَمينْ
6. You make the matter chaotic, with no
Clear system for the discerning.
٦. تَجعَلينَ الأَمرَ فَوضى ما لَهُ
مِن نِظامٍ واضِحٍ لِلمُستَبينْ
7. And you see people all as one,
Among the eminent and the fallen, dormant.
٧. وَتَرَينَ الناسَ ناساً كُلَّهُم
مِن مَناجيدَ وَصَرعى خامِدينْ
8. You wrongly reward the deviants
Who corrupted the matter, the reward of reformers.
٨. أَضلالاً مِنكِ تَجزينَ الأُلى
أَفسَدوا الأَمرَ جَزاءَ المُصلِحينْ
9. And you appoint men who broke
Your most loyal covenant, in the place of the loyal.
٩. وَتُقيمينَ رِجالاً نَقَضوا
عَهدَكِ الأَوفى مَقامَ المُخلِصينْ
10. Oh Egypt, if only you knew
The events of fate in the past years!
١٠. إيهِ يا مِصرُ أَلَمّا تَعلَمي
حادِثاتِ الدَهرِ في ماضي السِنينْ
11. Oh Egypt, remember them and look -
What people is your suffering, melancholy people?
١١. إيهِ يا مِصرُ اِذكُريها وَاِنظُري
أَيَّ شَعبٍ شَعبَكِ العاني الحَزينْ
12. And entrust the matter to God, for you
Have none but Him in the world as a helper.
١٢. وَكِلي الأَمرَ إِلى اللَهِ فَما
لَكِ في الدُنيا سِواهُ مِن مُعينْ
13. The weapon of nations in their firmness
And the salvation of the weak people.
١٣. عُدَّةُ الأَقطارِ في شِدَّتِها
وَغِياثُ الأُمَمِ المُستَضعَفينْ
14. It dispels the horrors from its distressed,
When the defense of supporters is not hoped for.
١٤. يَدفَعُ الأَهوالَ عَن مَكروبِها
حينَ لا يُرجى دِفاعُ الناصِرينْ
15. And it returns the dead from its hopes -
Rising in appearance and bright of forehead.
١٥. وَيُعيدُ المَيتَ مِن آمالِها
مُشرِقَ الطَلعَةِ وَضّاحَ الجَبينْ
16. The King of the Kingdom - His judgments have passed
And His destinies flowed in the worlds.
١٦. مالِكُ المُلكِ مَضَت أَحكامُهُ
وَجَرَت أَقدارُهُ في العالَمينْ
17. No soul has power in His kingdom -
Majestic is He of great power and firm prowess.
١٧. ما لِنفسٍ قُوَّةٌ في مُلكِهِ
جَلَّ ذو القُوَّةِ وَالحَولِ المَتينْ
18. Agitation leaves His fleet
With the fleets of mighty kings.
١٨. تَذهَبُ الهَزَّةُ مِن أُسطولِهِ
بِأَساطيلِ المُلوكِ القادِرينْ
19. And if His soldiers intend one day
Then woe to the conquering soldiers!
١٩. وَإِذا ما هَمَّ يَوماً جُندُهُ
فَالمَنايا لِلجُنودِ الغالِبينْ
20. Ask the dust - how many states
Whose traces disappeared into the past?
٢٠. سائِلِ الغَبراءَ كَم مِن دُوَلٍ
ذَهَبَت آثارُها في الغابِرينْ
21. It carried them for eras, then folded
In the ages of the earliest departed.
٢١. حَمَلَتها أَعصُراً ثُمَّ اِنطَوَت
في عُصورِ الذاهِبينَ الأَوَّلينْ
22. It subsided in a side from its belly
That accommodates all of us alive.
٢٢. هَمَدَت في جانِبٍ مِن بَطنِها
يَسَعُ الأَحياءَ مِنّا أَجمَعينْ
23. Ask about the crowns - do you see
In them anything of the thrones of kings?
٢٣. سَل عَنِ التيجانِ وَاِنظُر هَل تَرى
فيهِ شَيئاً مِن عُروشِ المالِكينْ
24. And consider - do they have in its interior
Soldiers, fortresses, or ships?
٢٤. وَتَأَمَّل هَل لَهُم في جَوفِهِ
مِن جُنودٍ أَو بُنودٍ أَو سَفينْ
25. Turn over the soil - how much in the soil
Of fallen state and buried kingdom!
٢٥. قَلِّبِ التُربَ فَكَم في التُربِ مِن
دَولَةٍ صَرعى وَمِن مُلكٍ دَفينْ
26. The passage of generations - if you circle it
Then tarry and settle among the circlers.
٢٦. مَعرضُ الأَجيالِ إِن طُفتَ بِهِ
فَتَمَهَّل وَاِتَّئِد في الطائِفينْ
27. And make the lantern in its darkness
A lesson of death for discerning people.
٢٧. وَاِجعَلِ المِصباحَ في ظُلمَتِهِ
عِبرَةَ المَوتِ لِقَومٍ مُبصِرينْ
28. The life of this world is fleeting
And a beneficial tale for those who remember.
٢٨. إِنَّما الدُنيا حَياةٌ تَنقَضي
وَحَديثٌ نافِعٌ لِلذاكِرينْ
29. The truth has become clear to an ignorant people.
So look, O Egypt, what you would command!
٢٩. وَضَحَ الحَقُّ لِقَومٍ جاهِلينْ
فَاِنظُري يا مِصرُ ماذا تَأمُرينْ
30. You are, for God, an erect building
That the hands of demolishers twist away from.
٣٠. أَنتِ لِلَهِ بِناءٌ قائِمٌ
تَلتَوي عَنهُ أُكُفُّ الهادِمينْ
31. Endure events, no matter how they scheme,
And trust in God, the Best of schemers.
٣١. صابِري الأَحداثَ مَهما مَكَرَت
وَثِقي بِاللَهِ خَيرِ الماكِرينْ
32. Do not heed - indeed, of His signs
Is what Heeds you, of world and religion.
٣٢. لا تُراعي إِنَّ مِن آياتِهِ
ما يُراعي فيكِ مِن دُنيا وَدينْ
33. Seek from Him what you wish and watch
His wisdom in your captive, wretched people.
٣٣. اطلُبي ما شِئتِ مِنهُ وَارقُبي
حُكمَهُ في شَعبِكِ العاني الرَهينْ
34. Are not events doing us justice?
So exalted is God, the Best of judges.
٣٤. أَهِيَ الأَحداثُ لا تُنصِفُنا
فَتَعالى اللَهُ خَيرُ الحاكِمينْ
35. Woe to my soul and woe to Egypt whenever
It recalls its perished sons!
٣٥. وَيحَ نَفسي وَيحَ مِصرٍ كُلَّما
ذَكَرَت مِصرُ بَنيها الهالِكينْ
36. The day terror raged within it
And it sought refuge in the roused youth -
٣٦. يَومَ جاشَ الهَولُ في أَرجائِها
فَاِتَّقَتهُ بِالشَبابِ الناهِضينْ
37. With souls whose multitudes rushed,
Sacrificing themselves in thousands and hundreds -
٣٧. بِنُفوسٍ أَقبَلَت دَهماؤُها
تَتَرامى مِن أُلوفٍ وَمِئينْ
38. To redeem Egypt and fulfill its right
And show it the resolve of the resolute;
٣٨. تَفتَدي مِصرَ وَتَقضي حَقَّها
وَتُريها هِمَمَ المُستَبسِلينْ
39. They magnified whatever you wished
Of its sanctity, and passed as the immortal.
٣٩. حَدِّثي يا مِصرُ عَنهُم وَاِذكُري
كَيفَ كانَت غَضبَةُ الشَعبِ الرَزينْ
40. How can we forget them and the long span?
How can we forget the honest trustees?
٤٠. أَكرميهِم وَاِحفَظي ما بَذَلوا
مِن دَمٍ غالٍ وَمِن عُمرٍ ثَمينْ
41. We have accepted treason as religion after them,
So upon God is the recompense of traitors.
٤١. شُهَداءُ الحبِّ بَرّوا وَوَفوا
وَقَضَوا مِن حَقِّهِ ما تَعلَمينْ
42. The weepers stopped weeping for them
So their believing mothers wept for them.
٤٢. عَظَّموا ما شِئتِ مِن حُرمَتِهِ
وَمَضَوا في العُظَماءِ الخالِدينْ
43. Oh my people - may it console the bereaved mothers
When their sons passed with prolonged moaning.
٤٣. كَيفَ نَنساهُم وَما طالَ المَدى
كَيفَ نَنسى الأُمَناءَ الصادِقينْ
44. Oh my people - for the orphans after them,
The widows, and the submissive elders.
٤٤. أَرَضينا الغَدرَ ديناً بَعدَهُم
فَعَلى اللَهِ جَزاءُ الغادِرينْ
45. Mercy for the child made miserable by sorrow,
For the loving father and imprisoned uncle.
٤٥. كَفكَفَ الباكونَ مِن أَدمُعِهِم
فَبَكَتهُم أُمَّهاتُ المُؤمِنينْ
46. It has dried until its mother does not see what
Dried upon it - the hands of benefactors.
٤٦. يا لِقَومي لِلثَكالى شَفَّها
إِذ مَضى أَبناؤُها طولُ الرَنينْ
47. It seeks livelihood and she weeps, and for her
Is an evil neighbor among profligate men.
٤٧. يا لِقَومي لِليَتامى بَعدَهُم
وَالأَيامى وَالشُيوخِ الهامِدينْ
48. It bears hardship and its grandfather suffers,
While he sighs in comfort among the delicate.
٤٨. رَحمَةً لِلطِفلِ يَبريهِ الأَسى
لِلأَبِ المودي وَلِلعَمِّ السَجينْ
49. The most melodious tunes in its hearing
Are the ringing of complaints and moans' echoes.
٤٩. جَفَّ حَتّى ما تَراهُ أُمُّهُ
حينَ جَفَّت عَنهُ أَيدي المُحسِنينْ
50. Possessed by the world, yet no world for it
Except what meager living it attained.
٥٠. يَطلُبُ القوتَ فَتَبكي وَلَها
جارُ سوءٍ مِن رِجالٍ مُترَفينْ
51. People see it only greedy,
Baring fangs like a wretched wolf.
٥١. تَحمِلُ الضُرَّ وَيَشقى جَدُّها
وَهوَ يَندى نَضرَةً في الناعِمينْ
52. Good has fallen and its pattern is corrupted
By a time inclined towards evil's companion.
٥٢. أَطيَبُ الأَنغامِ في مَسمَعِهِ
رِنَّةُ الشَكوى وَتَردادُ الأَنينْ
53. It taught people what they were taught
Of despicable traits that disgusted the noble.
٥٣. جُنَّ بِالدُنيا وَلا دُنيا لَهُ
غَيرُ ما أدركَ مِن عَيشٍ مَهينْ
54. The people do not want of its morals
Except the morals of the honorable commanders.
٥٤. لا يَراهُ الناسُ إِلّا جَشِعاً
بارِزَ الأَنيابِ كَالذِئبِ اللَعينْ
55. Oh, Nile's guardians - enough for me;
Does the Nile remain for the colonizers?
٥٥. طاحَ بِالخَيرِ وَعَفّى رَسمَهُ
زَمَنٌ لِلشَرِّ مُنبَتُّ القَرينْ
56. Oh, Nile's guardians - preserve its possession
And I see the Nile for other people.
٥٦. عَلَّمَ الأَقوامَ ما عَلَّمَهُم
مِن سَجايا بَرَّحَت بِالأَكرَمينْ
57. Give glad tidings, O people, I see
In the Nile's destiny the sight of warners.
٥٧. ما يَوَدُّ الشَعبُ مِن أَخلاقِهِ
غَيرَ أَخلاقِ النُهاةِ الآمِرينْ
58. No - and who cast his matter to us
We did not leave it in the hands of deserters.
٥٨. يا حُماةَ النيلِ حَسبي وَكَفى
أَيظَلُّ النيلُ لِلمُستَعمِرينْ
59. We are the party of God - we protected His right
And preserved His covenant among violators.
٥٩. يا حُماةَ النيلِ صونوا مُلكَهُ
وَأَرى النيلَ لِقَومٍ آخَرينْ
60. We pledged allegiance to Him since we were
Upon supporting the truth, and we were acting.
٦٠. بَشِّروا يا قَومُ إِنّي لَأَرى
في مَصيرِ النيلِ رَأيَ المُنذِرينْ
61. Whether we get angry or become content, it is for Him;
We do not care about the nonsense of alarmists.
٦١. لا وَمَن أَلقى إِلَينا أَمرَهُ
لا تَرَكناهُ بِأَيدي الخاذِلينْ
62. We carry the pens as armor, and ours
Are the scriptures of the righteous among writers.
٦٢. نَحنُ حِزبُ اللَهِ صُنّا حَقَّهُ
وَحَفِظنا عَهدَهُ في الناكِثينْ
63. Not the villains like the misguided chiefs,
Nor the free like the enslaved.
٦٣. نَحنُ بايَعناهُ مُذ كُنّا عَلى
نُصرَةِ الحَقِّ وَكُنّا فاعِلينْ
64. We did not accept the plan of the misguided, nor
Did we fault the state of the submissive weak.
٦٤. إِن غَضِبنا أَو رَضينا فَلَهُ
لا نُبالي تُرَّهاتِ المُرجِفينْ
65. Oh my people - struggle, do not despair,
And Allah will come with clear victory.
٦٥. نَحمِلُ الأَقلامَ غُرّاً وَلَنا
صُحُفُ الأَبرارِ بَينَ الكاتِبينْ
66. Support Egypt if it becomes terrified
And apprehensive of the brave youths.
٦٦. ما الأَلِبّاءُ كَضُلّالِ النُهى
لا وَلا الأَحرارُ كُالمُستَعبَدينْ
67. Protect it - for if Egypt falls,
The heritage of Muslims is lost in the world.
٦٧. ما رَضينا خُطَّةَ الغاوي وَلا
عابَنا شَأنُ الذَليلِ المُستَكينْ
68. Oh my people - struggle, do not weaken,
And Allah will come with clear victory.
٦٨. يا لِقَومي جاهِدوا لا تَهنوا
وَسَيَأتي اللَهُ بِالنَصرِ المُبينْ
69. Support Egypt if it becomes terrified
And apprehensive of the brave youths.
٦٩. أَنجدوا مِصرَ إِذا ما فَزِعَت
وَأَهابَت بِالكُماةِ الباسِلينْ
70. Protect it, for if Egypt falls,
The heritage of the Muslims is lost in the world!
٧٠. احفَظوها إِنَّ مِصراً إن تَضِع
ضاعَ في الدُنيا تُراثُ المُسلِمينْ