
Greetings O noble king

سلام أيها الملك الهمام

1. Greetings O noble king
Encircled by venerable angels

١. سَلامٌ أَيُّها المَلِكُ الهُمامُ
تَطوفُ بِهِ المَلائِكَةُ الكِرامُ

2. I came to you while the green eyes yearn
Towards me as if they were arrows around me

٢. أَتَيتُكَ وَالعُيونُ الخُزرُ تَرنو
إِلَيَّ كَأَنَّها حَولي سِهامُ

3. So who whispered to the people that I
Would complain of their harm however slight

٣. فَمَن أَوحى إِلى الأَقوامِ أَنّي
سَأَشكو مِن أَذاهُم ما نُسامُ

4. You left us to face the calamities of fate
Overpowering tribulations against which we have no protection

٤. لَقَد خَلَّفتَنا لِخُطوبِ دَهرٍ
غَوالِبَ ما لَنا مِنها اِعتِصامُ

5. We are weary of them and have no patience
And the easiest thing for us is to turn away

٥. سَئِمناها فَلَيسَ لَنا اِصطِبارٌ
وَأَيسَرُ ما بِنا مِنها السَّآمُ

6. Muhammad, it has been twenty years
And it suffices what an evil year brings

٦. مُحَمَّدُ إِنَّها عِشرونَ عاماً
وَحَسبُ المَرءِ مِمّا ساءَ عامُ

7. Do you know what the nights impose on us
And the huge misfortunes they bring

٧. أَتَدري ما تُجَشِّمُنا اللَيالي
وَتَركَبُنا حَوادِثُها الجِسامُ

8. Are you pleased that injustice remains among us
While the best hopes of the free man are doves

٨. أَتَرضى أَن يَقِرَّ الضَيمُ فينا
فَخَيرُ رَغائِبِ الحُرِّ الحِمامُ

9. Is not death more beautiful than a life
Where one is disgraced or oppressed

٩. أَلَيسَ المَوتُ أَجمَلَ مِن حَياةٍ
يُهانُ المَرءُ فيها أَو يُضامُ

10. Shall I sleep O Muhammad while the country
Its sanctity violated by vile people

١٠. أَنَوماً يا مُحَمَّدُ عَن بِلادٍ
أَباحَ حَريمَها الأَهلُ النِيامُ

11. So rise and see what sorrows have befallen it
And the like of you will not weary from rising

١١. فَقُم تَرَ ما دَهاها مِن شِقاءٍ
وَمِثلُكَ لَيسَ يُعييهِ القِيامُ

12. If you but glance at it
Your pockets will be stained with tears of blood

١٢. وَإِنَّكَ لَو أَجلْتَ الطَرفَ فيها
لَخَضَّبَ جَيبَكَ الدَمعُ السِجامُ

13. And I swear if you could take revenge
Then your revenge upon us would destroy us

١٣. وَأُقسِمُ لَو قَدِرتَ عَلى جَزاءٍ
إِذَن أَودى بِنا مِنكَ اِنتِقامُ

14. We destroyed what you built of glories
With your determination though events are determined

١٤. هَدَمنا ما بَنَيتَ مِنَ المَعالي
بِعَزمِكَ وَالخُطوبُ لَها اِعتِزامُ

15. Does it not satisfy you, from among us
Men of loyalty it has sworn alliance

١٥. أَما يرضيكَ عَمَّن عَقَّ مِنّا
رِجالٌ بِالوَفاءِ لَها اِتِّسامُ

16. It is the same whether Egypt raised them
Beyond events and difficulties

١٦. سَواءٌ مَن نَمَتهُ مِصرُ مِنهُم
عَلى غِيَرِ الحَوادِثِ وَالشَآمُ

17. May God protect Syria, how much it loved us
With hands that do not withdraw from us

١٧. رَعى اللَهُ الشَآمُ فَكَم حَبانا
أَيادي ما لَها عَنّا اِنصِرامُ

18. Among its people we have noble people
Whose covenant in them is protected and alliance observed

١٨. لَنا مِن أَهلِهِ أَهلٌ كِرامٌ
يُصانُ العَهدُ فيهِم وَالذِمامُ

19. They are Egypt's supporters and defenders
When great misfortunes befall it

١٩. هُمو أَعوانُ مِصرَ وَناصِروها
إِذا نَزَلَت بِها النُوَبُ العِظامُ

20. And they are our closest brothers in it
We treat them equally though tyrants disapprove

٢٠. وَهُم إِخوانُنا الأَدنَونَ فيها
نُصافيهِم وَإِن كَرِهَ الطَغامُ

21. A close lineage unites us
And affinity and harmony gather us

٢١. يُؤَلِّفُ بَينَنا نَسَبٌ قَريبٌ
وَيَجمَعُنا التَوَدُّدُ وَالوِئامُ