
O sons of Sa'd ibn Bakr, greetings!

يا بني سعد بن بكر مرحبا

1. O sons of Sa'd ibn Bakr, greetings!
Attack the people one by one and with vigor.

١. يا بني سَعْدِ بنِ بكرٍ مرحبا
بادروا القومَ فُرادَى وثُبَى

2. The sedition of the Jews has overwhelmed you
Like the hot south wind that stirs up the flames.

٢. غَشِيَتْكُم من يَهودٍ فِتنةٌ
كالحَبِيِّ الجَوْنِ يُرخِي الهيدبا

3. In Khaybar there is honey from bee hives
And dates in abundance like the eggs of ostriches.

٣. إنّ في خَيبَر من سُمْرِ القنا
عَدَدَ التمرِ ومن بيضِ الظُّبَى

4. These are the most delicious foods for warriors,
O sons of Sa'd, and the most pleasing drinks.

٤. هِيَ للأبطالِ أزكى مطعماً
يا بني سعدٍ وأشهى مَشربا

5. Do you not see today only lances
Of the defenders of truth reciting poems?

٥. هل ترون اليومَ إلا مِقنباً
من حُماةِ الحقِّ يتلو مِقنبا

6. Today is the day of Ali, so be patient,
Or avoid it as a day of misfortune.

٦. إنّه يومُ عليٍّ فَاصْبِروا
أو فَحيدوا عنه يوماً أشهبا

7. O sons of Sa'd ibn Bakr, it is
The kindling of strife, igniting the flames.

٧. يا بني سعدِ بن بكرٍ إنّه
مارِجُ الهيجاءِ يُزجِي اللَّهبا

8. Beware of it and have mercy on yourselves,
Lest you become fuel for its intense heat.

٨. احذروها وارْحموا أنفسَكم
لا تكونوا في لَظاها حَطَبا

9. A man led it against you out of fear of being killed
And dread of mishap.

٩. دَلَّهُ منكم عليكم رَجُلٌ
خَشِيَ القتلَ وخافَ العَطَبا

10. He made his eye your eye,
And you were amazed at how the matter was overturned.

١٠. عَينُكم صيَّرها عيناً لكم
فَاعْجَبوا للأمر كيف انْقلبا

11. The army marched and you scattered into pieces,
And valor collapsed so you fled in panic.

١١. زحَفَ الجيشُ فَذُبْتُم فَرَقاً
وَارْتَمَى البأسُ فَطِرْتُم هَرَبا

12. Nothing but loot prevents them
From plundering you today, O men ready to be plundered!

١٢. ليس غير النّهبِ ما يمنعه
منكم اليومَ امرؤٌ أن يُنهبَا

13. The setback of the dates - if not for its ill omen,
None who suffered its sorrows would have tasted them.

١٣. نكبةُ التَّمرِ فلولا شؤمُه
لم يَذُقْ آلامَهَا من نُكِبا

14. Have you not already tested the wretched people
Created for evil, whoever has tested them?

١٤. أفما جَرّبتُمُ القومَ الأُلى
خُلِقُوا للشّرِّ فيمن جَرَّبا

15. They are the plague of the earth or its epidemic -
They legislated usury and followed compound interest.

١٥. هم وباءُ الأرضِ أو طاعونُها
شرعوا السُّحْتَ ودانوا بالربا

16. God became angry with them, so they have become
An object of God's growing anger day after day.

١٦. غَضِبَ اللّهُ عليهم فَرَضُوْا
رَبِّ زِدْهُم كلَّ يومٍ غَضَبَا

17. Doomed is he who thinks that he who transgresses
And defies God will not be overcome!

١٧. هالكٌ من ظنّ ممّن يَعتدِي
ويُعادِي اللّهَ أن لن يُغلبَا

18. The most astray of people in his worldly life is he who,
When the truth was clear, turned away and refused it.

١٨. وأضلُّ النّاسِ في دنياهُ مَنْ
وَضَح الحقُّ فولَّى وأَبَى