
O nation whose dreams have perished,

يا أمة أودت بها الأحلام

1. O nation whose dreams have perished,
Whose glories have collapsed into ruin.

١. يا أُمَّةً أَودَت بِها الأَحلامُ
وَهَوَت بِباذِخِ مَجدِها الأَوهامُ

2. You are misled by the deceits of every misguided one,
The darkness has veiled understanding from their eyes.

٢. تَهفو إِلى نَزَواتِ كُلِّ مُضَلِّلٍ
حَجَبَ الهُدى عَن ناظِرَيهِ ظَلامُ

3. He casts you into every perilous illusion-
You think withdrawal is praiseworthy there.

٣. يَرمي بِها أَجوازَ كُلِّ مَضَلَّةٍ
غَبراءَ يُحمَدُ عِندَها الإِحجامُ

4. This is the path to life, and these
Are the beacons of guidance, if only minds would be guided.

٤. هَذا السَبيلُ إِلى الحَياةِ وَهَذِهِ
سُنَنُ الهُدى لَو ترشدُ الأَفهامُ

5. O my people, can a whimsy move mountains,
Or empty words frighten lions in their lairs?

٥. يا قَومِ هَل نَسَفَ الجِبالَ تَوَهُّمٌ
وَأَخافَ آسادَ العَرينِ كَلامُ

6. O my people, do disputes and divisions
Give life to nations and protect their lands?

٦. يا قَومِ هَل أَحيا الشُعوبَ تَعَلُّلٌ
وَحَمى البِلادَ تَفَرُّقٌ وَخِصامُ

7. O my people, does a sluggard attain glory?
Does sleep lead to triumph in the race?

٧. يا قَومِ هَل تَشأى السَوابِقَ ظُلَّعٌ
وَيَفوتُ شَأوَ المُدلِجينَ نِيامُ

8. O my people, are hands with no strength able
To build, when the shoulders above them weary?

٨. يا قَومِ هَل تَهدي الأَكُفَّ سَواعِدٌ
تَهفو المَناكِبُ فَوقَها وَالهامُ

9. Woe unto you, O children of Egypt!
Is this how events and days instruct you?

٩. إيهٍ بَني مِصرٍ أَما وَعَظتكُمُ
ما تَصنَعُ الأَحداثُ وَالأَيّامُ

10. Alas, disasters have attacked us.
Thickly they have descended upon thickening ruin.

١٠. إيهٍ فَقَد طَمَتِ الخُطوبُ وَهالَنا
مِنها رُكامٌ يَعتَليهِ رُكامُ

11. Alas, their violence has tormented our souls.
Deception and trickery have led them astray.

١١. إيهٍ فَقَد أَشقى النُفوسَ جِماحُها
وَأَضَلَّها التَمويهُ وَالإيهامُ

12. A character yielding only evil, from which pour
Calamities to frighten those living in security.

١٢. خُلُقٌ يَهُبُّ الشَرُّ مِنهُ وَتَرتَمي
فِتَنٌ تَروعُ الآمِنينَ جِسامُ

13. Tackle your affairs through the policy of one prudent,
Perhaps what is corrupt can thereby be set right.

١٣. سوسوا أُمورَكُمُ سِياسَةَ حازِمٍ
فَلَعَلَّ مُعوَجَّ الأُمورِ يُقامُ

14. I grieve over those mutually hostile. Have they not seen
That cordiality and harmony are grace and delight?

١٤. أَسَفي عَلى المُتَباغِضينَ وَقَد رَأَوا
أَنَّ الفَلاحَ تَوَدُّدٌ وَوِئامُ

15. They have initiated enmity amongst themselves, though
Neither Christ's nor Islam's religion commanded them this.

١٥. شَرَعوا العَداوَةَ بَينَهُم لَم يوصِهِم
دينُ المَسيحِ بِها وَلا الإِسلامُ

16. But yesterday the foxes frolicked round their lair,
And today wolves growl maliciously about it.

١٦. عَوَتِ الثَعالِبُ أَمسَ حَولَ عِرينِهِم
وَاليَومَ يَزَأَرُ حَولَهُ الضِرغامُ

17. They have squatted in the mire of disgrace, not realizing
That life is conflict and peril and war.

١٧. جَثموا بِمُستَنِّ الهَوانِ وَما دَرَوا
أَنَّ الحَياةَ تَدافُعٌ وَزِحامُ