1. To whom does grandeur excel all grandeur?
Is it Arabism in its lofty care?
١. لَمِنِ الجلالُ يَفُوقُ كُلَّ جلالِ
أهِيَ العُروبةُ في حِماها العالي
2. Is it the zeal excited by one springing up
Who trod the den and was set on taking prey?
٢. أهِيَ الحميَّةُ هَاجَها مُتَوَثِّبٌ
دَاسَ العرينَ وهمَّ بالرِّئبالِ
3. Those are the delegations from the East who came
To fulfill their nation's reproach and kin's.
٣. تِلكَ الوفُودُ من المشارقِ أَقْبَلَتْ
تَقْضِي الذِّمامَ لِقَوْمِها والآلِ
4. Each one's forehead adorned with explicit might
Is the might of the swords and the aid of heroes.
٤. من كلِّ واضِحَةِ الجَبينِ يَزيُنها
بأسُ الكُماةِ ونجدةُ الأبطالِ
5. Its various outstanding traits, its people inherited
The lineages of a time in remote antiquity.
٥. شَتَّى مَناقِبُها تَوارَثَ قومُها
أحسابَ يَعْرُبَ في الزّمانِ الخالي
6. It seeks a life precious for its lands
And checks the sentence of the lurking tyrant.
٦. تَبْغِي الحياةَ عَزيزَةً لِبلادِها
وتَرُدُّ حُكْمَ الطَّامعِ المُغْتالِ
7. They conspired for the good of a house founded
In both Easts for benevolent deeds.
٧. هُنّ ائْتَمَرْنَ بخيرِ دارٍ أُنْشِئَتْ
بالمَشرِقَينِ لِصالحِ الأعمالِ
8. For the protectresses, the defenders of zeal
The ones shouldering misfortunes' burdens.
٨. للناهِضَاتِ الذاَّئِداتِ عنِ الحِمَى
الحامِلاتِ فَوادِحَ الأثقالِ
9. The perceivers of truth which cries out in alarm
And stirs between the claws of beasts.
٩. المُدْرِكاتِ الحقَّ يَفْزَعُ صَارِخاً
ويَضِجُّ بين مَخالِبِ الأغوالِ
10. Or did the sleep of the protectors suffice, and what
Did those beds gain from harm and sorrows?
١٠. أوَمَا كَفَى نَوْمُ الحماةِ وما جَنَتْ
تلك المضاجعُ من أذىً وخَبالِ
11. A free soul's dignity is the honor of life
That refuses a life of injustice and humiliation.
١١. شَرَفُ الحياةِ لِكُلِّ نفسٍ حُرَّةٍ
تَأْبَى حَياةَ الضّيْمِ والأذلالِ
12. If a people weakens and does not defend
Its basin, it spends the night in the worst situation.
١٢. والشّعبُ إن خَفَضَ الجَناحَ ولم يَذُدْ
عن حوضهِ أَمْسَى بأسوإ حالِ
13. It is, O Palestine, the struggle, and did any
Homeland, without struggle, escape its fate?
١٣. هو يا فلسطينُ النِّضالُ وهل نجا
من حَتْفِه وَطَنٌ بغيرِ نِضالِ
14. Do not deny the traits of souls, and receive good news
Of the most beloved transformation and best outcome.
١٤. لا تُنكِري شِيَمَ النُّفوسِ وأَبْشري
بِأَحَبِّ مُنْقَلَبٍ وخيرِ مآلِ
15. Trust in your Lord, indeed He is your helper
None can help like Him, nor any ally.
١٥. وثِقِي بربِّكِ إنّه لكِ ناصرٌ
ما مِثلُه من ناصرٍ أو والِ
16. Say to Roosevelt, who hopes for his justice:
"Roosevelt, I have nothing to do with the unjust."
١٦. قُولي لِرُوزْفلْتَ المؤمَّلِ عَدلُهُ
رُوزْفِلْتُ ما لِلظّالمينَ ومالي
17. How high is sheltering the exile, and from my blood
Someone is fed and sated after my family was killed.
١٧. أعَليَّ إيواءُ الشرَّيدِ ومن دَمِي
يُسْقَى ويُطْعَمُ بعد قتل عِيالي
18. The worst judges are most wicked by nature
A judge who sees justice as unlawful.
١٨. شرُّ القُضاةِ سَجِيّةً وأضَرُّهم
قاضٍ يرى الإنصافَ غَيْرَ حلالِ
19. O you sellers of Arabism's honor, shame on you!
Do not be ignorant - Arabism's honor is precious.
١٩. يا بائِعي عِرضَ العُروبةِ وَيْحَكُمْ
لا تجهلوا عِرضُ العروبةِ غالِ
20. If you want permissible sale, then only
With spilled blood, not with money.
٢٠. إن شِئتُمُ البَيْعَ المُباحَ فإنّما
هو بالدّمِ المسفوكِ لا بالمالِ
21. A world of caprices, if it does not wake up
It is swept away by a world of calamities.
٢١. دنُيا من الأهواءِ إن لم تَسْتَفِقْ
عصفت بها دُنيا مِنَ الأهوالِ
22. They erected a structure based on fancy and did not know
That disasters violently shake.
٢٢. رفعوا على الوهمِ البِناءَ وما دَرَوْا
أنّ الخطوبَ شديدةُ الزِّلزالِ
23. Delusion inflated them, so the tyrant imagined
That Arabism heralded its demise.
٢٣. جَمَحَ الغُرورُ بهم فظنَّ غُلاتُهم
أنّ العروبةَ آذنتْ بِزَوالِ
24. Have they not seen it, in its positions of glory
Wrathful as lions, defiant as cubs?
٢٤. أَفَما رأوها في منازلِ عِزِّها
غَضْبَى الليوثِ أبيَّةَ الأشبالِ
25. Ages' treasure, so if you doubt
The people, it is the generations' trust.
٢٥. ذُخْرُ الدُّهورِ فإن تَكُنْ من مِرْيةٍ
بالقومِ فَهْيَ أمانةُ الأجيالِ
26. Indeed, I gained, through the excellent ones, guidance
The most precious lessons and most eloquent parables.
٢٦. إنّي استفدتُ على يدِ الفُضْلىَ هُدَى
أَغْلىَ العِظاتِ وأبلغَ الأمثالِ
27. The one who falsely claimed the impossible for his people
And went on speaking the words of ignoramuses, lied.
٢٧. كذب الذي زَعمَ المُحالَ لِقومِه
ومَضَى يقولُ مَقالةَ الجُهَّالِ
28. For the countries, there are fortresses of doctrine
And of white blades, blades of white swords.
٢٨. فَمِنَ العقائلِ للبلادِ معاقِلٌ
ومن الحِسانِ البيضِ بيضُ نِصالِ
29. How many people, if you look, you see them
Among men when they are not men!
٢٩. كم من أُناسٍ إن نظرتَ رَأَيْتَهُمْ
بين الرجالِ وما هُمو برجالِ
30. Of everyone cowed in zeal, inert,
Weak in strength, with flaccid limbs.
٣٠. من كُلِّ مُستَلَبِ الحَميَّةِ جامدٍ
واهِي القُوَى مُتخاذِلِ الأوصالِ
31. Indifferent, he spends the night while calamities pound his people
And he spends the night in leisure with a carefree mind.
٣١. جافٍ يَبيتُ الخطبُ يَقْرَعُ قَوْمَه
ويَبيتُ في دَعَةٍ رَخِيَّ البالِ
32. Resolve that brings relief during adversities, and ambition
That covers the horizon and roams every place.
٣٢. عزمٌ يُبَرِّحُ بالخطوبِ وهِمّةٌ
تَطْوِي المَدَى وتجولُ كلَّ مَجالِ
33. If the Arab nations continue their gratitude
For its successive, ongoing favor.
٣٣. أمَمُ العُروبة إن تَتَابَع شُكرُها
فَلِفَضْلِها المُتتابِع المتوالي