1. Stand a while, for the lover has a pact,
And hasten not with separation, if there be no necessity,
١. قِفوا ساعَةً إِنَّ المُحِبَّ لَهُ عَهدُ
وَلا تَعجَلوا بِالبَينِ إِن لَم يَكُن بُدُّ
2. Are we made every day for separation, while love has rights,
And desire has no limits?
٢. أَفي كُلِّ يَومٍ نَحنُ لِلبَينِ وُقَّفٌ
أَما لِلهَوى حَقٌّ وَلا لِلنَوى حَدُّ
3. The vicissitudes of time have tossed us about,
We tame them, hoping they will relent, but they rage harder,
٣. تَرامَت بِنا أَحداثُ دَهرٍ نَروضُها
فَتَطغى وَنَرجو أَن تَلينَ فَتَشتَدُّ
4. We were patient with them until they became disdainful,
Then we confronted them with might that makes the lion tremble.
٤. صَبَرنا لَها حَتّى إِذا ما تَذَأَّبَت
عَبَأنا لَها بَأساً تُراعُ لَهُ الأُسدُ
5. We were satisfied with some affairs until, when he refused,
We were angry, for some affairs cannot be reversed,
٥. رَضينا بِبَعضِ الأَمرِ حَتّى إِذا أَبى
غَضِبنا وَبَعضُ الأَمرِ لَيسَ لَهُ رَدُّ
6. We were angry, so the army assailed him with its valour,
And the angry, unsheathed swords rattled forth from their scabbards.
٦. غَضِبنا فَباتَ الجَيشُ يَرميهِ بأسُهُ
وَباتَ الحُسامُ العَضبُ يَلفِظُهُ الغِمدُ
7. Stand a while, for hearts are in need
Of a pause in which ecstasy may be concealed or revealed,
٧. قِفوا ساعَةً إِنَّ القُلوبَ بِحاجَةٍ
إِلى وَقفَةٍ يَخفى بِها الوَجدُ أَو يَبدو
8. Your pausing, however long, cannot compensate
For the separation and distance that ensue.
٨. وَما وَقفَةٌ مِنكُم وَإِن طالَ حينُها
بِشافِيَةٍ ما يُعقِبُ النَأيُ وَالبُعدُ
9. We have a pact with you, and God has a pact,
So go on, though the pangs rend our bosoms.
٩. لَنا ذِمَّةٌ فيكُم وَلِلَهِ ذِمَّةٌ
فَسيروا وَإِن أَدمى جَوانِحَنا الوَجدُ
10. You have embarked upon God's cause, striving for it
To a goal wherein lie reward and praise.
١٠. أَخَذتُم سَبيلَ اللَهِ تَستَبِقونَهُ
إِلى غايَةٍ فيها المَثوبَةُ وَالحَمدُ
11. Virtue it is, until a man ransoms his people,
And heals the wound that rends his community.
١١. هُوَ البَرُّ حَتّى يَفتَدي المَرءُ قَومَهُ
وَحَتّى يُداوي جُرحَ أُمَّتِهِ الفَردُ
12. A necklace is but bead next to bead;
If there is no cord to bind them, there is no necklace.
١٢. وَما العِقدُ إِلّا حَبَّةٌ عِندَ حَبَّةٍ
فَإِن لَم يَكُن سلكٌ يَضُمُّ فَلا عِقدُ
13. The most wretched community above the desert plain
Is that which ignorance rends and envy consumes.
١٣. وَأَضيَعُ ما فَوقَ البَسيطَةِ أُمَّةٌ
يُمَزِّقُها جَهلٌ وَيَأكُلُها حِقدُ
14. When a community's hearts are diverse,
The height of its glory falls and adversity prevails.
١٤. إِذا أُمَّةٌ كانَت فِضاضاً قُلوبُها
تَهَدَّمَ عالِي مَجدِها وَكَبا الجَدُّ
15. You have heard the groans of those who clutch the earth
As their bed, while about them the wolf circles.
١٥. سَمِعتُم أَنينَ الآخِذينَ عَلى الثَرى
مَضاجِعَهُم وَالذئبُ مِن حَولِهِم يَعدو
16. The plush couch has no power to hold you back,
Nor a life of ease full of fruit and plenty.
١٦. فَما مَلَكَ الفَرشُ الوَثيرُ جُنوبَكُم
وَلا راعَكُم عَيشٌ لَذيذُ الجَنى رَغدُ
17. Unlawful it is for our eyes to sleep
While there are eyes that the vigil keeps.
١٧. حَرامٌ عَلَينا أَن تَنامَ عُيونُنا
وَثَمَّ عُيونٌ ما يُفارِقُها السُهدُ
18. So fare forth in the light of the crescent, surrounded
By a host of God, that no host can overcome;
١٨. فَسيروا عَلى نورِ الهِلالِ يَحوطُكُم
مِنَ اللَهِ جُندٌ ما يُغالِبُهُ جُندُ
19. And return to your homelands in splendour,
Attended by triumph and glory.
١٩. وَعودوا إِلى أَوطانِكُم في غَضارَةٍ
مِنَ العَيشِ مَقرونٌ بِها العِزُّ وَالمَجدُ