1. What rest is there for Midian?
So farewell to Ghatna and the dwellings
١. يَميناً ما لِمَدْيَنَ من قَرارِ
فَبُعْدَاً للقطينِ وللديارِ
2. Shu'ayb, how are you and where are the people
Who disobeyed you and what did the little ones do?
٢. شُعَيْبٌ كيفَ أنتَ وأينَ قَوْمٌ
عَصُوكَ وما الذي فَعَلَ الذرارِي
3. They took their desires as a god and walked
Off the ancient path on a bridge
٣. همُ اتّخذُوا الهَوَى رَبّاً وسَارُوا
من العهدِ القديمِ على غِرارِ
4. Islam came so they shunned it greedily
For the religion of disgrace and pettiness
٤. أتى الإسلامُ فَاجْتَنبوهُ حِرصاً
على دينِ المهانةِ والصَّغارِ
5. And they blocked the path of God out of hatred
And hatred brings destruction
٥. وصَدُّوا عن سبيلِ الله بَغياً
وكان البَغْيُ مَجلبةَ الدَّمارِ
6. Zayd attacked them with death
You see the meadows of the ferocious lions
٦. سَمَا زَيْدٌ إليهم بالمنايا
تُرِيكَ مَصَارِعَ الأُسْدِ الضَّوارِي
7. Look, O Shu'ayb, don't you see him
Fierce in might, blazing caves
٧. تَأمّلْ يا شُعَيْبُ أما تَرَاهُ
شديدَ البأسِ مُلتَهِبَ المغارِ
8. The people avoided his onslaught so they were stingy
With themselves and were generous in fleeing
٨. تَوَقَّى القومُ صَوْلَتَهُ فَضَنُّوا
بِأنْفُسِهِم وجَادوا بالفِرارِ
9. Evil is the generosity that is clad in blackness
The faces of the people in shame and dishonor
٩. لَبِئْسَ الجُودُ تَلْبَسُهُ سَوَاداً
وُجُوهُ القومِ من خِزْيٍ وعَارِ
10. The women wandered with no men
Except the illuminated knights shining like pearls
١٠. تَلفَّتتِ النِّساءُ ولا رِجالٌ
سِوَى السُّرُجِ الزواهرِ كالدّراري
11. She cried out for help but no help came
Except tears and burning passion
١١. وَضَجَّتْ تستغيثُ ولا غِياثٌ
سِوَى العبراتِ والمُهَجِ الحِرَارِ
12. The army retreated with the abandoned captives
And the deferred victory and pride
١٢. تَوَلَّى الجُندُ بالسَّبْيِ المُخَلَّى
وبالنّصْرِ المُحَجَّلِ والفَخَارِ
13. Oh what a deal for blasphemy arranged
Oh what yearning brings every neighbor
١٣. فيا لبضاعةٍ للكُفرِ تُزْجَى
ويا للشّوقِ يَجمعُ كُلَّ شارِ
14. Oh what crying was rightfully due
To the religion of God, calling for violation
١٤. ويا لكَ من بُكاءٍ كان حقّاً
لِدينِ اللهِ دَاعِيَةَ افْتِرَارِ
15. Does the mother spend the night separated from her children
For a master other than their master and neighbor?
١٥. أَتُمْسِي الأمُّ تُعزَلُ عن بَنِيها
لِمَوْلىً غيرِ مولاهم وجَارِ
16. The Kind Merciful refused and gently said
That is the disgrace of great souls
١٦. أَبَى البَرُّ الرّحيمُ فقال رِفْقاً
وتلكَ إهانةُ الهِمَمِ الكِبارِ
17. So He held back every tear about to fall
And calmed every raging heart
١٧. فأمسَكَ كلَّ دَمْعٍ مُستَهلٍّ
وَسَكَّنَ كلَّ قلبٍ مُستطارِ
18. The gifts and grants continued
Flowing from the Merciful in streams
١٨. تتابعتِ المواهبُ والعطايا
على قَدَرٍ مِن الرحمن جارِ
19. Triumph after triumph and victory
Illuminating the two horizons in victory
١٩. فَغُنْمٌ بعد غُنْمٍ وَانْتِصَارٌ
يُنِيرُ المَشْرِقَيْنِ على انتِصارِ
20. Fate attained its hatred and it was as if
The wisdom of the revolving universe was revealed
٢٠. أصَابَ الدّهْرُ بُغْيَتَهُ وأمستْ
تَجَلَّتْ حِكمةُ الفلَكِ المُدَارِ