1. To her with great hopes
And with glorious pride and eminence
١. إِلَيها بِالأَمانِيِّ الكِبارِ
وَبِالمَجدِ المُؤَثَّلِ وَالفَخارِ
2. And with blessings and goodness swiftly
You will be wherever you were from the homes
٢. وَبِالبَرَكاتِ وَالخَيراتِ طُرّاً
تَكونُ بِحَيثُ كُنتَ مِنَ الدِيارِ
3. To Egypt which melted longing
For you and its long nights kindled its passion
٣. إِلى مِصرَ الَّتي ذابَت حَنيناً
إِلَيكَ وَشَفَّها طولُ الأُوارِ
4. Your place in the countries and its people
Is like the place of the vein in the burning entrails
٤. مَكانُكَ في البِلادِ وَفي ذَويها
مَكانُ الرِيِّ في المُهجِ الحِرارِ
5. You traveled protecting Egypt from calamities
And preventing what you took charge of from detriment
٥. رَحَلتَ تَصونُ مِصرَ مِنَ العَوادي
وَتَمنَعُ ما ولِيتَ مِنَ الذِمارِ
6. You soar high with determined wings
Lofty over the soaring and the rain
٦. تُحَلِّقُ صاعِداً بِجَناحِ عَزمٍ
يَجِلُّ عَنِ المُحَلَّقِ وَالمَطارِ
7. Exploits adorn you built by
The hands of time above the abodes
٧. تُجَشِّمُهُ المَناقِبُ يَبتَنيها
مُنيفاتِ الذُرى فَوقَ الدَراري
8. As if your light is a fate at hand
That blocks the enemies' escape routes
٨. كَأَنَّ مَضاءَهُ قَدَرٌ مُتاحٌ
يَسُدُّ عَلى العِدى سُبُلَ الفِرارِ
9. The kings saw in you a hero of tribulations
Who defended them with grand ambitions
٩. رَأَت مِنكَ المُلوكُ فَتى خُطوبٍ
يُدافِعُهُنَّ بِالهِمَمِ الكِبارِ
10. You rose in Beirut so a light shone
Upon a light blazing there
١٠. طَلَعَت بيلدزٍ فَأَطَلَّ نورٌ
عَلى نورٍ هُنالِكَ مُستَطارِ
11. You sat to the right so you were the good omen
While the hearts sat to the left
١١. جَلَستَ إِلى اليَمينِ فَكُنتَ يُمناً
وَقَد جَلَسَ الصُدورُ إِلى اليَسارِ
12. Next to a fierce caliph from the successors
Whose den the lions dread
١٢. لَدى أَسَدٍ مِنَ الخُلَفاءِ ضارٍ
تهابُ عَرينَهُ الأُسدُ الضَواري
13. He feared events so he didn't see them
Spend the night safely or settle
١٣. أَخافَ الحادِثاتِ فَما تَراها
تَبيتُ عَلى أَمانٍ أَو قَرارِ
14. The caliph will appreciate the good opinion
That shone from you from the beauty of choice
١٤. سَيَشكُرُهُ الخَليفَةُ حُسنَ رَأيٍ
تَبَلَّجَ منك عَن حُسنِ اِختِيارِ
15. And those are its delegations that came to you
Expressing from keen passion what was hidden
١٥. وَتِلكَ وُفودُها جاءَتكَ تبدي
من الشوق المبرِّح ما تواري
16. Delegations came from every valley
Billowing as if they were seas' tidal waves
١٦. وفودٌ أقبلت مِن كُلِّ فَجٍّ
تَموجُ كَأَنَّها لُجَحُ البِحارِ
17. You arrived safely and luckily
Your procession in comfort and innovation
١٧. سَلِمتَ وَصادَفتَ خَيراً وَيُمناً
رِكابُكَ في رَواحٍ وَاِبتِكارِ