1. They lied about the constitution, none of them cares for it,
Neither a protector, nor after them one who threatens.
١. كذبوا على الدُّستورِ ما فيهم له
حامٍ ولا هو بعدهم بِمُهدَّدِ
2. They made the forbidden tyranny permissible in its name,
And intentionally committed heinous crimes against it.
٢. هم حَلَّلوا البغيَ المحرّمَ باسمهِ
وجنوا عليه جناية المتعمِّدِ
3. It has become despicable, yet it is
The most beloved that souls desire and ransom.
٣. أمسى بمنزلةِ البغيضِ وإنّه
لأَحبُّ ما تهوى النُّفوسُ وتفتدي
4. They call Egypt while Egypt under their oppression
Is in deep mourning and a miserable life.
٤. يدعون مِصرَ ومصرُ من طغيانهم
في مأتمٍ جللٍ وعيشٍ أنكدِ
5. They raised the tyrants over the generous and undermined
The edifice of order with unparalleled audacity.
٥. رفعوا الطّغامَ على الكرامِ وقوّضوا
صَرحَ النّظامِ بجرأةٍ لم تُعْهَدِ
6. The story of Hazelin was frivolous, what ignorance of theirs!
And what a scene it was!
٦. كانت رواية هازلين فيَا لهم
من جاهلين وياله من مشهدِ
7. They bit their fingers while their leader
Bobbed up and settled in stagnant stillness.
٧. عضّوا أصابعَهم وراح كبيرُهم
يطفو ويرسبُ في المُقيمِ المُقعِدِ
8. They were angry with their idol and avoided
Their envied one as if he was never envied.
٨. غضبوا على معبودهم وتجنّبوا
محسودهم فكأنّه لم يُحسدِ
9. And they dispersed in despair over what had afflicted them
Except for remnants like fingers on a hand.
٩. وتفرّقوا جزعين ممّا نابهم
إلا بقايا كالأصابع في اليدِ
10. The drunkards' gathering folded up
And every reveler sobered up in regret.
١٠. وخلا البِساطُ من السُّكارى فانطوى
وصحا من النُّدمانِ كلُّ مُعَرْبِدِ
11. Justice destroyed the state they built
For the mob in the harsh, gloomy era.
١١. العدل دمَّرَ ما بنوا من دولةٍ
للزُّرقِ في الزمن الأحمِّ الأسودِ
12. Had they not been sinful, they would have denied
The sins of an army enlisted for corruption.
١٢. لو لم يكونوا آثمين لأنكروا
آثامَ جُندٍ للفسادِ مُجنَّدِ
13. An army of the abhorred harm and injustice
They made it ambush the guiding men.
١٣. جُندٌ من البغي المُذمَّمِ والأذى
جعلوه للقوم الهُداةِ بمرصدِ
14. They hated guidance so its billows never swelled
Except in the field of an advisor or guide.
١٤. كرهوا الرَّشادَ فما تموج زحوفُه
إلا بساحةِ ناصِحٍ أو مُرشدِ
15. And you see the protectors of security among its supporters
Fearing the threat of the unjust oppressor.
١٥. وترى حُماةَ الأمن من أنصارِه
يخشَوْن شَرَّ الظّالمِ المتوعِّدِ