1. O Abu Sufyan, what blood do you seek?
The she-camel's desire is far away
١. أبا سُفيانَ أيَّ دَمٍ تُرِيدُ
هِيَ العنقاءُ مَطلبُها بَعِيدُ
2. Rather, the she-camel is closer to death
It is the unfulfilled hope that increases or diminishes
٢. بَلِ العنقاءُ أقربُ من مَرَامٍ
هُوَ الأملُ المُخَيَّبُ أو يَزِيدُ
3. The dagger in a wretched hand deceived you
And who knows which of you will be fortunate
٣. أغرَّكَ خِنْجَرٌ بِيَدَيْ شَقيٍّ
وما يُدرِيكَ أيّكما السّعيدُ
4. It saw a mountain, you can see its firm peaks
Its magnificence makes it shudder and collapse
٤. رأى جبلاً ترى الشُّمُّ الرَّواسي
جَلالتَهُ فترجف أو تَمِيدُ
5. Its great power did not benefit it from the horror
Nor did its enormous strength make it rise
٥. فلم تنفَعْهُ من فَزَعٍ قُواهُ
ولم ينهضْ به البأسُ الشَّديدُ
6. Its throat was gripped by the hands of a lion
If not for gentleness, the veins would have been severed
٦. وشُدَّ خناقهُ بِيَدَيْ أسَيْدٍ
فلولا الرفقُ لانْقَطَعَ الوريدُ
7. It met it with the claws of a fierce, angry one
It rages and its skin shudders in fear
٧. تَلقّاهُ بِمخلبِ مُكْفَهرٍّ
يَثورُ فتقشعرُّ له الجُلودُ
8. It showed the weapons it was hiding
With which the resentful, treacherous one attacks
٨. وأظهر َما يُوارِي من سِلاحٍ
يَدُبُّ بمثلِهِ الشَّنِفُ الحَقودُ
9. And it was certain that Allah's religion is true
Wandering and misguidance are useless and unbeneficial
٩. وأيقنَ أنّ دِينَ اللَّهِ حَقٌّ
فما يُجدِي الضّلالُ وما يُفيدُ
10. The one blessed with the grace of his Lord attained good
His guiding, rightly-guided Prophet led him
١٠. أصابَ الخيرَ من بَركاتِ رَبٍّ
هَداهُ رسولُه الهادِي الرَّشيدُ
11. And Amr has come to you, O Abu Sufyan
Where do you turn, alas, or deviate?
١١. وجاءكَ يا أبا سُفيانَ عمروٌ
فأينَ تَزِيغُ وَيْحَكَ أو تَحِيدُ
12. He is the hero whom Quraysh knew
There is no denial or rejection of him
١٢. هو البطلُ الذي عرفتْ قُريشٌ
فلا نُكْرٌ بذاكَ ولا جُحودُ
13. He deceives them, though their plots are not hidden from him
The scheming of one who deceives and conspires
١٣. يُخادِعهم وما تَخْفَى عليهم
مكيدةُ مَن يُخادِعُ أو يَكِيدُ
14. The absent one appeared suddenly so they were disturbed
Fear took hold and threats blazed
١٤. بدا لهمُ المغيَّبُ فَاسْتَرابوا
وَلَجَّ الذُّعرُ واضطرمَ الوعيدُ
15. And Mu'awiyah saw him so his
Steely gaze revealed the secret desires of his soul
١٥. وأبْصَرهُ مُعاويةٌ فَجَلَّى
سَرِيرَةَ نفسهِ النَّظرُ الحديدُ
16. And they said a hunter stalks prey
And we were not the prey of one who hunts
١٦. وقالوا فاتكٌ يرتاد صيداً
وما كنّا فريسةَ مَن يصيدُ
17. And they followed behind him but it was Sulayk
The valiant hero loaned him his wings
١٧. وشَدُّوا خَلفَهُ فإذا سُلَيْكٌ
أُعِيرَ جناحَهُ البطلُ النَّجيدُ
18. And a cave in the belly of the earth hid him
So they do not know where the fugitive went
١٨. وغَيَّبهُ ببطنِ الأرضِ غارٌ
فما يَدرونَ أين مَضَى الطَّريدُ
19. He was helped by a companion without fault
A steadfast, brave companion indeed
١٩. أُعِينَ بصاحبٍ لا عَيْبَ فيهِ
فَنعمَ الصَّاحبُ الثَّبْتُ الجليدُ
20. And at the right time, one of them approached enticingly
He has a relentless devil in his poetry
٢٠. وجاءَ لِحَيْنِهِ منهم غَوِيٌّ
له في الشِّعرِ شيطانٌ مَريدُ
21. He repeats blasphemy in his mouth as an anthem
Repeating it, pleased with the anthem
٢١. يُديرُ الكفرَ في فمهِ نَشيداً
يُردِّدهُ فيعجبُهُ النَّشيدُ
22. He roared for him, so he lit a fire from him
For which every limb is fuel
٢٢. أصاخَ له فأوقدَ منه ناراً
لها من كلِّ جارحةٍ وَقودُ
23. It blazed and raged, oh what a soul
Once arrogant but now extinguished
٢٣. تلهَّبَ واسْتطارَ فيا لنفسٍ
طَغَتْ حِيناً فأدركها الخمودُ
24. A Lord cast it into the flames of might
For it, in His great Fire, is eternity
٢٤. رَمَاها في لهيبِ البأسِ رَبٌّ
لها في نارِهِ الكُبْرى خُلودُ
25. The two men, O Amr, are enemies
So for you they are new prey
٢٥. كِلا الرَّجُلَيْن يا عَمروٌ عَدُوٌّ
فَدُونَكَ إنّه صَيْدٌ جَديدُ
26. They are the eyes of betrayal among Quraysh
While you are the hand of the Prophet with which he wards off
٢٦. هُما عَيْنَا الخيانةِ من قُريشٍ
وأنتَ يَدُ النبيِّ بها يَذُودُ
27. You shot arrows for the sake of the Prophet so one
Struck down poured out his life with a straight arrow
٢٧. رَمَيْتَ عنِ النبيِّ فمن صريعٍ
أراقَ حياتَهُ السَّهمُ السَّديدُ
28. And the other you took captive in fright
Collapsing and seeking succor in dismay
٢٨. ومن فَزِعٍ مَضيتَ به أسيراً
على جَزَعٍ يَذلُّ ويَسْتَقيدُ
29. You brought evil upon Abu Sufyan
So he became downcast and crushed
٢٩. جَلبتَ على أبي سُفيانَ شَرّاً
فأصبحَ وَهْوَ محزونٌ كَمِيدُ
30. He tasted the bitter juice of terrible loss
And grief destroyed him so he is the bereaved one
٣٠. تَجرَّعَ ثُكْلَ من فُقِدا زُعافاً
وأهلكه الأسَى فَهوَ الفقيدُ
31. Life will not regain him, and there is no life
For any but the believers, nor any existence
٣١. ستدركُهُ الحياةُ ولا حياةٌ
لغيرِ المُؤمنينَ ولا وُجودُ
32. Men whom death does not annihilate
While all the people of the world perish
٣٢. رِجالٌ لا تُبِيدُهُم المنايا
وكلٌّ من بني الدُّنيا يَبِيدُ
33. It is faith, not sweet worldly life
That is lived for, nor lasting kingdom
٣٣. هُوَ الإيمانُ لا دُنيا حَلوبٌ
يُعاشُ لها ولا مُلكٌ عَتِيدُ