
Stir the spirit of Arabdom, cubs and lions,

حي العروبة آسادا وأشبالا

1. Stir the spirit of Arabdom, cubs and lions,
And strike for it examples from the lessons of time.

١. حَيِّ العُروبةَ آساداً وأشبالاً
واضِربْ لها من عِظاتِ الدّهرِ أمثالا

2. Was there ever a banner among its banners
That leaned over and did not topple or tilt?

٢. هل كان في الأرضِ من أعلامِها علمٌ
مَالَتْ جَوانِبُها فانحطَّ أو مالا

3. And which kingdom did it storm in its strongholds,
With a rumbling from its disasters, that did not decline?

٣. وأيُّ مُلكٍ رَمَتْهُ في مَعَاقِلهِ
بِراجفٍ من عَوادِيها فَما زَالا

4. Though its wall stood firm against the vicissitudes of fate,
It never avoided a storm or feared an earthquake.

٤. رسا على حَدَثَانِ الدّهرِ حائِطُها
فما اتَّقَى عاصِفاً أو خَافَ زِلزالا

5. O you envoys of Arabdom, you are here
Fulfilling glorious hopes and aspirations for the letter "Dad."

٥. بني العُروبةِ أنتمْ هَا هُنا رُسُلٌ
تقضُون للضَّادِ أوطاراً وآمالا

6. Restore the springs of knowledge and manners,
Where passion and love flow as chains.

٦. رِدُوا المناهِلَ من عِلمٍ ومن أدبٍ
يجري الهوى فيهما والحبُّ سَلْسَالا

7. It is steadfastness, dignity, and fervor,
You will never lack a homeland in it or a family.

٧. هِيَ الكنانةُ والأَعْراقُ واشِجةٌ
لن تُعْدَمُوا وطناً فيها ولا آلا

8. You are its hope, which it tends wakefully,
Never sleeping or tiring of rising.

٨. أَنتُمْ لها أَمَلٌ تَرْعَاهُ سَاهِرةً
فما تنامُ ولا تألوه إقبالا

Carry out its mission and fulfill its incense,

٩. أدُّوا رِسالَتَها واقْضُوا لُبانَتَها
وامْضُوا سِراعاً إلى الغاباتِ أرسالا

10. And hasten swiftly to the forests as messengers.
The blood of Arabdom has not ceased to flow in the horizons,

١٠. دَمُ العُروبةِ في الآفاقِ ما بَرِحَتْ
تَجرِي شآبيبُه سَحّاً وتهطالا

11. Its rivulets streaming copiously and cascading.
It is life, so guard it in your hands,

١١. هو الحياةُ فَصُونوهُ على يدكم
مِنْ أنْ يَسيلَ كفاكم منه ما سالا

12. Lest any of it pour from your palms.
Who has the resolve with me, if I stir it,

١٢. مَنْ لي بها هِمَماً إن هِجْتُها بَعَثَتْ
من قَومنا أُمَماً مَرَّتْ وأجيالا

13. To rouse from our people nations and generations?
O people of Arabdom, your poet has tried words,

١٣. بني العُروبةِ رَامَ القولَ شاعِرُكم
فما اسْتطَاعَ ولا أرضَاهُ ما قالا

14. But could not satisfy or please with what he has said.
Alas, my strength has faded and today my resolve has weakened

١٤. أَوهْىَ قُوايَ وهَدَّ اليومَ من هِمَمي
داءٌ أراهُ شديدَ الفَتْكِ قتّالا

15. From an illness I see is severely epidemic and fatal.
A young man's life passes for an allotted term,

١٥. عيشُ الفَتى مُدّةٌ تمضِي على قَدَرٍ
والعمرُ لابُدَّ مطويٌّ وإن طالا

16. And life inevitably folds up, however long.
If one of you says, it would have honored him more,

١٦. إنْ قَالَ قائلُكم ما كان أكْرَمَهُ
لو زادنا زِدْتُكم حُبَّا وإجلالا