1. Has Qasim been deceived, O Asma, by what he supposed?
Stay behind the curtain, for man is deluded.
١. أَغرَّكِ يا أَسماءُ ما ظنَّ قاسمُ
أَقيمي وَراءَ الخِدرِ فَالمرءُ واهمُ
2. If my absence is revealed, I will remember you
And regret the growth today of your memory in me.
٢. ذكرتُكِ إِنّي إِن تجَلّت غَيابتي
عَلى ما نَمى مِن ذكركِ اليَومَ نادمُ
3. You are extremely distressed by the veil when there is in it
Nothing but what those visions and allegations have yielded.
٣. تَضِيقينَ ذرعاً بِالحِجابِ وَما بِهِ
سِوى ما جَنَت تِلكَ الرُؤَى وَالمَزاعمُ
4. Greetings to morals in all of the East
When honours are violated in homes.
٤. سَلامٌ عَلى الأَخلاقِ في الشَرقِ كلِّه
إِذا ما اِستُبيحَت في الخُدورِ الكَرائِمُ
5. O Qasim, do not attack with your army seeking
Through your people and Islam what Allah knows.
٥. أَقاسمُ لا تَقذِف بِجيشكَ تَبتَغي
بِقَومِكَ وَالإِسلامِ ما اللَهُ عالمُ
6. From the first builders we have a remaining
With which our honours and the sacred things seek refuge.
٦. لَنا من بِناءِ الأَوّلينَ بَقِيَّةٌ
تَلُوذُ بِها أَعراضُنا وَالمحارمُ
7. I ask myself when you crept in wanting it,
Are you of the builders or are you a demolisher?
٧. أُسائِلُ نَفسي إِذ دلفتَ تُريدُها
أَأَنتَ مِن البانينَ أَم أَنتَ هادمُ
8. Were it not for those whose afflictions you weep for
No upholder of morals in Egypt would have stood.
٨. وَلَولا اللَواتي أَنتَ تَبكي مُصابَها
لَما قامَ لِلأَخلاقِ في مِصرَ قائِمُ
9. You tossed to us in the book as though
Its pages were of battles the warriors carried.
٩. نَبذتَ إِلَينا بِالكِتابِ كَأَنَّما
صَحائِفُه مَمّا حَمَلنَ مَلاحمُ
10. So in each of its lines there is a sudden calamity,
And in each of its letters an attacking army.
١٠. فَفي كُلِّ سَطرٍ مِنهُ حَتفٌ مُفاجئٌ
وَفي كُلِّ حَرفٍ مِنهُ جَيشٌ مُهاجِمُ
11. Your affection - the matter has exceeded the boundary
And there remains in the world for your people no compassionate one.
١١. حَنانَك إِنّ الأَمرَ قَد جاوزَ المَدى
وَلَم يَبقَ في الدُنيا لِقَومِكَ راحمُ
12. The roaring lions have besieged us openly
And the wolves crept toward us in the darkness.
١٢. أَحاطَت بِنا الأُسدُ المُغِيرَةُ جَهرَةً
وَدبَّت إِلَينا في الظَلامِ الأَراقمُ
13. And I care not what the enemy reaps when he shoots
Like the least that the friendly peaceful one reaps.
١٣. وَأَبرَحُ ما يَجني العَدُوُّ إِذا رَمى
كَأَهون ما يَجني الصديقُ المُسالمُ
14. For us in God's book there is an adorned glory
And eternal kingdom over eras and time.
١٤. لَنا في كِتاب اللَهِ مَجدٌ مُؤَثَّلٌ
وَمُلكٌ عَلى الحدثانِ وَالدَهر دائِمُ
15. When we will, our might makes the earth quake,
And its regions and capitals submit to us.
١٥. إِذا نَحنُ شِئنا زَلزلَ الأَرضَ بَأسُنا
وَدانَت لَنا أَقطارُها وَالعَواصمُ
16. We attack and overwhelm the nations and we bend
With our oaths their booty and spoils.
١٦. نَصولُ فَنجتاحُ الشُعوبَ وَننثني
بِأَيماننا أَسلابُها وَالغَنائمُ
17. We have spent our lives vanquished, our souls withering
And determination failing us among the risers.
١٧. قَضَينا المَدى صَرعى تَخورُ نُفوسُنا
وَتَخذِلُنا في الناهضينَ العَزائِمُ
18. There remained only that our kingdom be surrounded
And only that the greatest things make us anxious.
١٨. فَلم يَكُ إِلّا أَن أَحيط بِملكنا
وَلَم يَك إِلّا أن دَهتنا العَظائِمُ
19. The earth's peoples hastened seeking their own affairs
While a people slept in Egypt unconcerned.
١٩. تَداعَت شُعوبُ الأَرضِ تَسعى لِشأنها
وَغُودِرَ شَعبٌ في الكِنانَةِ نائِمُ
20. We sought the virtuous ladies, wanting them
Herds grazing sustenance and they are sublime.
٢٠. هَمَمنا بربّاتِ الحِجالِ نُريدُها
أَقاطيعَ تَرعى العَيشَ وَهيَ سَوائِمُ
21. But a man who at night casts his sheep
To where the wolves lounge in the darkness is unjust.
٢١. وَإِن امرأً يُلقِي بِلَيلٍ نِعاجَهُ
إِلى حَيثُ تستنُّ الذئابُ لَظالمُ
22. And every life that wrongs honour is disgraceful booty
And no life made great by misdeeds is protected.
٢٢. وَكُلُّ حَياةٍ تَثلِمُ العرضَ سُبّةٌ
وَلا كَحياةٍ جَلَّلتها المَآثمُ
23. Do the glorious and the highborn come
With what the beards and turbans failed against?
٢٣. أَتأتِي الثَنايا الغُرُّ وَالطُرَرُ العُلى
بِما عَجزت عَنهُ اللِحى وَالعَمائمُ
24. May God forgive a people whose suspicions went too far
So neither the approach is safe nor is opinion wise.
٢٤. عَفا اللَهُ عَن قَومٍ تَمادَت ظُنونُهم
فَلا النَهجُ مَأمونٌ وَلا الرَأيُ حازمُ
25. Beware - in Islam there is a festering disease
And God's book for the disease is decisive.
٢٥. أَلا إِنَّ بالإِسلامِ داءً مُخامِراً
وَإِنَّ كِتابَ اللَهِ للدّاءِ حاسمُ