1. Longing in your heart is reassured and startled,
And passion for yourself controls and returns.
١. شجنٌ بِقَلبِكَ يَطمَئِنُّ وَيَفزَعُ
وَهَوىً لِنَفسِكَ يَستَقِلُّ وَيَرجِعُ
2. You forget the setting suns, and for love of the loved
A sunrise has appeared from your eyelids.
٢. تَنسى الشُموسَ الغارِباتِ وَقَد بَدا
لِهَوى الأَحِبَّةِ مِن جُفونِكَ مَطلَعُ
3. A tear hesitated behind your resolve,
Melting, so they both overflow.
٣. دَمعٌ تَرَدَّدَ مِنكَ خَلفَ عَزيمَةٍ
ذابَت فَفاضَ كِلاهُما يَتَدَفَّعُ
4. It's up to you to stay up all night devoted,
Did your pillow disturb you or did the bed toss?
٤. لَكَ أَن تَبيتَ عَلى الصَبابَةِ عاكِفاً
قَلِقت وَسادُكَ أَم تَلَوّى المَضجَعُ
5. Can a tired eyelid bear the burden of sleep?
Can an aching heart obey the rule of patience?
٥. أَيُطيقُ عِبءَ النَومِ جَفنٌ مُتعَبٌ
وَيُطيعُ حُكمَ الصَبرِ قَلبٌ موجَعُ
6. You were afflicted by Egypt, and Egypt in the sanctuary of love
Is a home that brings lovers together.
٦. تَبَلَتكَ مِصرُ وَمِصرُ في حَرَمِ الهَوى
دارٌ تَضُمُّ العاشِقينَ وَتَجمَعُ
7. The fervor of hearts is collected for it, indeed
Hearts altogether are collected, and ribs.
٧. يُجبى لَها شَغَفُ القُلوبِ وَإِنَّما
تُجبى القُلوبُ بِأَسرِها وَالأَضلُعُ
8. You're not alone in your passion,
All the youth are passionate, all are obsessed.
٨. ما أَنتَ وَحدَكَ بِالكِنانَةِ مولِعاً
كُلٌّ بِها صَبٌّ وَكُلٌّ مولَعُ
9. A land that provides every complainer with sorrow,
Homes find their comfort, and the four [friends].
٩. دارٌ تُزَوِّدُ كُلَّ ناءٍ لَوعَةً
تَجِدُ الدِيارُ غَليلَها وَالأَربُعُ
10. Raising foreheads out of arrogance,
More prestigious and higher glory.
١٠. وَضَعَ الجِباهَ الشُمَّ عَن عَليائِها
جاهٌ أَشَمُّ لَها وَعِزٌّ أَرفَعُ
11. The cup of chaste love is above its right,
Passion heats it, so the ardent is struck down.
١١. كَأسُ الهَوى العُذرِيِّ فَوقَ يَمينِها
حَرّى يُلِمُّ بِها المَشوقُ فَيُصرَعُ
12. The martyr walks on the martyr, indeed
He walks in the footsteps of friends and follows.
١٢. يَمشي الشَهيدُ عَلى الشَهيدِ وَإِنَّما
يَمضي عَلى أَثَرِ الرِفاقِ وَيَتبَعُ
O Egypt, you are the goal of every soul,
١٣. يا مِصرُ أَنتِ لِكُلِّ نَفسٍ مَطلَبٌ
جَلَلٌ وَأَنتِ لِكُلِّ قَلبٍ مَطمَعُ
14. Majesty, and the hope of every heart.
In every dejected there is a grieving complainant,
١٤. في كُلِّ مُطَّرَحٍ حَزينٌ يَشتَكي
وَبِكُلِّ مُضطَجَعٍ صَريعٌ يَفزَعُ
15. And with every fallen, a victim startled.
The Nile flows in you, at its full strength,
١٥. يَنسابُ فيكَ النيلُ مِلءَ عِنانِهِ
فَالحُسنِ ينبتُ وَالملاحَةُ تَنبُعُ
16. So beauty sprouts, and saltiness springs forth.
Your luck, that beauty is made a symbol,
١٦. حاباكِ مِن جَعلَ المَحاسِنَ آيَةً
لَكِ مِن رَوائِعِها الطِرازُ الأَبدَعُ
17. For you, of its masterpieces, the most wondrous creation.
For you, from the hands of beauty, every exquisite
١٧. لَكِ مِن أَيادي الحُسنِ كُلُّ سَنِيَّةٍ
يَجني هَواكِ عَلى القُلوبِ فَتَشفَعُ
18. Reaps your love in hearts, so it intercedes.
The excuse of youth is that your love is misfortune
١٨. عُذرُ الصَبابَةِ أَنَّ حُبَّكِ سُؤدُدٌ
عالٍ وَمَجدٌ ما يُرامُ فَيُفرَعُ
19. Sublime and glory not to be attained, so it branches out.
You bring souls to life through murder, so neither death
١٩. تُحيينَ بِالقَتلِ النُفوسَ فَلا المُنى
تُطوى لَدَيكَ وَلا الدِماءُ تُضَيَّعُ
20. Is folded before you, nor blood wasted.
٢٠. بِدَمي وَكُلِّ دَمٍ إِلَيَّ مُحَبَّبٍ
دَمُكِ الزَكِيُّ إِذا أَصابَكَ مُفجِعُ
21. With my blood and all blood beloved to me
Is your pure blood, if disaster strikes you.
٢١. إِنّي قَضَيتُ فَكُلُّ عيدٍ مَأتَمٌ
حَتّى يُظِلَّكِ عيدُكِ المُتَوَقَّعُ
22. I have fulfilled, so every feast is a funeral
Until your expected feast shades you.
٢٢. اللَهُ شاءَ فَمَن يُبَدِّلُ حُكمَهُ
وَقَضى القَضاءَ فَمَن يَرُدُّ وَيَمنَعُ
23. God willed, so who can change His judgement?
And ordained fate, so who can refuse and prevent?
٢٣. سيري عَلى بَرَكاتِهِ وَتَمَسَّكي
مِنهُ بِحَبلِ عِنايَةٍ ما يُقطَعُ
24. Walk in His blessings and hold fast
To the rope of His care that cannot be severed.
٢٤. تَمشينَ ظامِئَةَ المَطالِبِ وَالمُنى
وَكَأَنَّما يَمشي إِلَيكِ المَشرَعُ
25. You walk thirsty with hopes and wishes
While favors walk to you with ease.
٢٥. لا تَترُكي المُتَطَيِّرينَ لِيَأسِهِم
اليَأسُ يَكذِبُ وَالتَطَيُّرُ يَخدَعُ
26. Do not leave the superstitious to their despair,
Despair lies and superstition deceives.
٢٦. في كُلِّ أُفقٍ إِن نَظَرتِ وَكَوكَبٍ
نورٌ يُضيءُ مِنَ الرَجاءِ وَيَسطَعُ
27. In every horizon if you look, and star,
A light shines with hope and emerges.
٢٧. فَخُذي البِشارَةَ مِن فَمي وَتَأَمَّلي
آياتِ رَبِّكِ وَاِنظُري ما يَصنَعُ