1. With your sword you have chosen to swiftly slay
You were made to drink the bitterness of death, so drink Abu Jahl
١. بِسيفك فيما اخترتَ من عاجلِ القتلِ
سُقِيتَ ذُعافَ الموتِ فَاشْربْ أبا جَهلِ
2. It is the sword, had it not been for cowardice its edge would not be blunt
And it would not be satisfied with jesting amidst serious enmity
٢. هُو السّيفُ لولا الجبنُ لم يَمْضِ حدُّه
ولم يَرْضَ في جِدّ الكريهةِ بالهزلِ
3. You witnessed the battle seeking rest for yourself
From your burning hatred and rage
٣. شَهِدْتَ الوغَى تَبغِي على الضّعفِ راحةً
لِنَفْسِكَ من حِقدٍ مُذيبٍ ومن غِلِّ
4. Pharaoh, even if you are ignorant, the battle will not be ignorant
With its youths and elders overseeing it
٤. أفرعونُ إن تجهلْ فلن تَجهَل الوغَى
فَراعينَها مِن ذي شَبابٍ ومن كَهْلِ
5. It afflicted you with the harm that afflicted you
And you missed what Ar-Ruway’i attained of virtue
٥. أصابَك فيها ما أصابَك من أذىً
وفاتَك ما نالَ الرُّوَيْعِيُّ من فَضْلِ
6. Mu’adh attacked you before him and Mu’awwadh
Came to you, his zeal boiling
٦. رَماكُ مُعاذٌ قبله ومُعوّذٌ
وجاءك مَشبوباً حَمِيَّتُهُ تَغلي
7. The sword freely made you drink obedient blood
So from a lofty ascent to an easy descent
٧. سَقى السّيفَ عفواً من دمٍ لك طَيِّعٍ
فَمِن مُرتقَىً صعبٍ إلى مُسْتَقىً سَهْلِ
8. Leave jesting O son of Hanzala, it is
All seriousness, if you had any sense
٨. دَعِ الهزلَ يا ابْنَ الحنظليَّةِ إنّه
هو الجِدُّ كلُّ الجِدِّ لو كنتَ ذا عقلِ
9. These two, Al-Lat and Al-Uzza, have led you astray
And increased you in misguidance and confusion
٩. هِيَ اللاّتُ والعُزَّى أضلّتْكَ هذِهِ
وزادتْكَ هذي من ضلالٍ ومن خَبْلِ
10. Your wretched neighbor has passed away in disgrace, and
Your ropes are cut, so look, do you see any rope now?
١٠. مَضَى جارُك المأفونُ خَزيانَ وَانْقَضَتْ
حِبالُك فَانْظُرْ هل ترى الآن من حَبْلِ
11. You used to hope that you would see Al-Hubal whom
You were pleased with as a lord, prevailing and ascendant
١١. لقد كنتَ ترجو أن ترى الهُبَلَ الذي
رَضِيتَ به رَبّاً يَفوزُ ويَسْتَعْلِي
12. You attained Ibn Mas’ud – glory and elevation
While Allah’s enemy attained disgrace and humiliation
١٢. أصبتَ ابنَ مسعودٍ سَناءً ورفعةً
وباءَ عدوُّ اللّهِ بالخِزي والذُّلِّ
13. So take his sword and raise your voice in gratitude
For after you asked your Lord, what giving He bestowed!
١٣. فَخُذْ سَيْفَهُ ثم ارفعِ الصَّوتَ شاكراً
فما بعدَ ما أعطاكَ ربُّك من سُؤْلِ